
Fighting for You

please read the author note! thank youuu!



After spending time with Jeongguk, Yoonmi couldn’t sleep really well, either she thought about her mother that she missed a lot or Jeongguk. Yep, it’s just Jeongguk, all about him, his past, his story, his coldness, his smile, his touch. Her thoughts were disturbed by her phone that rang. She smiled as soon as she saw the caller ID.


“YOO!! HOW ARE YOU OMG! I MISSED YOU A LOT. YAYA YA YA YA HOW’S YOUR PROJECT WITH JEONGGUK?! HE’S COLD RIGHT?! I WILL SMACK HIS HANDSOME FACE OH AND WAS HE OKAY YESTERDAY? I MEAN DID HE TELL YOU SOMETHING? OH GOODNESS I’M BORED NOW I WANT TO GO HOMEEEEE KIM YOONMI!!!!” It’s none other than Park Jimin. Jimin was in his mother hometown. Back then at the café, before the holiday started, his mother called him to pack his belongings. 


“Wait, one by one! I can’t answer your questions at the same time!” Yoonmi laughed at her super silly friend.


“Yes, okay, little princess, now answer my question. One by one!” Little princess?! Am I Areum?! Yoonmi laughed at Jimin’s word. Little princess wasn’t exactly a word that could describe her. It perfectly matched Areum since she was….princess-like. 


“I’m not a princess. That actually suits Areum more.” 


“Areum, my . She will get annoying when you know her more. NOW ANSWER! HOW WAS YOUR PROJECT WITH JEONGGUK?!!” Yoonmi just raised her eyebrows. She will get annoying when you know her more. Is she that bad? 


“So, it was okay. We didn’t really chit-chat really much since, yeah, you know him.” Yoonmi hadn’t finished answering, but Jimin already interrupted.


“Was he okay yesterday?” Concern could be heard in Jimin’s voice. He was worried about his best friend.


“No, but, I learned something new about him.” 


“He told you?!” Wah! Did Jeongguk already open up to Yoonmi?! Is Jeongguk going to change?! Jimin thoughts went everywhere, thinking of all the possibilities. 


“Hm…yeah, the story was long until h—Wait, someone is in front of my house. I’ll call you back.” Yoonmi dismissed the call before Jimin could speak. She didn’t let Jimin speak since he would nag her not to end the call. She went downstairs. Who is coming this early? It’s still 8 in the morning. Yoonmi opened the door and found a boy with bunch of snacks in his hands.


“Hey!” The boy greeted her with a smile plastered on his face that could swoon any girl. 


“Taehyung?” Yoonmi remembered that she made a promise with Taehyung, but not this early! She hadn’t taken a bath. She just finished cleaning the house. 


“Let’s spend time at home. I’m lazy to go outside. The sun is killing me!” Yoonmi bit her lips preventing to laugh hard as she heard Taehyung said that. He looked like Nara or Jungeun when it came to PE class. Plus! Taehyung’s hand even swayed.


“Pft, okay princess, but can you let me take a bath first, I just cleaned the house.” Taehyung ruffled Yoonmi’s hair as he came into the house and put the snacks on the table in the dining room. It’s the first time that Yoonmi had a guest for herself. She never brought friends home. Hahahaha, princess, I got the nickname virus from Jimin.


“Yes, but who do think you are calling a manly man like me a princess, huh little girl?!” Taehyung playfully squished Yoonmi between his arms. Taehyung’s sudden action made Yoonmi heat up. Too close! 


“Yaaa! It was Park Jimin who taught me that!!” Yoonmi tried to slip away from Taehyung, but couldn’t but he was too strong, until Yoonmi poked his stomach.  


“Okay, okay. Now take a bath, your smelly!!” Taehyung pushed Yoonmi away and made his way to the living room. Yoonmi went upstairs and took a bath.




