Couple Games- Chicken Leg Fight

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

Everyone lined up in their couples after getting dressed. The girls wore pink hoodies while the boys wore blue hoodies with matching colored sweat pants. The MC asked, "Who here likes games?" Jonghyun, Minho, Taemin, Yoseob, KiKwang, HyeonSung, Jeongmin, Youngmin, SunMi, MinHee, Nikki, YeRin, MK, HaeWon, and Li Ah all raised their hands. "Seems like a lot of people likes games," The MC said. "Anyways the first game couples chiken leg fight. In this game you have to hop on one leg and either knock the other person down or off the matt! First let's have KeyJi and YoungHee battle!"

Key and MinJi got on one side of the mat while Youngmin and Minhee stood on the other side

"I'll protect you," Key announced.

"Thanks Key," MinJi appriciatively said. The girls at the side chorused in Awwws.

"I'll protect you also," Youngmin anounnced, but MinHee being the tomboy she was said back, "No need," Youngmin was shocked, but didn't show it since they were bring filmed.

"Yah, he's trying to flirt! Accept it," MK yelled at MinHee. The boys were shocked at what MK yelled.

"Yah, I can protect myself!" Minhee announced even though her cheeks were a slight shade of pink.

"Anyways Start!" the MC announced.

Key bounced forward to protect MinJi, but found that Youngmin and MinHee were both carging toward Key and easily toppled him over. MinHee went after MinJi and and MinJi easily lost because she was weak and also a hopeless klutz to begin with.

"Man I think MinHee is going to win,"  YeRin mummbled even though she made it loud enough  for everyone to hear.

"I Agree," SunMin said.

"I'm not going to let her win," Minho said. (a/n remember Minho is SunMin's partner)

"True dat" Nikki said in English.

"Your being getto Nikki," MiKyunc commented.

"Next is YoKi and TaeWon." The MC announced.

"Man, this is going to be easy!" Nikki said cockily.

"Now you going to get it," Li Ah said gently, but still loud enough for Nikki to hear.

"You know it," HeaWon said giving Li Ah a thumbs up.

"Psh, as if," Nikki scoffed. "Let's beat them Yoseob!"

"Start!" The MC said. Nikki and Yeoseob both went toward Taemin as planned, but HaeWon was smarter and snuck up behind them and pushed them hard. Both Yeoseob and Nikki fell over, but managed to drag  Taemin down with them.

"So Nikki who won?" HaeWon smiled smuggly as Li Ah high fived her. HaeWon went to Taemin helping him up and said, " Are you ok."

"Perfect!" Taemin said happily.

After that couples went up.

MiJong (MK & Jonghyun) vs. Sunho (SunMi & Minho)

Winner: Sunho (Thanks to Minho)

O-Jae (JaeHwa & Onew) vs. MinAh (Li Ah & MinWoo)

Winner: MinAh (Because Onew tripped over JaeHwa and they both fell)

YeJun (Yeji & Dujun) vs. EunMin (EunHyun & Jeongmin)

Winner: YeJun (Because EunHyun was too nice and didn't want to push anyone so she let Yeji push her over, but it was rather close because Jeongmin almost pushed Dujun over, but ended up falling with him also. In the end everyone though EunHyun was being too nice, but Jeongmin defended her saing that their was nothing wrong with being nice.)

YeKwang (YeRin & KiKwang) vs. HyeonKi (JaeKi & HyeonSung)

Winner: YeKwang (It was a very close battle in the end between both girl, but YeRin cornered JaeKi and pushed her off the mat.)

"Now its the second round!" The MC announced. "First is MinAh (Minwoo & Li Ah) vs. TaeWon (HaeWon & Taemin)"

"Oh, the twins are going agains each other!" EunHyun said.

"Are they really twins? Jeongmin asked.

"No, but they act like it," MinJi said.

The fierce and cocky HaeWon disapeared. "But I don't want to fight Li Ah," HaeWon softly said.

"It's fine I'll protect you," Taemin said. HaeWon smiled and felt better.

"Start," the MC said.

MinWoo went to fight Taemin and Li Ah fought HaeWon.  The MinAh couple won, but this time it was Taemins turn to help HaeWon up. The TaeWon couple really did look like a couple!

Next it was SunHo (Sunmi &Minho) vs. YeKwang (YeRin and KiKwang). Again  SunHo couple won, but it was a fierce fight between Minho and Kikwang; Minho barely won.

After was YeJun (Yeji & Dujun) vs. YoungHee (MinHee & Youngmin) YoungHee couple won after they both ambushed Dujun to knock him over. Then MinHee easily knocked YeJi over.

It was the last round and there was three couples left. Sunho couple (Sunmi & Minho), MinAh (Li Ah & Minwoo), and YoungHee (MinHee & Youngmin).

First is MinAh couple vs.YoungHee couple. MinAh couple easily lost because Li Ah aciddently fell leaving Minwoo all alone for MinHee and Youngmin to ambush him.

"Then now we have the last couple Sunho vs. YoungHee." The MC said trying to build suspence. At first Minho took on both MinHee and Youngmin. It looked hard, but Minho was able to topple Youngmi. So Minho then backed away letting MinHee and Sunmi to battle. Even though Sunmi out up a good fight she eventually lost. It was Minho against MinHee. Being the gentle man Minho was, he tried not to hit MinHee too hard, but he underestemated her as MinHee gave him a good push and sent him out of the mat.

"And the YOUNGHEE couple wins!!!" The MC announces. Everyon claps and Youngmin and Minhee pose toward the camera.

(a/n more games in the next ch~)

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />