
Fighting for You


"It has been three months since school started and you’ve been taught a lot. As the result, I want you guys to make anything that is related to what we’ve learned. You can choose the topic and the result can be anything. Give me the result the day after the break which means you guys have a lot of time.” The murmurs of students could be heard across the room as the art teacher paused. Time passed like the wind and before we knew it next week was the break. They had a one week break since the teachers had workshops for four days, but to make it easier, the school make it a one week break. It’s an annual mandatory training for the teachers and it meant freedom for the students. But there were some teachers, that like their art teacher, gave them assignments that were due after the holiday. It’s quite troublesome since this is time to get away from the hectic schedule of school.


“And I won’t make you guys work alone! So I WILL pair you all up, so that you can’t select your close friend.” A groan escaped students’ lips as the teacher announced the partners. For some reason, Yoonmi was okay with group work, but if the partner didn’t cooperate, she would tell the teacher and her partner would get a bad mark. On the other side of the class, Areum and Jimin had disappointed looks on their faces. Both of them had the same thoughts. Areum would work with Jeongguk and Jimin with Yoonmi since the four of them were in the same class. On the other hand, Jeongguk just sat and looked nonchalantly out the window. He didn’t care about the assignment. He would just pay his partner to do it alone. But this time was different. When he heard his partner’s name, he jerked upwards and moved his line of sight to his partner. His eyes were on Yoonmi.




“Yoonmi-ah! You are so lucky!” Areum was whining a lot since Yoonmi’s partner was Jeongguk. In her mind, Yoonmi didn’t want to work with Jeongguk since she thought it would be awkward. She would prefer to work with Jimin even though he was obnoxious; at least she was comfortable around him.


“Ha! You are freaking lucky, Jeon Jeongguk! Being partnered up with the top of the art class.” Now it was Jimin whining. Areum and Jimin were a bit sulky with partnering result. Jeongguk was sitting in silence and thinking about what he could do to get closer to her. He wanted to know more, since he was attracted to Yoonmi.


“Let’s switch places! I’m with Yoonmi and your with Areum!” This was Jimin's unrealistic idea. Why was it not recommended? Because the teacher already mentioned whoever switched partners, would get points taken off. 


Plus Jeongguk won’t let this opportunity slip away from his hands. It was a big no-no for Jeongguk. Not in a million years would he want to partner up with Areum. Jeongguk thought about two years ago when he was partnered up with Areum. She was the type of girl that was pretty obnoxious, so she talked continuously during the whole work process. It was such a pain for Jeongguk.


“You can’t do that, or you know the result.” Yoonmi just replied shortly as she ate her food. Shortly after, Jin, Nara, Jungeun, and Yoongi came.


“What’s up with the sulky face bro?” Yoongi hit Jimin’s head as he walked to sit next to him.


“I didn’t get partnered up with Yoonmi for out art class assignment,” Jimin replied as he put his food on the table.


“Still dieting?” Jin asked as he saw Jimin’s food. Jimin just gave him a nod as he chewed his food. He had such a small appetite for a boy. Jimin had a chubby face but he wasn’t that fat, in fact, he was okay. Yoonmi thought that Jimin shouldn’t diet since he was already good enough. The lunch break was filled with laughter and gags that the boys mentioned. Everything was okay with Yoonmi and she didn’t want anything to change because she was comfortable with this.




This Friday, the school dismissed the class early since the teachers had a meeting for the training. This time, Yoonmi went with the others to the mall. It was a written law by the hands of nature that Nara would walk with Jin, Yoongi with Jungeun, Jeongguk with Areum, and lastly Jimin with Yoonmi. To completely honest, Jeongguk preferred to walk alone rather than walk with Areum. They went to a movie to watch a romantic-comedy. It was the girls’ request. Yoonmi was okay with the movie even though it wasn’t her type but the boys weren’t okay, especially Jimin and Jeongguk. In the beginning, Yoonmi was focused on the movie, but ended up falling asleep. She was sitting between Jeongguk and Jimin. Jimin was too absorbed by the movie, albeit he was complaining at first.  Jeongguk looked around and saw everyone occupied with the film, and saw the girl next to him. He started observing her while she was sleeping. Why I am so creepy? He hit himself for being such a stalker, but he couldn’t stop himself either. Yoonmi was sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Before Jeongguk could correct her position, Yoonmi changed her position. Now Facing Jeongguk, she put her forehead on his arm. Her new position made Jeongguk’s heart beat faster and he could see her more clearly. With this little contact, his body grew warm. It made him remember the other night. Without realizing it, the corners of his lips turned upward due to this girl. He didn’t watch the movie, he’s too focused on her. He didn’t realize that someone was watching this whole scene.




After the movie finished, they headed to the food court. They sat and chatted like usual. Then Jimin noticed red mark at Yoonmi forehead.


“Hey, what happened to your forehead?” Jimin went closer to Yoonmi and rubbed her forehead. His action surprised Yoonm and she jerked away. On the other side of table, Jeongguk’s eye twitched due to Jimin's skinship, but what could he do?


“I don’t know…I think I fell asleep…” Yoonmi was rubbing her forehead and Jeongguk found it cute.