Taehyung looked around as she went upstairs. It’s his first time in Yoonmi’s house. The house looked comfortable but somehow, it looked quite tense. She is from a normal family right? Taehyung had a bad feeling about this, but he tried to ignore it. Taehyung looked around again. He didn’t see a family photo anywhere. Even though he had family issues, his family still displayed a framed photo. Does she have family issues too? Yoonmi’s background created a big question mark for Taehyung and Jeongguk.


“So, what are we going to do today?” Yoonmi came downstairs with her loose black t-shirt and blue checkered shorts that showed her milky legs which made Taehyung blush madly. 


“W—we..we are going to watch movie-e-e, what do you think?” What the hell, why I am even stuttering… 


“Sounds good. I’ll get the snacks, you can get the movie on.” Yoonmi said as she walked to the dining room, taking the snacks. 


“What movie did you want to watch?”


“Anything will be fine with me.” An idea plopped in Taehyung’s mind. 


“Don’t beg to change okay?” A smirk conquered Taehyung’s face. Yoonmi just frowned at her friend’s words. They sat on the couch, with snacks between them. Yoonmi didn’t have any idea what movie she was going to watch while Taehyung was still smiling, no, he was grinning. What’s with this boy? At first the movie was okay, she still enjoyed a bit even though it was a little sadistic. The story was about a group of university students that went to a villa to do their photoshoot project. The villa was antique and old. Yoonmi gulped since she had a bad feeling. She turned to take a look at Taehyung. He was calm with a smirk on his face. Yoonmi set her sight back on the movie and continued eat the snacks between them. She shut her eyes as one of the girls in the movie was cut in half by a man with a ax. She opened her eyes slowly, but shut them again since there was blood everywhere. 


“Taehyung-ahh…” Yoonmi still had her eyes shut, tugging the sleeves of the his shirt. Taehyung just hummed.


“What movie is this?” Yoonmi didn’t even dare to look at the television which made Taehyung chuckle. Taehyung put away the snack next to him and moved closer to Yoonmi. He put his arm around her and buried the girl’s face in his chest. Taehyung smiled as Yoonmi stayed still in his embrace. He liked it. Yoonmi froze in Taehyung’s hug. She even could smell his shampoo. It was vanilla.


“Ya-a-a, Wh-at’s the movieeeee, Kim Taehyungggg???” Yoonmi still asked even though she nervous. They were just so close. Her face reddened since she was embarrassed due to her stuttering. She heard Taehyung chuckle a bit, but she couldn’t see his face since she was still facing his chest. She didn’t fight back since she didn’t want to face the movie. 


“It’s a Thailand thriller movie. I borrowed it from my classmate. He said it was good.” He finally replied. 


“What?! Are you craz—” Yoonmi jerked her head, facing the boy next to her. She found he was looking at her. They were so close. For a moment, their gazes locked. A wave of electricity went through their bodies. Taehyung looked through the brown orbs of the girl, as she did to him. The chilly atmosphere was replaced by the warmth that came from their bodies. They didn’t move until Yoonmi’s phone rang. 


“Uhm, sorry, I’m going to go answer the call.” Taehyung released his grip around the girl. Yoonmi went to her phone which was on the dining table. It was Jungkook. Thank you Jeon Jungkook!


“Hey, how are you?”


“Great. How about you?”


“Great.” After his answer there was a silence between them, until the person on the other line cleared his throat.


“So, you said the other day that I could talk to you…” There was a paused in his talk. On the other side, Jungkook was thinking hard if he really should have called Yoonmi or not. He thought that it would be awkward, but he needed her company. He couldn’t help it so he pressed the call button.


“Yeah…so, is there anything that you want to talk about?”


“Hm, it’s not about that I want to talk, but I need you company” Yoonmi took glanced at Taehyung who still sat comfortably on the sofa, playing with his phone. 


“Yea, but when and where?”




“Hm, if it’s today, I can’t because I have plans.” 


“Ah, okay…” Disappointment could be heard in Jungkook’s voice. Is she going somewhere? With who? Everybody is going on vacation. That Taehyung guy? Curiosity crept over Jungkook, but he pushed it away.


