Coy Little Wolf

Catch Me

I should be working on my fantasy au chaptered KrisHo fic, but UGH my muses aren't working with me there. Here comes a truckload of wolf au KrisHo feels I didn't think I'd ever need --- but really, how can I ever get enough of KrisHo?

It had been days since Kris started to track this pack of wolves down. Their trail of paw prints led through the whole, blanketed area of the forest, and there were certain trees that they had defecated on. While they seemed to be starving, frozen bits and piece of bones, they were constantly moving, and the only assurance Kris has that they were alive were the soft howls he and his own pack would hear at night.

He sighs, pawing the ground in anxiety as he waits for the rest of his pack to report back to him. The only reason he was trailing this pack of wolves was because there was no Alpha - not one that he caught scent of, anyway. That meant that the whole pack was probably in shambles, ready to fall apart, and they all smelled like pups. Pups, and one or two adult wolves that were probably the betas of the pack. Black fur greets his line of vision as his own lanky Beta lopes up to him, olive eyes glinting with emotion.

"This way, Alpha! I saw one of them down at the stream."

Kris quickly follows the black-furred wolf as they race towards where he last saw them. Fortunately for them, when they arrive, the pack is still there, and definitely in worse condition than Kris had initially thought. He'd imagined they'd be starving bags of bones, a little skinny in their torsos, but right now he saw the devastation in their eyes, their ribs protruding from their sides, and their muzzles so skinny it looked like they didn't have any energy to even eat. But he couldn't let his emotions take over right now. Not now.

"Where's your Alpha?" He barks out, glowering at them as they cowered before him. The largest - a reddish, brown wolf - steps forward and whines, his muzzle and lowering his head.

"He's dead," The wolf replies, and Kris assumes that this was the beta. Despite his skinny frame, he looked strong. "When we woke up, he was gone. Probably buried by the snow. He was limping last night, and he looked as if he was about to collapse so..."

There was a sad whimper from the back of the pack, and Kris looks over toward the caramel-colored pup. This is the omega, he thinks to himself as he rakes his eyes over the skinny, lanky frame. The pup was small, and he seemed to be very attached to their former alpha - he was trying not to whimper, but the soft noises escaped him every few seconds.

Kris gives all of them another once-over, before he turns to the black-furred wolf behind him. 

"Tao, get them back to the house."

Tao nods and begins to round up the exhausted wolves - there were about five of them in total, and the Beta starts to herd them back towards the house. One of them pauses in front of Kris, a soft, reddish color and he bows in respect.

"Thank you, alpha."

The rest of the wolves remain quiet on the trip back, silently mourning the loss of their old leader. Kris understands the solemn atmosphere, and just stays at the back, nipping at the skinny heels of the omega to keep him from lagging behind. In front, the largest, brown wolf stops and lets out a howl towards the moon, the rest of the pack following suit. Once their mourning chorus was done, they trudged on in the snow towards their new home.

When the new pups are finally clean from the dirt and snow from the forests, they lower their heads and try to Kris' hand, happy for the new home they had. The Alpha just smiles and gives each of them a pat on the head, ruffling the omega's hair affectionately. He gets a long, wet on his hand for that, and he ushers the pups out of the huge bathroom into the bedroom they all shared.

"Lay, bring them some food," He tells the medic of the pack, and the brunette bobs his head once before running off toward the kitchen with Luhan in tow. Then, he turns to the pups. "So, tell me your names."

"I'm Chanyeol," The brown wolf spoke in a deep, baritone voice, almost surprising Kris. "I'm the- used to be beta."

"I'm Baekhyun," The small, red wolf who had bowed to him before pipes up before gesturing to the owl-eyed youngster beside him. "This here's Kyungsoo."

"Jongin," The blonde near him speaks up, trying to nudge the alpha's hand to his hair, nodding towards the other blonde beside him. "And this is Sehun, our omega."

Kris nods before he speaks. "I'm Kris, alpha of this pack."

He gestures to each of the wolves as he says their names - to the black-haired male with sharp eyes beside him, the beta, Tao, the two wolves who had just left was Lay, the brunette, and Luhan, the honey-blonde youth. Then there was Chen, a brunette with prominent cheek bones, and Xiumin, who had chubby cheeks. 

"So, would you tell me how you guys got into such a state?" He asks the largest wolf, who looks up at him with somber eyes.

