
Fighting for You

“YOONMI!” A loud, high pitched voice called her name at dawn. Yoonmi woke up due to the noisy sound from downstairs. She looked at her alarm clock at the head of her bed. It’s 3AM. Why am I being called this early in the morning? She just sighed, grabbed her phone and dragged her feet downstairs. She found her family all gathered in the living room. Including Jaewon who was still sleeping in his pajamas. She found her step-mom who was busy with her phone. Her step-mom was already dressed and looking fabulous. Her step-mom was really trendy when it came to fashion. Behind her step-mother, she found her father who was also dressed with…suitcases?


“We are going to the countryside where we visited back a few weeks ago. Your father has work to attend to there and we’ll stay there for a week. I’m bringing Jaewon this time since he’s has a break, too. It’s okay if you want to go out but keep the house safe. And no parties! I know a teenager like you would like to have people come over or sleep over but that’s a big no-no. Having guests is all right though. Don’t forget to do all of your chores. That’s all. If there’s something that I want you to do, I’ll text you. Arasso?” Yoonmi just nodded due to her drowsiness. She was so freaking sleepy since she was up late doing homework and then she had trouble falling asleep because she was thinking about her mother. Her feet brought her to the couch. She closed her eyes and sailed away to dream land. The last thing she heard was her mother mumbling, “Aish this sleepyhead.” She just pushed it away and continued sleeping on the couch.




Yoonmi felt the buzz from her phone which was her alarm. She opened her eyelids and looked at the clock. 5AM. She didn’t switch off the alarm even though she was on break. She looked around and found nothing besides her empty house. Then she remembered about her parents leaving for the week. She looked upstairs to go check on her little brother, but she didn’t find him. Ah! Jaewon has break, too! Jaewon has a break too since his school was run by the same people as Yoonmi’s school; therefore the teachers at Jaewon’s school also had workshops. Suddenly, her started beeping. She didn’t check the sender, but immediately opened it:




It was none other than Jimin. The only person who wrote in short message with caps lock on was Jimin. A smile crept onto Yoonmi's face. Finally, she could hang out with her friends freely. Friends? Let’s just call it like that since they hang out sometimes. They didn’t say anything like “Let’s be friends” or whatnot but they drew the line by themselves. Yoonmi replied that she could hang out with them since she was free. The meeting place and time was set. They met after lunch at the café at the mall. Yoonmi still had a lot of time to do her chores.




On the other side of Seoul, a boy sat on his edge of bed. He looked at his clock that was placed on his table. 5AM? Then he laid down and closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep. After a few minutes of trying to sleep, someone knocked on his door and woke him up. He made his way to the door and opened it. He found a beautiful woman in her early 40s. She wore a cream colored sweater with black skirt. She gave him a sweet smile before talking.


“Jeongguk-ah, have you slept? I saw your light wasn’t off at 3AM when I was awake preparing your father’s things. You shouldn’t abuse your body.” It was his step-mother. He just nodded at her statement and waited since he knew she still had something to say. Sometimes he wanted to be nice to her but he couldn’t.


“And your father wants to see you.” Jeongguk just nodded since he knew his father was going to see him sooner or later. It had been weeks since he last saw his father due to his overseas business. He made his way to his father’s office. He knocked twice and opened the door as soon as he heard his father telling him to come in. When he stepped inside the room, he could smell his father expensive cologne. The room was elegant with dark wallpaper. The racks of books showed that his father was a big reader. The lights were dim and that added a cozy effect. His father was sitting at his table working on something facing the monitor. Jeongguk made his way to the couch in the middle of the room. He sat comfortably; waiting for his father to join him. A sharp pain hit Jeongguk’s head because of his lack of sleep. He closed his eyes and pinched his nose bridge. Soon, a man in his mid-50s walked cooly towards Jeongguk. The man’s figure was tall and nicely build. He sat in front of his only son and cleared his throat.


“So, how’s school?” A sigh escaped Jeongguk’s lips. He didn’t know why his father always asked this whenever they talked.


“Skip the chit-chat dad. You can see it on my report card every semester.” Jeongguk’s voice was firm when he talked to his father. It wasn’t that he didn’t respect his father, he was just bored of the chit-chat that they always had. His father was bad at starting conversation.


