
Fighting for You

It’s been a month since school started and for Yoonmi it’s been quite normal as of now. She has learned                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a lot attending while Woonam. But the school was quite biased; they spoiled the students from the rich families. Some teachers don’t get angry or give them detention when they came late or they didn’t do the assignment. But for the scholarship students—Yoonmi being one of them—they don’t extend the same privileges. One thing that Yoonmi found out was that Areum was the headmaster’s only daughter.


When class ended Areum came to Yoonmi’s desk,“Yoonmi-ah! Do you want to go to ice cream shop today?”


“Ah, it’s okay I guess,” it’s rare for Yoonmi to accept Areum’s invitation.


“YAY!” Areum smiled and took Yoonmi’s arm.


“Let’s go! The others are already waiting!” Both of them made their way to the school’s gates.


“Others? Is there anybody else than the four of us?” The four of them being Nara, Jungeun, Areum and Yoonmi. They sometimes hang out together. Although, Yoonmi wasn’t always able to go because she had to take care of her little brother and attend her part time job. Today, for example, is a day that she is able to hang out with her friends because her little brother went on a field trip so he would come home late.


“Oh, yes, and there will be someone that I want to introduce to you!”  Areum grinned. When they arrived at the school’s gates, they just found Nara and Jungeun. When Areum asked Nara where the rest of them were, Nara said that the rest would join later. On way to the ice cream shop, Yoonmi asked herself who the rest that were going to join them. She wondering how they looked like. Somehow she thought it would be some y girl from another rich family. She let a sigh escape her lips and followed the girls. They were talking and talking for half an hour. For some reason, Yoonmi was extremely bored. She would have preferred to stay in the art class rather than come hangout. Suddenly her thoughts were distracted by the girls' giggles that resonated around her. Several good looking boys walked in to the shop, more precisely, walked to Yoonmi’s table.


“Hey!” Yoonmi could hear Areum’s high pitched voice.


“Hey! How are you guys?” A pretty boy asked them as he s his hand around Nara’s waist. Seriously, he was so pretty. Biggest pretty boy I have ever seen. He is prettier than me. Yoonmi bit her lips out of self-consciousness. 


“Good! How about you, oppa?” Nara replied eagerly.


“Good too!” And the pretty boy began talking with Nara—just Nara. They were in their own little world; it was as if nobody else was here. 


“So, mind to introduce yourself?” A boy with a cute eye-smile sat beside Yoonmi.


“Hm…Kim Yoonmi,” Yoonmi let out an awkward smile. She wasn’t really good at making friends.


“Just that?” The boy just got nod from Yoonmi.


“Fine…I’m Park Jimin. That pretty boy is Kim Seokjin, but it’s okay to call him with Jin. The one with Jungeun is Min Yoongi and that one…“ Jimin pointed at the boy beside Areum. Jimin leaned in to Yoonmi and unconsciously, Yoonmi leaned in too.


“Is Jeon Jeongguk,” Yoonmi nodded while furrowing her eyebrows; she was thinking of something. 


“Aigo! Why so cuteee!” Jimin pinched Yoonmi’s emotionless face, which caused her to yelp.


“Yahhh…” Yoonmi rubbed her cheeks, whining at Jimin. Jimin just let out a chuckle 




“Look at them! They are so cute,” Areum whispered to Jeongguk. 


Usually, Jeongguk didn’t pay any attention to any of Areum’s friends. To him, Areum’s friends were all the same: y and annoying; same as Areum. Jeongguk analyzed Areum’s new friend. Suddenly, the scene played again; the scene when the girl treated him when he was hurt. The girl is her! That’s the girl that helped him! He needed to be sure so he observed Yoonmi again.


Yoonmi was casually talking with Jimin. She found out that Jimin was pretty funny and good at making conversation; they talked about their classes and teachers. She learned a lot about Jimin: he was in the dancing class. His class was next to Yoonmi’s actually. He has a little brother and he loves to eat. It was nice finding out these things about Jimin. Although, I couldn’t help but feel uneasiness when I felt pair of eyes staring at me. 


“What happened?” Jimin asked when he noticed a change in Yoonmi’s. 




“Nothing but you furrowed your eyebrows.”


“Tsk! Ah! I forgot!” Yoonmi suddenly stood up. “I’m sorry I need to go now.” Yoonmi apologized.

“Why so sudden?”


“I need to fetch my little brother.”


“I see. I’ll get going as well.”


“Eh, Why?”


“Look at them. Jungeun with Yoongi, Nara with Jin and Areum with Jeongguk. And me? I’m all alone,” Jimin pouted. Yoonmi thought Jimin’s actions were cute and chuckled. 


“Aw..Poor you! You should get a girl!” Yoonmi playfully hit Jimin’s arm.


“Tell them I’m going ok?”


“Yes boss!” Jimin saluted.




“Hey! I’m going first okay?” Jimin hit Jeongguk’s head.


