
Fighting for You


After waking up from her nightmare, Yoonmi prepared herself for school. Her body was numb because her step-mother’s treatment. It was something she had to go through whenever she had done something wrong. She didn’t know when her step-mother was going to finally accept her. It was quite distressing living under the same roof with people that didn’t like you.


“Noona, gwenchana?” Jaewon asked his noona while walking to the school. He noticed his noona pinching her nose brige and rubbing her arms. Yoonmi needed to look stronger in front of his little brother so he could be a strong man. So Yoonmi just nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. But Jaewon wasn’t stupid; he knew what had happened. He knew that his mother didn’t like his noona. But what could he do? He was just an elementary schooler. All he could do was please his noona and try to not disappoint her.


“Noona, if something happens, let me protect you!” Yoonmi was extremely touched by Jaewon’s words. His brother patted his chest and gave his sister a wide smile.


“Thank you, but noona would be pleased if you ran to class since your class will be starting in a few minutes.”


“GAH! OKAY BYE NOONA! I LOVE YOU!” Jaewon waved and ran quickly; hoping he wouldn’t be late. 


Yoonmi smiled over her brother’s behavior. She was really pleased with it. Having a little brother like Jaewon was what Yoonmi needed.


“Hey,” she heard a familiar voice behind her. It was Taehyung. He probably just dropped Jinhee off as well. He wore his uniform that was different from her’s. His was a little bit more simple. He wore a black varsity over his uniform. His black hair was quite messy but Yoonmi found that it looked good like that.


“Hey. Are you going to school?”


“Unfortunately, yes. And for your information, your conversation starting skills are lacking. I mean look, I’m wearing a school uniform, of course I’m going to school, silly.” He ruffled Yoonmi’s hair.


“Yahh! Don’t do that! Don’t ruffle my hair!! ARGHHH!” Taehyung kept messing with Yoonmi’s hair but stopped when he saw Yoonmi accidently pouted. It made his heart stop beating for a moment. Taehyung actually made the calm Yoonmi became noisy.


“Come on, let me take you to the school.” Taehyung walked passed Yoonmi. 


Yoonmi tilted her head in confusion. I mean we’re in different schools, why would he take me to school?


“Our school’s are in the same direction. I always pass your school when I’m going to school, silly.” It’s like Taehyung could read her mind and it was giving her goosebumps.




Then they started heading to school. They talked about a lot of different things. Taehyung was good when it came to conversation. Yoonmi learned a lot of new things about him; Taehyung could say the same about her.


“By the way Yoonmi, can I work at the place you work?” Taehyung suddenly asked out of the blue. It’s was so sudden that Yoonmi raised her eyebrows. She didn’t give a reply for a moment. She closed her eyes and thought about if he could work at her job or not. Actually, more if it’s good that Taehyung worked at my job because she didn’t want to get too close to someone. Scratch that. She didn’t want to get attached to someone. But there was no reason reject him; plus Taehyung was a good guy. In the end, Yoonmi just nodded; leaving Taehyung with a smile on his face.


“But why so sudden?” Yoonmi spoke what was on her mind, which she rarely does. 


“I just want to work. Seeing that you are really independent, I feel really useless. I was thinking about how I should be more productive. Very soon, I need to start making my own money to support myself.” And to get closer to you, of course. Taehyung gave her his too-sweet-to-handle-smile that made Yoonmi's heart beat uncontrolled.


They stopped at Woonam high’s gate. “See you this afternoon Yoonmi. You’re going to fetch you brother right?”


“Yup. Then we’ll go to the coffee shop,” Yoonmi waved her hand as Taehyung walked to his school. Yoonmi still stood at the same spot and watched the figure of Taehyung that slowly fade away.


“AHEM!” Someone cleared his throat behind Yoonmi. Making Yoonmi jump a little.




It’s was everyday that Jeongguk and the boys walked together to school. Sometimes they went by car but lately they’ve been walking. It’s a usual thing for Jimin to talk about last night’s drama with Yoongi since they were drama maniacs; Jin was busy texting Nara; and Jeongguk was listening to music since he has nothing else to do. Actually, he does but he’s too lazy to do it. Every morning Areum texted him a message like,“Good Morning Oppa!” or “How are you?” or “Let’s go out after school.” But Jeongguk is just too lazy to reply.


“Hey! It’s Yoonmi,” Jimin pointed at a figure of a girl near the school’s gate. Jeongguk immediately snapped his head and looked for the girl that he was interested in.


“Wow. She’s with someone. I thought she was single.” 


WHAT? SHE’S TAKEN? Then Jeongguk analyzed the boy next to Yoonmi. They seem close. Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, observing them. She smiled! She freaking smiled. That’s so rare. And it’s a genuine smile, too. The boy seemed normal. Not so nerdy but didn’t classify as one of the popular guys in school. But where was this boy from? His uniform was different that ours.


“AHEM!” Jimin cleared his throat as soon as the boy walked away. That made Jeongguk come out from his thoughts.


“Hey,” Yoonmi gave Jimin a little smile.


“Hey!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SINGLE!!” Jimin was yelling now. Right now, he seemed more like one of those girls that liked to gossip. 


“I am,” Yoonmi reply calmly.