“How about tomorrow?” Jungkook asked again. He really wanted to meet her and spend time with her. He just wanted to know her more. 


“Tomorrow is okay. Where are we going?” Yoonmi asked again. From the living room, Taehyung took a glance at the girl. Is she going somewhere tomorrow?


“Just go. I’ll pick you up at 10 okay?” 


“Okay. See you tomorrow.” As the call ended, Jungkook accidentally smiled, so did Yoonmi. Yoonmi took orange juice from the refrigerator and brought it to the living room. 


“Are you going somewhere?” Taehyung asked her, he didn’t want to end their time. 


“No. I’ll be out tomorrow. I have plans with you today.” Taehyung’s lips curved up as he heard her words. It made him happy since they still had spent time with her. 


“So, what are we going to do? No scary movie, no thriller movie. An action movie is okay.” 


“Let’s just talk.” Taehyung put his head on Yoonmi’s lap which made her freeze. Taehyung’s sudden actions always made her jump. 


“T—talk? About what?” Why are you stuttering, you idiot!


“Anything. How about I tell you one thing about me and after that you tell me about you? Fair enough right?” Yoonmi nodded her head.


“I’ll start.” Taehyung said as he played with Yoonmi’s hair. 


“My favorite color is black.” 


“Mine is red.”


“I hate physics.” 


“I hate economy class.”


“I love to eat Japchae.”


“I love to eat bibimbap.” 


“I like to write songs.”


“I like to draw.”


“I want to be singer.”


“I want to be a designer.”


“The one that I treasure the most is Jinhee.”


“The one that I treasure the most is…my mom?”


“Why do you doubt about it?” Taehyung asked as curiosity crept over him. He looked up, facing the girl. Yoonmi just looked at the wall. Taehyung waved his hand in front of her face. Yoonmi still looked at the wall, she didn’t even blink. She was thinking about her mom, again. Lately she has been thinking a lot about her mom. 


“Hey…” Yoonmi looked at the boy as he poked her cheek. 


“Ah, nothing. You said what?” Taehyung sat down next to her as he saw she wasn’t paying attention. She has something that she’s hiding. Taehyung sighed and looked at her.


“Is there something that you want to talk about?” Taehyung asked straight forward. He didn’t know her problems as Yoonmi didn’t know Taehyung’s, but it bothered him because she looked so depressed. Yoonmi opened , aboutto talk, but nothing came out. She still hesitated to tell Taehyung or not. Should I tell him or not?


“It’s okay. If you don’t want to talk, don’t talk. Do not force yourself.” After that, Yoonmi closed again. Taehyung sat and made a gap between them. After that he pulled Yoonmi towards him and laid her head on his lap. Yoonmi’s eye widened as her head landed on his lap. When Yoonmi was going to get up, Taehyung pushed her forehead down and closed her eyes with his hand. Yoonmi didn’t move under his touch. 


“Sleep. You look horrible.” A chuckle came out from Taehyung’s lips. His words made Yoonmi more comfortable under his touch. She smiled as she drifted into her dreamland.




Jeongguk worked again helping his father about the company. Since the company was already big, there was a lot of things to work on. Jungkook finally send his part via email to his father who was still in Japan. He rested himself on his bed. He pinched his nose bridge since he worked all day long. When he was about to close his eyes, he got a message. 


Found a new chick?


His eyes widen as he read the message. There’s a picture of him and Yoonmi walking down the street. 


. Jungkook cursed as he read the sender. He preferred to not reply to the message. 


What her name? Kim Yoonmi?


There was new message, still from the same sender. Jeongguk frowned as he read the message again. How could he know that?


Shut up, Mark. It’s none of your business.


It was Mark. Mark Tuan. One of his junior high school friends, no, corrected it. He was Jeongguk’s rival. 