“Why so fast?”


“My mom called. She needs a hand at the house.” 


Jeongguk just nodded. He knew it was lie since Jimin’s mom is never at home. He wanted to ask about Yoonmi.


“Where’s Yoonmi?” Areum asked. 


“Ah, she needed to fetch her brother. See you guys.”


“Bye Jiminiee!” Areum smiled and waved her hand. 


Jimin! Take me with you! Jeongguk sighed heavily. Jeongguk couldn’t stand hearing Areum talking for so many hours. Jeongguk just sat and listened to Areum’s unnecessary story.


“I need to go now,” suddenly Jeongguk said out of the blue.


“Why?” Areum exclaimed as she pouted. Jeongguk was disgusted. 


“Hoseok-hyung called me.” Hoseok was Jeongguk’s friend. They met when Jeongguk started learning how to dance.


“Aw okay. See you later then.”




“NOONA!! WHY SO LATE!” Jaewon ran to his sister who had just reached the park near the school.


“Aigo! Am I super late, Jaewon-ah?” Jaewon pouted and nodded. “Noona was sorry okay?”


“Don’t say sorry to me noona, say thanks to Jinhee and Taehyung-hyung,” Jaewon pointed at the two figures that weren’t far from them.


“Okay, but could you introduce them to noona first?” Jaewon nodded eagerly and ran to Jinhee and Taehyung.


“Jinhee-ah! Hyung! This is my noona! Kim Yoonmi!” Jaewon introduced his noona.


“I’m Kim Jinhee, Jaewon's classmate,” Jinhee introduced herself as she behind her brother.


“I’m Jinhee’s older brother, Kim Taehyung,” Taehyung gave Yoonmi his noona-killer-smile.


“As you has already heard, I’m Kim Yoonmi,” Yoonmi gave them smile too.


“Noona! Can I play with Jinhee?”


“Hm I don’t know it’s getting dark. Jinhee needs to go home too.”


“Aw,” Jaewon pouted.


“It’s okay, unnie. I want to play with Jaewon too!”


“I guess it’s ok as long as your brother gives his approval,” Yoonmi looked at the kids, then looked at Jinhee’s older brother.


“I’m okay with it,” Taehyung agreed with the kids


“Alright, then don’t play to far okay?” The kids jumped around in pure joy while the teenagers sat on the bench near the park.


“So, I can guess you are from Woonam High?” Taehyung came and gave her a can of coffee.


“Yup. You? I’m guessing you aren’t from Woonam..”


“Nope, I’m from Samwoo High.”


“Ah! The one that famous for it’s dance team! Am I right?”


“Yeah, you could say that,” Taehyung gave her a little smile. “Jaewon has told me a lot about you.” 


They talked while looking at the younger played.




“Yup. He’s proud of you to have you as his older sister.”


“Hearing that makes me really happy. I can’t play with him too much since I have a part time job. But when I do have time, I try to spend time with him.”


“You’re a good sister, Yoonmi.”


“Thanks. You’re a good brother too. It’s hard to come across a big brother who willingly picks up his little sister.”


“Really?” Taehyung chuckled at Yoonmi’s statement.




“I treasure Jinhee a lot. She’s the only person that I have,” Taehyung looked at the kids playing blankly. “Sorry for talking non-sense.”


“It’s okay. For me, Jaewon is the only person that I have, too.” Yoonmi used the same statement that Taehyung did without thinking about the meaning the statement had. 


She’s different. Taehyung thought.


“Noona! I’m hungry!” “Oppa! I’m hungry too!” The kids whined while touching their stomachs. The older sibling looked at each other and smiled.


“Let’s eat then!” 


The four of them ate at the nearest restaurant. It was already 8PM when the four of them had finished eating. After they walked Jaewon and Yoonmi home, Taehyung and Jinhee bid goodbye to their friends. 




“KIM YOONMI! Why are you so late! It’s already 8PM and you just bring your brother home?” Her step-mother yelled.


“Mom! It’s not like that. Noona didn’t do anything wrong! I’m th—“


“Jaewon! Go upstairs,” her step-mother ordered Jaewon. Jaewon gave her a very disapproving look.


“Jaewon! GO!” Now her sister was the one ordering him. He heavily went up stairs.


“Now, let’s hear your excuse.”







Author Note!

Finally an update. I hope you guys like the update, and thank you for the new subscriber. I hope there's a lot people who going to subscribe this story (and dont forget to comment as well). And i will be suffering in this week since i have TRY OUTS (i got bahasa+chemistry tomorrow) omg ;A; i hate to study. Now i am studying and write the chap 5 (it's going to be pretty long! hahahaha, just wait) And yeay! in this chapter we are know that the boy who is got into fight is jungkook. hahahaha cold-bastard kookie :-P and there will be a lot Taehyung sweetness. JUST WAIT. i made Taehyung love kids since boy with kids are sweet and cute hahahahaha

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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you