
Fighting for You

The days passed like usual. For Yoonmi, she got closer to Areum and her friends, especially Jimin since Jimin was the one who always approached her. But for some reason, she felt that someone in the group was watching her. Besides that, Yoonmi has gotten closer to Taehyung and found him quite sweet. He always dropped her off at home after work even though his house was the other way. He always started the conversation since Yoonmi wasn’t good at conversation. But Yoonmi still couldn’t give all her trust to Taehyung. She needed time to fully trust him.




“Yoonmi!” The girl didn’t reply.


“Yoonmi!! YOONMI!” At the third call, the girl’s eyes widened. She shot up from her bed, running downstairs, coming to the source of the voice that called her. Her house was not extravagant and was neat for five people that lived here. All of the bedrooms were upstairs; downstairs was where the dining room and thee living room were. Yoonmi rushed to the living room where her step-mother stood tapping her heels. Behind her step-mother, her grandmother stood there waiting while her father was already in the car.


“Yah! Are you deaf? Come down immediately when I call you, okay?”


“Yes, mom.”


“So, your father, your grandmother, and I are going to the countryside for three days. I want you to take care of your brother. Feed him as usual, but remember don’t give him too much sweets. Don’t forget to cl—”


“To clean dad’s library. Pick the fruit from the garden.  And lastly, give Jaewon his daily dose of vitamins.” The girl cut off the older woman since she knew what she needed to do. It was the normal routine for when her parents left town, so she got used to it.


“Okay, you know what you have to do. We’ll leave now.”


“Take care, mom.” The the elders left. Leaving the little boy at home with his independent sister. Being a good daughter, Yoonmi immediately made breakfast for her and her brother. The menu was pancakes with jam. While cooking, Yoonmi’s got a text but she couldn’t read since she was busy.


“Noona,” a voice called her from the living room. The voice was pretty hoarse therefore revealing that the person had just woken up.

“Oh, Jaewon-ah, you’re up! Wait at the table and noona will back with the food.” She could feel that her brother made his way to the table.


“Noona?” Jaewon called his noona, while rubbing his eyes. His noona just gave him little hum.


“Can I play with Jinhee today?” Yoonmi raised her eyebrows for what the little brother asked her.


“Hm, isn’t she busy? I mean it is weekend. Don’t you think she would go out with her parents?” Yoonmi went to the table and put down the food observing her little brother at the same time. Jaewon was still in his pajamas and she could bet on it that it would be hard to make him change his clothes. It’s a bad habit of Jaewon for being lazy, and it was intensified today because mother wasn’t home, so it would be harder.


“Then let’s ask her! Please noona! I’m bored,” Jaewon whined while eating his breakfast.


“Hm, let me think…” Jaewon ran over his noona who was sitting on the couch in the living room. Yoonmi pretended to think to brother. Suddenly, her phone started beeping. She got a text:


Hey! Wanna come hangout with the group?


It was from Jimin. She wanted to go, but seeing her little brother pleading in front of her, she pushed away all of her urge to go. Minutes after replying to Jimin’s text she got another text but from the different person; it was Taehyung.


Hey, are you and your brother free? Let’s go out. Jinhee wanted to play with Jaewon.


“Okay. I’ll let you play. IF you finish your breakfast, take a bath, and eat all of your vitamins.” Instantly, a smile spread over Jaewon’s face.


“OKAY!” As soon as her brother went to finish his breakfast, Yoonmi got a call. A sigh slipped from her lips when she looked at the caller ID.


“WAEEEE?” Jimin screamed into the phone. His voice was so freaking loud she had to pull the phone away from her ear.


“Aish, why are you so loud?” A sigh escaped Yoonmi’s lips. She could hear people’s footsteps on the backgroumd. She concluded that he already at the mall.


“It’s because of you! Now I’m gonna be a loner.” Yoonmi could imagine Jimin whining and pouting. Then Jin or Yoongi would smack Jimin’s forehead. As expected a minute later, Jimin got smacked. 


“YAH HYUNG! IT HURTS!” Jimin was shouting on the other line. All Yoonmi could do was shake her head due to her friend’s silliness. “So why?” Jimin whined.


