
Fighting for You

Today Yoonmi could wake up late since no one home and it was okay if she did her chores later because she was the only one home. She woke up at 7AM since she needed to go to work. This week she changed her shifts since she had no class. If Namjoon needed help she would be able to volunteer. She would go to work alone since Taehyung didn’t have a break. Yoonmi changed her clothes and went to the cafe. She walked at a slower pace than usual since she had more than enough time. Suddenly, she got a text. Who is texting me this early in the morning? It was Taehyung.

I heard your school has a break. So what are you doing?

It’s just a random text, but…wait didn’t he have class?

Yes. I'm not doing anything special since I didn’t go anywhere. Wait. Don't you have class now?

Not so long after that, Taehyung replied her text.

Yup, but I’m skipping the class :p

WHAT?! Hey! Go to the classsss!!

On the other side, Taehyung was smiling reading Yoonmi’s text. It was just a short text, but having come from Yoonmi made it extra cute. He imagined Yoonmi telling him to go back to class like that.

How could I go back if I'm lying down in bed? – Taehyung

Yoonmi stopped walking. She talked to Jinhee a few days ago and Jinhee told her she was going to go to Daegu with her parents to visit her grandparents. Taehyung is sick and alone? Yoonmi tapped her phone screen and called someone.

“Namjoonnn! Can I switch my shift? Taehyung is sick and he is alone. Hmm. Okay! See you tomorrow! Thank you!” She changed her shift since she was planning on visiting Taehyung. Taehyung was a great friend to her; it was the least that she could do. She hadn’t any more strange feelings, yet. She wanted to return the favor for the comfort hegave her a few days ago. Before she went straight to Taehyung’s house, she went to buy him breakfast since she knew he hadn’t had any breakfast. Yoonmi's never been to his house since she's never dropped off Jinhee. Finally she arrived at his house. The house was simple and minimalistic. She heard footsteps as she rang the bell.

“Who is—Yoonmi? Why are you here?” Yoonmi was greeted by a disheveled Taehyung. Taehyung just wore a black t-shirt and basketball shorts. His hair was messed up but she found it kind of cute and his voice was hoarse due his sickness.

“Visiting you. And I heard from Jinhee that she is away with the parents, so I bet you are all alone.” Taehyung let her in. It was Yoonmi’s first time going into Taehyung’s house. His house was clean and quite gloomy. The atmosphere was different. Yoonmi pushed away those thoughts and assumed it was because of the dark wallpaper.

“Don’t you have the morning shift? I heard from Namjoon.” Taehyung went to the kitchen and searched for something.

“Yea, but I switched it. It’s okay. Hey, I think you should go rest up upstairs.” Yoonmi raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips. A sigh escaped Taehyung’s lip as he dragged his feet upstairs.

“You are nag more than my mom. That’s an improvement, Yoonmi-ah.” Before went upstairs, Taehyung ruffled Yoonmi’s hair, leaving pouted Yoonmi. When Taehyung went up to his room, Yoonmi prepared the food. She made porridge since it was healthier and cheaper than buying it. She went upstairs and found Taehyung sleeping. She put the food on the table and something caught her eyes. It was Taehyung and a girl. It was when Taehyung was around six. A girl? It couldn’t be Jinhee since Jinhee hadn’t been born yet. The girl seems smaller than Taehyung. Yoonmi’s thoughts switched as she heard Taehyung cough. She went closer to him and put her hand on his forehead. WHAT? HE HAS A HIGH FEVER! In an instance, Yoonmi went to search for a towel and cold water. She pressed his forehead him with the cold towel. She sat in the floor and rested her arms at the edge of Taehyung’s bed. She analyzed Taehyung’s features. She still asked why he hadn’t had a girlfriend yet. He is so charming and handsome. Yoonmi stood up when she saw Taehyung was a bit better. She walked downstairs and observed the house once again. She walked to the living room and saw frames standing on the shelves. She walked around and looked at the pictures. There was a couple posing for a photo; it was supposed to be Taehyung’s parents. They looked really alike. Yoonmi looked around and saw that there weren’t that many photos, they are just family photos. There was a picture of Taehyung and Jinhee. Taehyung was around 11 and Jinhee was still so small. She picked up the frame since it’s kind of odd. Taehyung didn’t even smile or what. Usually, Taehyung would smile, but, here he just gave his poker face. When she picked the frame up, a photo slipped out of it. It was Taehyung and…the girl again. It was the same girl as the one she saw in Taehyung’s room. When she was about to pick it up, she heard foot steps.