“But you were just talking with a boy. Wait. You aren’t hitting on a random guy right?”


“My goodness, Jimin!” Yoonmi could only facepalm while Jimin was eagerly talking about the new guy. Jimin was acting just like a mother that had just found out her daughter had a boyfriend. Behind them, Jeongguk was actually more curious than Jimin. He was quite uneasy about this whole situation. 


“Can’t I make friends? He is my little brother’s friend’s brother, so stop gossiping like a girl.” Yoonmi’s last words caused Yoongi to burst out laughing.


“See, Jimin. It’s not just us that say you gossip like a girl. She said it too,” Jin said as he smacked Jimin’s forehead and walked away.


“Yah, stop talking about it and let’s go to class!”




“YOONMI-AH!” Yoonmi was putting her books in her locker when she heard Jimin yelling her name. All eyes were on her now. Why did he just do that? First of all, Jimin's voice is really loud and high-pitched. Second of all, it was Jimin who called her. Jimin was one of the most popular guys in school. The other guys were Jin, Yoongi and Jeongguk. The girls were sending death glares to Yoonmi since she was new and was already close to the popular guys. But she didn’t care because all she cared about was studying. She didn’t come here to become popular.


“Hush! Don’t yell. What?” Yoonmi hit Jimin’s arm, causing him to pretend to be in extreme pain. 


“Let’s hang out today!” He slung his arm over Yoonmi’s shoulders.




“Yup-yup. With the others: Areum, Nara, Jungeun, Jin, Yoongi and Jeongguk. But the girls are still at cheerleading practice,” Jimin explained while the other boys were coming to their direction; getting winks from the female students as they were walking. 


“So, will you go?” Yoongi gave Yoonmi a cute smile that made the other female students melt.

Jeongguk kept his poker face even though he really wanted Yoonmi to come. Why do I want her to come? He felt strange that he had gotten to attached to her. 


“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”


“WHAT! WHY?” Jimin said in a disappointed tone, but behind him, Jeongguk was more disappointed.


“Wait! Are you hanging out with the boy from this morning?!” Yoonmi just stood in silence after closing her locker. The boys were eyeing her and waiting for her reason. Yoonmi just raised her eyebrows. She walked away after giving them a little bow. 


“NO! DON’T GO!” Jimin was whining as he ran to catch up to Yoonmi. But someone stopped her near the school gates.


“What’s happening?” It was Areum, with Nara and Jungeun behind her.


“Yoonmi won’t go hang out with us!” Jimin appeared next to Yoonmi, and the boys following right them. 


“Why?! You rarely come with us!” Areum started nagging. She could easily be the female version of Jimin.


“She’s going to hang—“


“I need to fetch my little brother,” Yoonmi cut him off before Jimin could say anything that could cause rumors.


“Really? Can’t your little brother go home by himself?” Now Jimin was the one nagging, he could be childish than Jaewon. Yoonmi could just gave him a little smile and shook her head.


“Hm, it would be good if you come, to stop Jimin from nagging,” Jin added while pointing at Jimin. 


“HYUNG!” Jimin was whining and as the result he got laughter from the others. Yoonmi apologized to them that she couldn’t come, especially to Jimin. Then she left to pick up her brother at school.




After she dropped off Jaewon, she met up with Taehyung so they could go to the cafe together. They met at the intersection near the coffee shop. It was easy to spot him since there were murmurs of girls next to him. It made Yoonmi quite uncomfortable, but Taehyung was able manage it well. She had to admit that Taehyung was a very good looking one. He was even good looking when he wore a solid colored t-shirt with black jeans. But she shook away all of her thoughts and tried to focus. Don’t get too attached, Kim Yoonmi.




“Yoonmi-ah! You came!” Namjoon greeted her while eying the extremely handsome stranger behind Yoonmi. Female customers were swooning over Taehyung. 


“Hi Namjoon-ah! I brought someone with me.”


“Yes, I know, little girl. I’m not blind. I can see a boy standing behind you. Can you introduce him to me?” Namjoon was still observing the boy that was tailing Yoonmi.


“This is Taehyung. He asked me if he could work here. So…can he?” Yoonmi begged Namjoon. She didn’t disappointed Taehyung. Taehyung was gaving him his best smile.


“Since he’s good for our female population here, I’m going to say yes. Plus, we’re short of workers since Junu resigned due his busy college life.”


“Yeah? Thanks Namjoon-ah!”


“Thank you…” Taehyung raised his eyebrows, asking what he could address the other man.


“Hyung. Just call me hyung.”


“Okay! Thank you hyung!” Taehyung smiled and receive a nod from Namjoon.


“Yoonmi, give him the uniform and the list of things that he has to do. We will talk about your payment later.” Then the two teenagers left, getting ready to start working. 




Author Note!

An update!! Okay Taehyung is going to make a move and sorry for jungkook biased. he will move soon. So just wait. So sorry for updating quite late. It used to be this morning, but due my sickness, i fell asleep. But now i'm writting the chap 6, and k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k  i wont tell you what happen lol sorry if the chap is quite short but the next chap is pretty long. just wait next week (i update once a week). anyway happy chinese lunar new year guys! (sorry if it's a bit late) hahahaha.

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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you