“I need to take my brother out. I’m sorry Jimin, but let’s go another time, okay?”


“Okay. See you next time.” Yoonmi could feel the disappointment in Jimin’s voice, but she couldn’t do anything. Right after she finished the call with Jimin, she got another call. Without looking at the caller ID, she picked up the phone.


“Hey, I’m sorry Jim—”


“Hey.” The voice was not Jimin’s. Yoonmi thought it would be Jimin since he nagged her to come. It was actually Taehyung.


“Hey, how are you?” Taehyung’s morning voice was deep and kind of y.


“I’m good. And—” Before Yoonmi could continue her words, a little girl’s voice disturbed her.


“Oppa! Can I? Can I? I already took a bath; I finished my breakfast; I even feed EunEun.” It was Jinhee nagging her older brother. A smile popped onto Yoonmi’s face since Jinhee’s attitude reminded her of her little brother.


“Yes, yes, yes. I’ll arrange it with Yoonmi. Okay? Just change your clothes,” Taehyung replied to his sister nagging lazilyy. She assumed that the boy just woken up.


“Hey. Did you just wake up?”


“Bingo! Anyway, are you fre—I mean are you and your brother free? You didn’t reply to my text,” Taehyung changed his words since it seemed wrong. It was like he was directly trying to hit on Yoonmi and she felt it too but she didn’t find it awkward; she actually found it quite cute.


“Sorry, I needed to handle my brother who wanted to play with your sister. Yes, let’s meet up somewhere the kids could play.” Then Taehyun suggested to go to the kid’s indoor playground around the mall, so the elders could grab some coffee and snacks. They would meet around 10 AM. After talking with Taehyung, Yoonmi prepared herself while Jaewon was already ready since he was so eager to play with Jinhee. After preparing herself, Yoonmi made a little snack so the kids wouldn’t get hungry while they were playing.


“Let’s go!” Yoonmi grabbed her brother’s little hand; wrapping it perfectly in her hand. The weather was quite cold. Yoonmi regrets not bringing her coat. Arriving at the place they specified, Yoonmi could see Jinhee whining to Taehyung about Yoonmi and Jaewon’s tardiness.


“JINHEE!!” Jaewon called the little girl and waved his tiny hand.  He ran to the girl and they walked hand in hand. The scene was so freaking cute that Yoonmi was squealing in her mind.


“NOONA! HYUNG! LET’S GO!” Jaewon and Jinhee were already a few steps in front of the elders. 


After they dropped off the kids at the playground, they went to the coffee shop near there. At first they talked about their routines, film, music. Unexpectedly, they had somewhat similar tastes and interests. They shared the earbuds to listen to music and then did their own activities. Taehyung read a book and Yoonmi did her homework. Without noticing, a group of teenagers came into the shop.


“YOONMI-AH!” A voice called Yoonmi which startled her. It was no other than Jimin: the nagging mother.


“YA YOU SA—“ Before Jimin became the center of the attention, Yoonmi covered his mouth.


“Sshhh! Ah. Hey.” Yoonmi greeted Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook. She looked around to find the girls.


“The girls are shopping,” Jin said as if he could read your mind, however he noticed your action.


“So, mind to explain what I see. You said you couldn’t come because you had to take your brother out. But I think your brother is supposed to be younger than you.” A sigh escaped Yoonmi’s lips and she let the boys sit at the empty seats at her table.


“Yes, I really am taking out my brother, but he is at the playground playing with Taehyung’s sister. This is Taehyung.”


“Hi, I’m Kim Taehyung,” Taehyung introduced himself.


“Hm, you probably don’t go to our school, right?”


“Yup, I’m from Samwoo. The route to get to my school passes your school; that’s why the other day, I walked Yoonmi to school.” Taehyung explained. The boys ordered coffees. While talking, there was someone who watching Yoonmi, precisely, staring at the girl. He found himself interested in the girl and was still stunned by her actions the other night. And sporadically, he was sending glares to the boy that was sitting next to the girl. Jeongguk didn’t say anything throughout the whole conversation, just observing the girl’s actions while playing with his cup. The coffee shop’s doors opened.