“Okay. I just wanted to thank you for helping with company matters. Your doing well for your age. I want you to get used handling the company. Your mother and I, accompanied by the Jung’s, are going to Japan for work. So be nice and get along with Areum.” See this was his motive. Trying to involve Jeongguk in the company’s matters and telling him to get along with Areum. Even though he didn’t want to interact with Areum. Jeongguk just gave him a nonchalant look and stood up.


“Are you finished dad? Because I need to rest up.” His father just nodded at his son’s cold behavior since he could do nothing about it. It was his fault anyways. Jeongguk left his father’s office and went to go rest in his bedroom.






Jeongguk woke up. He had a nightmare. It was rare for him to have nightmares. He usually would have them when he was depressed. It has been long time since he had a nightmare. His body was sweaty even the room was mild. He looked at his clock. 11AM. He must have overslept. At the first, he just wanted to sleep until 7AM. He grabbed his phone and went downstairs. He served himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. It’s the easiest breakfast that he could think of. He opened his phone and found two new messages. The first one was from Areum; Jeongguk didn’t even open the message. He gets nauseous just seeing Areum’s number. Then he opened the other message:




He raised his eyebrows as he read his friend’s text. He didn’t even know how he was friends with someone as silly as Jimin, but they were best friends. He didn’t plan on going so he was going to take a nap. On his way to the couch, his phone rang. Without looking at the caller id, he answered it.


“YA DID YOU JUST WAKE UP? DID YOU EVEN A—“ It was Jimin’s voice. Jimin was already full of stamina from this early in the morning. He was a major morning person. Jeongguk pulled out his phone from his ear since he didn’t want to hurt his ears. He could hear the footsteps from the other line. He assumed that had Jimin already arrived at the mall. Doesn’t he have anything else to do?


“Don’t yell. Please just talk normally since I can hear you clear enough,” Jeongguk cut his bestfriend’s words. He could tell that Jimin was smiling now.


“So, are you coming to the café or not?” Jimin asked again. Jeongguk was about to agree since he had nothing to do, but he wanted to start the project with Yoonmi so he was going meet up with her later.


“I don’t thi—“ Before Jeongguk could finish his words, Jimin let out at groan.


“Come on, dude! Let’s go! Everybody’s here, even Yoonmi!” Yoonmi? Yoonmi’s name rang in his ear. He changed all of his plans.


“Okay, okay. I’m in.” It’s sounded like Jeongguk was going because he was forced to but in fact, he wanted to go since Yoonmi was going to be there. He didn’t know how but he got attached to her for no certain reason. He thought it was because Yoonmi had a different aura: humble, calm and brave.


“Good! See you later dude!” Jeongguk ended the call and put his phone on his desk. He looked at the clock and decided to take a little nap. His head still hurt.




Yoonmi was busy cleaning her father’s library. She found a book. It was his father photo book. She opened it out of curiosity. It was her father and mother’s photo album. The pictures were of when they would go on dates together. They looked so sweet back then. Her father and mother were so happy back them, She wanted to go back in time and hug them. She didn’t realize that her feelings had brought her to tears. She wiped away her tears and got up. She put the photo book back in its place and continued cleaning the library. Unfortunately, her mood had turned gloomy. Finally, she was finished doing her chores. She sat on the couch and took her phone out. 2PM? Damn I’m late! She was super late since, in their mind, after lunch was 1AM. So, Yoonmi ran to her bathroom and took a quick back since she was super sweaty due to cleaning the whole house. She changed her clothes to a red sweatshirt and black skinny jeans paired with red converse. She slung on her navy backpack and rushed to the café.




Jeongguk woke up as he heard his phone rang. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone which was on his table. He looked the caller ID. It was Jimin. Hhe looked at the clock. 2PM. , I’m late! Jeongguk went to take a shower. He even didn’t take Jimin’s call. He changed his clothes to black t-shirt and black jeans. He took his phone and varsity jacket and rushed to the café. Jeongguk ran full speed so he could get to the café faster; he didn’t want to hear Jimin’s nagging. Since he was running, he didn’t see the street very clearly. He bumped into someone. Jeongguk’s reflexes was pretty good so he grabbed the person’s wrist so the person wouldn’t fall. Neither of the parties reacted; they just stared at each other. He looked into her eyes. For some reason, Jeongguk felt it wasn’t a coincidence—it was a fate. He pulled the girl closer, but to keep the gap, the girl put her hand on his broad chest.