“YOU FELL ASLEEP? It was a good film! Seriously, did you see the guy letting go of the girl?” Jimin started blabbering about the film, and soon enough, the others girl joined in. A sigh escaped Yoonmi mouth as she looked at her friend’s behavior. Then someone patted Yoonmi back. It was Yoongi and he mouthed ,’Bear with it, it was like that before you joined us’, Yoonmi just gave him a weak smile. Once again, Jeongguk was irritated with Yoongi's small skinship. Then Yoonmi’s phone rang. It was call. Before answering the call, she mouthed sorry.


“Ah, Taehyung. Why? Ah, no, I’m at the mall. Oh you are going this way? Sure. Okay. See you soon.” After ending the call, seven pairs of eyes were glaring at her. They started throwing her questions like, “Is he your boyfriend?” “Are you guys dating?” “You want to go out on a date?” “Where is he from?” “Since when are you guys together?”, while Jeongguk held back to not ask a question.


“We;re going to work, and he’s going to fetch me here. And we aren’t dating.” Yoonmi cleared all of the misunderstandings calmly. But even thought she cleared everything, JJeongguk was still irritated. He pursed his lips and formed a thin line due to his annoyance about the situatuon. Someone realized Jeongguk’s weird behavior.




"Yoonmi!” Yoonmi turned to search for the voice that called her. She spotted a boy in a varsity jacket and with a sweatshirt on the inside and jeans. He tucked his hand in his pockets. Some girls giggled while he made his way to Yoonmi.


“Oh, hi!” Taehyung greeted the others as he walked next to Yoonmi. Unlike the boys, the girls were eying him since they hadn’t met him earlier. Taehyung just gave her an awkward smile and a questioning face since he didn’t know what to do.


“So, shall we go?” Taehyung raised his eyebrows as he asked Yoonmi to go to work. Before they left, they bid goodbye to the others. As usual, Jeongguk just nodded his head and stayed there in silence.




The weather was cold since winter was near. They went straight to the coffee shop since they didn’t need to fetch the kids because someone already fetched the both of them. Jaewon was picked up by the mother since they wanted to go to the mall to buy the winter clothes. It’s like that every season: Jaewon always got new clothes, but Yoonmi got nothing. Sometimes, Jaewon asked his mother to buy his sister clothes and she would said yes due to Jaewon’s aegyo. Jinhee was picked up by her aunt since she had piano lesson there. So the teenagers walked on the cold streets of Seoul. Yoonmi was shivering due the cold weather. When Taehyung took a glance at her, he noticed that Yoonmi was cold. So he took off his varisty and gave it to her. Taehyung’s sudden action gave Yoonmi butterflies in her stomach. Why does he need to be such a gentleman? Yoonmi was taken aback by his action but she tried to keep her cool.


When they arrived to work, the shop was quite crowded since it was Friday. From the shop’s entrance, everyone could see that Namjoon needed a hand to handle the shop.


“Kids! Come and help me!” In a one swift movement, the two teenagers helped the poor man who was extremely busy.




It was Yoonmi’s break time. She was taking this little break for  a snack which was given by Namjoon once the shop’s customer volume lowered. She was checking if she got any messages or not. She just got a message from Jimin and the others who were asking her about Taehyung. Then she looked out the window. There was a little girl who was walking with her mother. The mother lovingly grabbed her daughter’s hand and they walked in hand in hand. She kept imagining how it was like, how the it felt to be talked to lovingly, how it felt to be embraced. She wanted to feel that kind of warmth, the motherly love she yearned for the most. Tears slipped out her eyes. The figure of her mother couldn’t get out her mind until someone touched her shoulder.


“Yoonmi, are you okay?” Taehyung’s touch made her flinch and she jerked away. She bit her lips and nodded but Taehyung wasn't that stupid. He saw her eyes were glistening because of her tears. Without saying another word, he moved forward, closer to Yoonmi and pushed her head against his lower chest and her head. Taehyung could feel his shirt getting because of Yoonmi’s sobs. They just stood in that position for a long time.




It took a few minutes for Yoonmi to calm down. She was sitting at the same table but Taehyung was now sitting in front of her with a cup of coffee in his hand. There was a hot chocolate sitting in front of her; hoping it would make her feel better. She just looked down at the cup. She didn’t dare look at Taehyung—who sat there calmly—after she cried like that in front of him. Taehyung was just caught her off guard. The way Taehyung comforted her was just the way she liked it: no words being exchanged just the warmth that she needed. Taehyung’s kindness pushed her to want to tell him her story. His actions made her want to open up, but still there was still something that kept her from doing that.


“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk. I’ll tell Namjoon if you don’t feel good so you can go home early.” Taehyung broke the silence. Yoonmi couldn’t stand Taehyung being so quiet. It was new to her, but she needed silence and Taehyung knew that. Before Taehyung could leave, Yoonmi stopped him by grabbing the hem of his shirt. Yoonmi wanted to speak but no words came out. felt dry. Taehyung just stood and waited because he knew that Yoonmi was having trouble speaking as a result of her emotionally state. 