“Yoonmi? Where are you?” It was Taehyung. Yoonmi put the frame back as soon she heard Taehyung’s voice.

“Yoonmi?” Finally, Taehyung reached the living room. He was all sweaty. Yoonmi went closer to him, checking his temperature. He was better than before.

“Let’s eat your food. I already made it for you, but you were sleeping.” Yoonmi walked to the kitchen and heated the porridge with Taehyung behind her.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep, but I’m veryyy sleepy.” Taehyung walked to the kitchen, following Yoonmi. He leaned on the counter and watched Yoonmi heat his food. In Taehyung’s eyes, Yoonmi looked so motherly. It was the figure that he searched for his entire life.


“Hey, don’t you have anything to do?” Taehyung sat on the couch with Yoonmi beside him. They sat together and watched a random variety show. As soon as Taehyung asked her, Yoonmi realized that she had to meet up with Jeongguk. Yoonmi stood up and collected her things.

“I have meeting with Jeongguk to speak about the art project. I already prepared your dinner. Don’t forget to eat okay?” Yoonmi rushed since it was fifteen minutes to 5PM. Taehyung just nodded since the knobs started turning in his head. Yoonmi and Jeongguk? He never thought about Jeongguk getting close to Yoonmi since Jeongguk was extremely cold. Taehyung could bet that Jeongguk had family issues since he knew about that well.

“Alone?” Taehyung escorted Yoonmi to the door. He asked before the girl left. He was afraid that something happened to the girl. Someone with family issue was someone should be noted.

“Yup. It’s just a school project. So no problem.” It’s just like Yoonmi could know Taehyung’s thought. She could hear a concern tone in his voice. Yoonmi waved from afar, before disappear from Taehyung’s sight.


Damn...I’m late!! Yoonmi ran to the café. When she arrived she looked around and found a boy wearing a grey sweatshirt and black jeans. He had a cup of Americano on his right and his phone on his left.


“Eh, what are you saying? You’re going to meet her alone? Please don’t be awkward and cold to her. She’s a nice girl. You should be kind hearted to a girl. But if Areum..it’s up to you. And, you should start the conversation first. And—“ Jimin lectured Jeongguk who just informed his friend that he would meet Yoonmi alone. Jimin was just afraid that it would be very awkward since Jeongguk was freaking cold hearted and she was bad at starting conversation.

“Okay, okay. Stop it. I know. Just shut up! See you.” Jeongguk ended the call before Jimin could start talking again. Once Jimin started talking, it was like the monorail in Japan; he would talk at the speed of light. Jeongguk checked his clock on his phone. 4.50PM. Why is she late? This is not like her. Jeongguk checked his social media sites to past the time. Then he heard the café’s door open. He pretended to be busy with his phone, even though he wanted to look at her. He heard footsteps coming toward him. He looked up and found the girl he has been waiting for.

“Sorry, I’m late. I had something to do.” Yoonmi gave him a weak smile. She sat in front of him. She looked around, trying to avoid Jeongguk’s stare. Jeongguk was staring at her and analyzing her appearance; she looks so tired. Jeongguk cleared his throat, filling the silence.

“So, what are we going to do? I heard you’re good at art.” Jeongguk talked forgetting about all the chit-chat. He always talked to the point.

“Hm, I’’m not that good, but we can make…a painting? Like we do the painting together? But if you don’t want to, I can make it alone.” Yoonmi talked loud at the first line, but she just murmured the latter. NO! LET’S DO IT TOGETHER! It was like Jeongguk shouted in his mind, No no no, let’s do it together.

“Hm, good idea. But I think we need to do it together since it’s a group project. And I have nothing to do during the holiday.” Jeongguk opposed Yoonmi’s idea to work alone. Jeongguk sipped his Americano. He raised his eyebrows as he noticed that Yoonmi only looked at the ground. This is really awkward, and in this kind of state I need Jimin, a sigh escaped Jeongguk’s lips.