“Are you okay?” Jeongguk asked with a worried voice. He didn’t know what happened but the girl looked quite miserable. She had eye-bags and her hair was pretty messed up. She looked like she was having trouble breathing. The girl just nodded and cleared . He realized that they were in a quite uncomfortable position (for Jungkook, he didn’t feel uncomfortable at all). He realized his grip on the girl. They walked in silence. Sometimes, he wanted to talk to her but he didn’t know how. Then an idea crossed his mind so he could talk.


“So, Yoonmi-ssi, when we can we do our project?” Yoonmi seemed quite surprised when Jeongguk started talking. He never talked; not even in front of Areum—who was his fiancé. One time Jimin told her about Jeongguk and Areum's relationship. He said their parents were close friends. And soon they were going to get married since they were engaged. Yoonmi found that Jeongguk’s voice was quite deep and kind of nice? Yoonmi even didn’t know why, but she would like to hear him talk more.


“Hm, I think we should talk about what we are going to do for project. Then we can work on it.” Yoonmi was quite nervous since she hardly ever talks to Jeongguk. She’s barely with him alone. Jeongguk’s voice reminded her of someone.


“Okay, let’s meet tomorrow at the café at 5PM to talk about what should we do. Then we can start the project the next day.” Jeongguk’s voice brought Yoonmi back to her senses. She just nodded and opened the café door since they had arrived. From the door, both of them could see their friends. As usual, Nara was busy with Jin and Jungeun with Yoongi. It made Yoonmi confused since both of the pairings weren’t dating, but they attached at the hip. On the other side of the table, Jimin sat trying to make Areum stop nagging about how Jeongguk hadn’t arrived yet. Jimin let out an annoyed groan since he didn’t really like girls like Areum. Yoonmi though Areum was okay, but Jungkook and Jimin didn’t like her. Jimin’s eyes swept the café and he found that his best friends had arrived. For Jimin, Yoonmi already counted as his bestfriend. Yoonmi talked a lot with Jimin, so they knew each other quite well.


“YAH! You too! Why are so freaking late!” Now, it was Jimin who was nagging. Jeongguk and Yoonmi sighed at the same time. Surprised by this, they looked each other and raised their eyebrows. They were like a mirror. Their actions was nearly the same. Yoonmi was trying to hold in her laughter or she would sound obnoxious while Jeongguk was biting the inner side of cheeks to hold his laugh. From afar, Areum looked at Jeongguk and Yoonmi, and thought that they looked cute together. In Areum’s opinion, Yoonmi’s calmness matched with Jeongguk’s coldness. Areum shook her head, pushing those kind of thoughts out of her mind. She didn’t want Yoonmi to take J Jeongguk away. Even though he didn’t like her, Areum still liked Jeongguk…




Time passed quickly and it was already was 6PM. They sat in there for hours and played games. One by one they each went home. Nara and Jin left first since they needed to catch their flight to Japan to visit Nara’s parents. Jungeun and Yoongi left next to pack their things since they are going back their hometown. That leaf two pairs of teenagers. Areum was trying to persuade Jeongguk to come with her to Japan with her family that were already there with his parents. Jeongguk kept saying refusing. Eventually, she gave up and accepted his decision.


“Ah! I should go! My flight is tonight!” Areum stood up as she saw the clock on her phone. She put all of her belongings in her neon pink purse. Areum was a truly girl. She was a princess: feminine, elegant and soft.


“Bye!” She was off. A sigh escaped the boys’ lips as soon as Areum left. Yoonmi just raised her eyebrows since she was confused why the boys didn’t like her.


“What’s wrong with Areum? She isn’t that bad,” Yoonmi finally found the courage to ask. She wanted to ask but she never got a chance since Areum would stick with them all day long.


“Wait. You don’t know anything. Jeongguk would agree with me on this: Areum is too girly. Sometimes she is really annoying. She nags too much. She always asks her parents if she wants something. She’s a daughter that is spoiled too much by her parents. I don’t know if her parents realize that they made her into a spoiled brat, but yeah, that’s what she is.” Jimin blabbed everything until his phone rang. He let out a groan before answering the call.