“Thank you.” Yoonmi finally gathered all of her courage to speak. A smile blossomed onto Taehyung’s face after hearing the magic words. Yoonmi’s gloominess made Taehyung kind of sad.  Before he went to talk to Namjoon, he ruffled her hair. That caused a wave of warmth to spread all over her body.




Yoonmi needed to walk home alone since Namjoon still needed Taehyung at the cafe. Even though Taehyung lifted her mood, she still felt quite gloomy. She missed the motherly love that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Since she walked alone today, she took a shortcut she knew about. She never bought Taehyung though here because between the shortcut there was a hidden place where she came when she wanted to be alone and she didn’t want him to know about them. So she stayed there for awhile and then headed home. When she was passing an alley, she saw two drunk men. She quickened her pace, hoping not to bump into the men. But she wasn’t lucky enough.


“Hey little girl. Let’s play with uncle first,” The man slurred his words. One of the men grabbed her wrist. Yoonmi tried to resist the man’s grip but it was to no avail since she was weaker than the man, but she still tried her best.


“Don’t resist,” The other man started talking. Yoonmi was more frightened with the man’s sudden action. The man dragged her to the alley and pinned her against the wall. She tried kicking and resisting the men. Since it was to no use, tears began to stream down her face. Please someone help me. She was hoping that someone would come to help me but it was probably impossible since it was late and the alley wasn’t visible. To answer her prayers, the drunk men were hit by someone. Of course the men loosened their grip on Yoonmi, so she used this opportunity to kick them. Before the men could do anything, the person who rescued her beat them up and brought her to a safer place. Now Yoonmi could see the person who rescued her. She quite surprised to see who had saved her, but this wasn’t their first meeting in these circumstances. 


“Um…Thank you for your help, Jeongguk-ssi.” Hearing his name come out of her lips made him felt at ease. There wasn’t reply from the boy. For few minutes, there was just staring competition between the two teens. Jeongguk was observing if she was hurt. Fortunately, there wasn’t a scratch on her. The girl in front of him wasn’t the usual, calm Yoonmi. This girl was different. She looked fragile and vulnerable. Her eyes were glistening and the tears were threatening to fall. Yoonmi just asked why he was here since it was late.


“You should go home. Let me drop you off.” Jeongguk walked past Yoonmi and stopped at the intersection. She had an urge to reject him, but Yoonmi still accepted his offer. Yoonmi walked a little bit ahead of Jeongguk who was staring at the girl’s back. The walk was quiet. No words were exchanged. Just their sounds of footsteps. Surprisingly, it was a comfortable silence. Both of them weren’t bothered by the silence, instead of that, both of them were enjoying each others company. It was quite weird but both of them didn’t think twice about it. Finally they arrived at Yoonmi’s house.


“Ehm, thank you for your help and for walking me home,” Yoonmi’s voice broke the silence. Jeongguk didn’t reply, instead just stared. He stared at Yoonmi’s brown eyes: eyes that were filled with exhaustion and sadness. A sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes. He pulled out his phone and took Yoonmi’s phone which she was holding in her hand. He tapped something into her phone.


“I put my number in there and I have your number, so we can talk about our art project,” Jeongguk said as he handed her phone back. Yoonmi just nodded at his words.


“You should go in. It’s cold.” JJeongguk’s words surprised Yoonmi. The words were lined with concern and worry and it was absolutely genuine. It surprised her even more because it came out from his mouth. A cold-hearted person like Jungkook who never talked to her at school was showing so much concern. 


“Take care then.” Before she went in, Yoonmi took a glance at Jeongguk who already walking away. After his tall figure faded away, Yoonmi went in. Her house was freezing. Everybody was already sleeping. She walked to her room and prepared to take a bath. After she was ready to fall sleep, she got a message:


Hey. How are you? Are you feeling better? It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. You should rest up.


It was Taehyung. He never missed to send a sweet message every night. A smile crept up onto Yoonmi’s face as she read his text. She tapped her phone’s screen and replied. A few minutes later, her eyes started to feel heavy. She rested her head on her pillow. She thought of today’s incident and that made her really tired. Before drifting to sleep, she got another text. Without seeing the sender, she opened the message.


Rest up and goodnight.






Author Note!

So a weekday update for bangtan sonyeondan who just has their comeback (yesterday). It should be yesterday, but yesterday i had course until 6 and i had homework. So, now Jungkook is going to appear more! Yay for him! hehehe, and he's just look so freaking hot at the mv, and at the showcase too. His hair just.... perfect! And Taehyung are so sweet and caring here :-))) and i found something that exteremly sweet omg. this made my heard flutter! hahahaha /too much but yes/ boy with kid is just hard to resist! He look so cute with the baby! omg

Hahaha! So cute right? I think the picture already quite old but, it's kay!! And i already hear the entire album and it's good! I like the outro so much ;____; omg you guys should hear it. And thanks for reading the fanfic so far, i hope the story is interesting enough for you to read and dont forget to subscribe!! and i think i wont be update this week, since i will have the practical test next week, i need to prepare my damn freaking 1000words speech ;__; it's just as long as my fanfic. geez my teacher is so freaking cold hearted!

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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you