They always competed in every subject, sport, girls, even fighting. Jeongguk nonchalantly responded at Mark’s challenge. Being born as a multi-talented child, Jeongguk always won. After graduating from junior high, both of them didn’t meet each other again, until one day, Jeongguk bumped into Mark at his way home. They fought. It was the night when Jeongguk met Yoonmi for the first time.


Really? Should I become friends with her?


Don’t dare to touch her.


Are you challenging me? Let’s fight. If I win, I can be friends with her. If you win, I won’t touch her.


. Jeongguk didn’t want to fight. His body was already sore due the work. But he didn’t want Mark to lay a hand on Yoonmi. Mark was scary, but he didn’t scare Jeongguk. To risk Yoonmi with Mark? That was a big no for Jeongguk.




The usual place. At 10.




Yoonmi woke up as she felt the weather grew cold. She realized that she wasn’t in the living room, but already moved to her room. Yoonmi stood up and made her way to the dining room. She found a plate of bibimbap and a little note:


Take a rest, and don’t think too hard. Here I made you dinner, in case you were hungry. Just heat it again. Bye!


Taehyung never failed to make Yoonmi melt due his sweet actions. She smiled and happily ate her dinner.




Jungkook went out at 9:45. He wore his black hoodie and black training pants. He stood at the place that he thought he would never step in again. It’s a warehouse behind the old school. He went in and found Mark, sitting in a wooden chair. Nothing changed, the place still looked the same, even Mark hasn’t changed. He still with his orange-brownish hair and his style never changed, still classy. Mark was the heir of a big Chinese company.


“Long time no see, Jeongguk-ah.” Mark stood up and walked to Jeongguk/.


“Let’s make it fast.” Mark raised his eyebrows and chuckled a bit.


“Take it slow man. Let’s tal—Wohoo. It has been long time ever since you were being rushed out.” 


Jeongguk ran over to Mark and tried to high kick him. Thanks to all the martial arts, Mark dodged it. Without chit-chat, they fought for a quite long time. Nothing came out except the cursing. Both of them weren’t in a good state. They coughed blood, bruises everywhere. Jeongguk’s lips were cut and Mark had a fracture. Wanting to win, Mark took the wooden chair and threw it over to Jungkook. It was kind of cheating since they always set up the rules and no equipment were allowed. Jeongguk made a defense pose with his arm covering his head. He couldn’t dodge it since everything happened too fast. Luckily, it was an old chair that was made from wood, so it wasn’t that harmful, but still it made injured him even more. Jeongguk was already tired, but remembering what he’s going to lose if he lost to Mark, he fought more. After a few more attacks, Mark collapsed. Jeongguk went closer to Mark and grabbed his collar.


“Don’t dare you touch her, or you are going to die.” After that, Jeongguk threw Mark onto the floor and made his way home.




Reaching his house, instead of going to his room, Jeongguk made his way to the couch. He didn’t have more energy to walk. His body was sore and it insanely hurt. He closed his eyes and instantly slept under her spell.



Author Note!

Finally an update :') AND FINALLY REACH CHAP 10 OMG. Sorry for not updating since im so busy. D-8 to my national exam! OMG PLEASE PRAY FOR ME :'"""" im freaking scare. i mean i scare for being not read by the computer system. ANYWAY TOMORROW OUR BOYS HAVE COMEBACK OMG OMG OMG but i wont update this fanfic lol i want to try something new..... I WANT TO MAKE BANGTAN ONESHOT OMGGGG HAHAHAHAHAHA But, i just don't know who is the one i should write(im thinking jungkook again lol sorry for being jungkook biased). SO! Please comment in the comment below so i know who is the one i should write. comment until tomorrow afternoon. And MARK BEING CAMEOOOO LOLOLOL NO! he will show up again, but not so many k k k k k k  k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kk. i hope you guys like the update ;;) thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and subscribe (upvote too, lol) AND THANK YOU FOR STELLAIM FOR UPVOTE THE STORYYYYY :)) THANK YOU SWEETHEART!


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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you