“Noona! Hyung!” A little boy came to their table.


“Hey little bro! Finish playing?” Taehyung came to the kids and ruffled their hair.


“Yes, hyung! It’s so fun!” “Yes, let’s go again next time!!” The kids eagerly replied to Taehyung’s question.


“Ahem, little kids, may you introduce yourselfs?” Jimin asked them, and gave the kids his so-damn-famous eye-smile. At first, the kids were pretty frightened, but Taehyung and Yoonmi gave them reassuring smiles, telling them that the unknown boys were good boys.


“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Kim Jaewon. Yoonmi-noona’s brother.” The doe-eyed boy with messy hair bowed to the elders—showing some manners he learned from his sister.


“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Kim Jinhee. Taehyung-oppa’s sister.” The girl that had light brown medium length hair bowed too. The kids had some manners due their older sibling that taught them well. They stood between Taehyung’s leg and grabbing his jeans in the process. The kids joined the table, too. After a few minutes of talking, Jaewon found Jimin funny and vice versa. They seemed to hit it off right away. It was different how Jaewon saw Taehyung and Jimin. For Jaewon, Taehyung was a good hyung, but Jimin was like his friend. When Jaewon was busy talking with the hyungs, Jinhee buried herself between Yoonmi and Taehyung. They noticed the weird behavior of the little girl.


“Hey! Don’t be so shy! They are good oppas!” Yoonmi assured her. Suddenly Jinhee went closer to Yoonmi's ear and whispered something. Hearing the little girl’s words, Yoonmi raised her eyebrows and nodded.


“Hey, I think we have to go, since Jinhee is hungry,” Yoonmi broke the conversation.


“Really? I’m quite hungry too. Let’s eat!” Jaewon stood up from his seat.


“So I guess, we’ll go. See you guys at school! Bye!” Yoonmi bid a goodbye to the boys.


“Bye! And, I’ll pay for the drinks. Say goodbye to the hyung/oppa!” Taehyung walked away and grabbed the kids hand.


“Bye, hyung/oppa.”


“Bye! See you again.”


“They are so cute!” Jin said as Yoonmi, Taehyung and the kids left. Now, it was only Jimin, Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook.


“Yup. From far, they look like a family. The Taehyung guy is quite kind. And the kids are adorable.” Yoongi added as he finished texting Jungeun. They kept talking about how adorable the kids are and how shy Jinhee was. But there was one boy who just sat, and drank his coffee. Thinking about the girl that he was attracted to.




After eating, Taehyung dropped Yoonmi off. The kids had fallen asleep, so the elders could talk freely. Before Yoonmi and Jaewon went inside, Taehyung stopped at Yoonmi’s steps.




Yoonmi just gave him a hum as the reply.


“What did Jinhee whisper to you earlier?” Taehyung knew that the hungry thing was a lie. Jinhee wasn’t really hungry since she ate a normal serving for her. 


“Oh, nothing, she was just shy. That’s why she was uncomfortable,” Taehyung nodded at the reason then bid her goodbye. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth. What Jinhee said was:


That oppa, who is sitting there, is staring at you, unnie. It is creeps me out.


Yoonmi knew it was none other than Jeongguk. What does he want from me? Yoonmi thought as she lied down on her bed. Laying there, the more she thought about Jeongguk, the more she started to remember something. His gaze…she’s seen that gaze before. An intense feeling came out from those eyes, not just that, a mix of with loneliness and sadness. Tired of all this thinking, she pushed away all the thoughts and went to sleep. 





Author Note!



THE MV IS FREAKING FANFIC OH NOOOOOOO JINNNNN ADBNINCOWNW I CAN NOT. ok sorry for spazzing at author note. and if anyone hasnt watch it, you could watch it here anyway the chap picture isnt really describe taehyung here. in this story taehyung is freaking sweet but the chap pic isaibfwiucbnwaioubweibevwiws i cant stop spazzing i told ya and my editing skill is fire up because this mv teaser. wait i just a teaser lol

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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you