“Yes, yes mom. Yes, I’ll go now. See you.” He ended the call. It was his mom. Jimin never had problems in his family. They had a good relationship unlike his friends.


“As you guys saw, I need to go home since my mom needs me. See you…. AND JEON JEONGGUK! WALK HER HOME. SHOW HER HOW MUCH OF A GENTLEMEN YOU ARE!” Jimin waved as he walked to the door. As soon as Jimin left, silence filled the air. They were sitting across each other. Jeongguk put his coffee down as he emptied it. He looked at Yoonmi who seemed to be uncomfortable.


“Ah, em. I’ll go home too…since…there’s nothing I can do here. Plus it’s already dark,” Yoonmi spoke quietly. She didn’t know what to talk about since she wasn’t good at starting conversation. Jeongguk just realized it. Every time they hang out together, he never noticed she never started the conversation. Being alone with her helped Jeongguk learn something new about her.


“Alright. I’ll walk you.” Jeongguk stood up then tucked his hand in his jean pocket. When Jeongguk was about to leave, Yoonmi stood up and caught up besides him.


“No! It’s alright, I can walk alone. I always walk alone af—“ Jeongguk didn’t want to hear her excuse so he grabbed her hand and dragged her away. His sudden touch made Yoonmi feel some type of sparks. Warmth spread over both of their bodies. Even though winter was coming, they didn’t felt cold at all. Jeongguk’s touch gave Yoonmi a weird feeling that she only felt once before. She felt it when Taehyung grabbed her hand, but only the first time. Although it felt weird, she didn’t want to let go; neither did Jeongguk.




“Thanks for walking me home.” Yoonmi stood at her house gate. It was late since they didn’t walk fast. Jeongguk just nodded. When he was about to walk away, Yoonmi stopped him by calling him.


“Jeongguk-ssi! Tomorrow, at the café, 5PM!” Yoonmi shouted since he was already walking away. Jeongguk just nodded and gave her thumbs up in the air. From afar, Yoonmi couldn’t see him, but Jeongguk was smiling.



Author Note!

Finally an update! Sorry for not updating last weekend. I was very busy TT___TT i had practice exam last week and tomorrow i have try out (AGAIN?!) School was . But YAY bangtansonyeondan was vote as the top 3 at inkigayo today OMG IM SO PROUD OF YOU BBY!!! (i think its inkigayo, if im wrong, pls correct me) and they lost today,BUT ITS OKAY! THEY WILL WIN! :-D they hard work will be paid! And, this update was quite long (3000 over words) and now im writing the chap (9) it's quite long since..... the past will be revealed :-p so just wait ok? :-)) Thanks for reading my fanfic, please promote, and subscribeee!! :) and here, Jimin always nag like a mother omg lol


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[FFY] sorry for not updating since my laptop broke. The vga was broke but all of my things are okay. Will update later this week(i'll try; i have graduation)


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Chapter 11: OMG TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK AND MARK. MY BIASES. MY FEELS ㅠㅠ Authornim u jjang!
bubuemma #2
Chapter 16: I dont know but i wan her with taehyung...ㅠ.ㅠ
Krisluyeol #3
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!
Chapter 16: I really need you to update now..The best story
Chapter 16: Omg! Finally you've updated ur storyxD. Ur story is very good and I keep on repeating reading this story:)). /Thumbs up/. Good luck for your final presentation and keep on writing<3. Fighting~!!
Chapter 16: Author Note!
Hey guys! Finally an update. Sory for not updating for a long time T_T im busy with college life and yeah, i still have final presetntation on 15-19dec (wish me luck please). So i won't update till that time hehehehehee. and sorry for leave it hanging like that lol And sorry for grammatically error. I hope you won't unsuscribe this story and i really thank you for receiving so much love for this story. I'll promise you that i'll update, but im still busy so i'll update after the final presentation. Thankyou for reading this fanfic <3 by the way jungkook looked hawt at that fantaken MAIGAT OUR BABY FETUS <3 :D
chloe7 #7
Chapter 7: hey I hope you read thus and please update love this story and tell my when you any other story I HOPE YOU SEE AND READ THIS AND PLEASE REPLY BACK!!!!!!
Paboly_Nisa #8
Chapter 15: pls updateeeee :(:((
Krisluyeol #9
Chapter 15: Please update!!!! I beg you