"Our alpha was sure we could find a nice home to build here... And, well," Chanyeol grimaced, pulling his lips down into a frown. "You know what happened next."

Sehun grew quiet at that sentence, and Kris takes note of that. Baekhyun moves the omega until the boy has his head rested upon the smaller male's lap. Despite being the omega, Sehun was quite tall, looming over all the older wolves - with the exception of Kris and Chanyeol, and Kris could feel waves of negativity rolling off the youngest member.

"Don't worry," Tao smiles at all of them. "We'll take care of you now. We're a pack now."

They all smile at the beta - though Kris can't help but notice their smiles don't reach their eyes.

The first scents of a strange wolf comes with the fresh pine smell of the growing trees even in the harsh winter, and Kris watches as the pups play in the dark woods. Below their paws, the snow made soft sounds as the youngsters raced, yipping and darting in and out of the trees' shadows as they played tag. Kris had been lucky to be excluded from the vigorous romp, mainly because the pups had quite an impressive amount of energy that he could never seem to keep up with.

He thinks nothing of the strange scent at first, because stray wolves come and go. His pack was already full with eleven wolves, and unless the wolf was suitable mate and parent material, Kris didn't want to stick his snout into the snow and sniff out the individual. From the unique scent, he learned that the wolf was rather weak, and probably male. He hasn't caught a peep of the strange wolf, but he knows that said wolf had only arrived in their woods recently, judging from the way that the wolf was walking in and out of the woods - or was it a way for the wolf to keep his enemies confused?

The wolf smelled of musk and winter, probably due to being out in the snow for too long, along with a mix of something sweet – vanilla, most probably, and Kris inhales the strange scent once again before closing his eyes. He's only jerked out of his reverie when he feels a wet nose nudge his shoulder blade, and he turns his gaze upon Tao's lanky frame.

"What's wrong, alpha?" Tao asks, dipping his head a little as an apology. 

"Do you smell that, Tao?" Kris asks back, tilting his head to the side at his beta. "Do you smell that strange scent?"

"It's a wandering wolf, isn't it?" 

"Yes, and we're going to find him."

It's midnight, and Kris stalks the edge of the woods where he last caught a whiff of the straying wolf. Tao stands tall and proud at his side, scanning the whole area to look for the wolf they were stalking, and sighs softly when he doesn't see anything. It's certainly a colder evening tonight, and he huffs, his breath coming out in a soft, white puff. 

"Tired?" Kris huffs at him and the beta's muzzle - it hadn't been necessary for Tao to come along with him in the dead of the night, but the beta insisted. Be it out of loyalty or concern, Kris didn't mind some company, especially in the form of a disgruntled yet concerned beta. 

Just as Tao is about to answer, there's a movement out of the corner of their eyes, and before they know it, they react in instinct and start chasing it. There was nothing in the snow - except that when Tao moved, something shot out of the snow with fur so white it probably would've gone unnoticed by the two wolves.

It was fast despite it's small and skinny frame, and Kris moves to close in on its left flank with Tao closing in on its right. Snow flurries behind them in trails as they dash through the snow with tongues lolling and breaths escaping in short, sharp pants before Kris jumps - and misses the wolf just as it ducks quickly to avoid the lunge. Crashing straight first into the snow, he stands up quickly and shakes off the snow piled on his head, watching as his beta chases the white wolf, unrelenting in his chase.

After observing how the white wolf runs in a zigzag motion to shake the beta off its tail, he notices that the wolf has a slight limp in his left paw. Kris moves and starts running after the both of them, closing in in no time on the wolf once more. He swore he saw it glance in his direction once, as if telling him to off, and that just fuels his legs to move faster.

He lunges once more and manages to grab the wolf by the scruff of its neck, making the both of them tumble into the white blanketed ground. Snarls and growls rip through the air as the wolf struggles to get away from the strong grip, ferocious snarls rippling continuously through his throat. Kris held him against the ground, and the wolf twists and turns until they're tangled in an impossible angle, with Kris still towering over him and with a strong grip on his scruff. It takes a few minutes until the wolf realizes - with many twists and turns to get out of the hold - that he's got no way out, and he lets his body fall limp from exhaustion and effort.

Even when the wolf quietens and ceases its struggling, Kris doesn't let go of its scruff, and he then notices how skinny the wolf actually was. It was just skin and fur over bones, the outline of its ribcage could clearly be seen - definitely in worse shape than the pack he'd found before. Every heaving pant that the wolf let out sounded raspy, and as if he'd been running a marathon for days instead of just about half an hour. 