“Do you want something?” Jeongguk broke the silence. Yoonmi looked quite surprised since Jeongguk started the conversation. Yoonmi just shook her head, telling him that she didn’t want anything. But Jeongguk called the waiter and ordered something. Few minutes later, the waiter came with a caramel macchiato. It’s the drink that I always buy! Yoonmi frowned. Jeongguk knew her favorite drink.

“You shouldn’t bu—“

“I insist.” Then Jeongguk sipped his coffee again, followed by Yoonmi who sipped hers. The time flew as the two teenagers just drank their drinks, without conversation. It was quite relaxing, since they needed silence. The sky became dark. Jeongguk looked at his wristwatch. It was already 7PM. He looked at Yoonmi too who had already finished her caramel macchiato. Jeongguk stood up, making Yoonmi jump a little.

“It’s already late. I’ll walk you home.” Before Yoonmi could protest, Jeongguk already walked away. A sigh escaped the girl’s lips. Yoonmi followed Jeongguk who was already walking. Suddenly Yoonmi’s eyes caught something: it was a flower shop. She realized that she hadn’t gone in there in a long time. Should I go? She fell into deep thought so she didn’t realize that she wasn’t walking behind Jeongguk anymore. Jeongguk stopped because he felt that Yoonmi’s wasn’t following. Jeongguk went back to her and stood a few steps ahead of her. Yoonmi came back to her senses after she bumped into Jeongguk’s broad chest. She stumbled and luckily Jeongguk caught her before she fell to the ground.

“Wah, I’m sorry.” Yoonmi was still in Jeongguk’s grip. His grip sent a jolt through her body. Jeongguk just nodded and pulled her up.

“Are you okay?” Jeongguk asked and Yoonmi could feel a concern behind his voice. Yoonmi just nodded since she didn’t know what to say.

“Let’s go.” To prevent losing Yoonmi again, Jeongguk grabbed her hand and lead the way since he already knew her where her house was. Even though the weather was chilly, they stayed warm due to the skin contact. Jeongguk pulled her closer, closing the gap between them and grabbed her little, chilly hand tightly. Jeongguk’s touch didn’t just make Yoonmi warm, but it made her nervous. Her heart started beating uncontrollably, so was Jungkook’s. Focusing on her nervousness, Yoonmi didn’t see that  Jeongguk’s lips had twitched upwards.


“So I guess we can do the project tomorrow?” Jeongguk asked as they arrived at Yoonmi’s house. Yoonmi just nodded since she had nothing to do.

“Where?” Yoonmi asked back. Hearing her voice made Jeongguk want to smile, but he hid it by biting his inner cheek.

“Hm, can we do it at my place?” Yoonmi was surprised since Jeongguk suggested his place. She thought that Jeongguk wasn’t the type of person that would invite his friends over. Wait, am I already his friend? Yoonmi just nodded. For Jeongguk, he needed to work at his place since he couldn’t leave his work. He was afraid that suddenly his father would ask him to do some of the company’s paperwork. Actually, Jeongguk wasn’t really free at all this holiday since he still needed to do work for the company, but to spent time with Yoonmi, he wouldn’t mind multi-tasking.

“I’ll leave then.” Before Jeongguk left, Yoonmi grabbed the hem of his shirt, telling him to wait. Yoonmi rushed in to her house, and came out with a red scarf.

“Here, it’s cold.” Jeongguk raised his eyebrows, but inside, he felt like he was on cloud nine. He grabbed it and put it around his neck.

“Thanks.” After saying thanks, he left. Yoonmi stood in front of her house, watching Jeongguk walk away. She went in when Jeongguk’s figure faded away. Jeongguk walked to his house under the drizzle with a little smile on his face.



Author Note!

YAY!! THANK YOUR FOR SUBSCRIBING (keep subscribing lol) OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS A LOT AHAHAHAHAHAHA AND I GOT SOME COMMENTS THIS WEEK! THANK YOU A LOT OMG AND SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE U____U it was my fault hehehehe i was too absorb to my game (i play cookie run :p) so bcs of that i am still writing chap 10. urgh hahahahaha and YAY YOOTAE MOMMENT <3 poor jungkook who need to wait yoonmi :p but its okay , he's going to appear more, soon! hahahahaha stay tune!

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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you