Tao finally runs up to them, and shifts quickly before taking the white wolf from Kris and laying it on the floor, placing its head on his lap. The wolf tries to struggle against the beta when he moves, but Tao is faster and stronger than the wolf, and the white creature falls back to the snow with a loud yelp. He pants softly and lets Tao his fur and study the injuries that he'd sustained. 

Kris shifts back seamlessly into his human form, and he kneels beside Tao to get a look at the wolf. It was definitely a beautiful wolf, with fur as white as the snow, and eyes that were colored a vivid cyan, and if it had a little more flesh, it would look absolutely stunning. The wolf closes its eyes - the final form of surrender - and Kris lifts it up into his arms.

"Let's go home."

The bathroom is quiet - except for the splashing of water and the soft scrubbing noises of soap as Kris washes the male in front of him. If he thought the wolf side of the male was stunning, then the human side was practically half a god. He silently continues to wash as he admires the beauty in front of him - pale, pale skin that reflected the white fur, a head of silky, brunette hair, eyes that were soft and understanding, and soft, plush lips that were all too attractive for the single alpha. When he's finally done scrubbing all the dirt and grub, popping pimples and treating any scrapes the male had, he seats the male on the chair in the kitchen and gets to making a light meal for him.

"What's your name?" He asks, to make light conversation as he tries his best not to burn any eggs. 

"Suho," The male answers, giving a soft smile as he watches the alpha struggle with cooking eggs. "Thank you... you know, for saving me."

"It's fine," Kris grins at him before removing the eggs from the pan and sliding them onto the waiting plate. "I'm Kris."

"Am I pack now?" Suho smiles gently at him, muttering a soft thank you when Kris slides the plate in front of him. He starts to eat slowly. "Do I call you alpha?"

Kris doesn't understand why, but there's a tugging on his heart and heat pooling in his lower regions when he hears the question. his lips, he just gives a simple smile and prays that his face doesn't give his lust away.

"Yeah, you call me alpha."

Suho's lips quirk up at the corners, subtly, as if he knows what Kris is thinking as he finishes the eggs quickly. He moves over to where Kris is standing, placing the plate in the sink before he stops in front of the alpha - and the alpha just notices how the male is about half a head to a head shorter than him - glances up at him in a coy manner before he tiptoes, places a soft kiss on the taller male's collarbone and lets his lips quirk up into another smile before he's out of the room in a heartbeat.

Kris' legs gives out from under him and he blinks slowly, trying to grasp what had happened - and what the heck of a wolf he had let into his house. 

And he swears he hears soft laughter from said male as the brunette heads up the stairs.

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yeeeeeah. gonna sleep now bc work tomorrow. sigh. why is the weekend so short. anyway, update probably this coming weekend. maybe.


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Chapter 18: Indeed love this one...junma regret now after having children hehe good luck kris
2439 streak #2
Chapter 13: their pups are so sassy! HAHAHA
lmao at them trying to see how babies are made! KIDS DO YOU WANT TO BE SCARRED FOR LIFE??? holy moly!

what a lovely family and pack they all are in! :)
2439 streak #3
Chapter 10: Suho may be alpha female, but he's still alpha and better think twice before doing stupid things Lu and Jongin!
2439 streak #4
Chapter 4: HOTTTTTTT
from fumbling mess at the beginning of the chapter to tied and tangled in the end HIHIHI
didn't expect them to go all the way the first time they go at it... *no matter how many times I've read this already HAHAHAHA*
2439 streak #5
coy Suho continues being coy and ranks matter? coz we only tease a ually frustrated alpha in this pack! HAHAHA
2439 streak #6
Chapter 1: Suho was so coy from the very first time they met lol
Chapter 18: This was a great and I loved it! I felt like I was on a roller-coaster...well done!
ReadRealize #8
Chapter 3: ah i miss ot12
1489 streak #9
Chapter 14: I just....can't. My heart can't take the sweetness of Kai calling Suho as 'mama'. Like, omigash, that's so pure and sweet and everything nice, like puppies, rainbows and kittens. Aaaaah!! I really love how Kai and Sehun thinks of Suho as their 'mother'.
farasha #10
Chapter 8: This chapter ruined everything for me .. I can't continue reading this story, cus Jongin and Luhan? Really?
Anyway good job dear and nice story.