Tofu Onew ;)

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

After a bit of talking most of the tw3lv3 girls left. The girl's without their partner felt a bit awkward so they decided to leave. Both Minho and Taemin had a schedule so they also had to leave (although the girls did go with them), and Key decided to bring Minji shopping. All that was left was MK, Jonghyun, Onew, and JaeHwa.

"Hey I have to go." MK announces.

"I'll bring you then." Jonghyun says.

With that both of them leave and JaeHwa is left with Onew. For a while they just stare at the TV, but once commercials come on JaeHwa says, "So want to do something else?" She winks casually at Onew and scoots closer to him.

"Hmmm, what if I do," Onew childishly says as he swings his arms onto her shoulder.

"You were always the only person who would replay to my flirting," JaeHwa says giggling.

"But I never see you anymore,"

"Well I have all the tw3lv3 stuff to do you know how busy I am. Also you de see ma at recordings for the show!"

"First I know your busy, but you don't visit anymore and yes I do see you at recording, but then we can't act like this there."

"Yes we can."

"No we can't I don't want a huge scandal appearing, you just recently debut."

"Exactly it will boost up my popularity."

"Well it's not always a good type of popularity." Onew's tone suddenly turned serious.

"Come on it can't be that bad,"

"It could and I don't want you to get hurt."

"You worry too much."

"Well that's not always a bad thing." As Onew says this he leans forward so their foreheads are touching.

"Hmmm~ I guess not," JaeHwa playfully says.

"No matter what I'll always be thinking about you." Onew slowly leans forward and lets their noses brush against each other. There lips are only a couple centimeters apart and JaeHwa is blushing like mad, but her lips are curved into a smile. As Onew begins to lean forward JaeHwa closes her eyes waiting.

"I'M BACK!" Jonghyun announces. Onew and JaeHwa jerk back and look at each others blushing face and smiles secretly. Without a word Onew grabbed JaeHwa's hand and takes her to his room. JaeHwa is confused, but doesn't say anything because Onew held his finger to his lips signaling for her to silent. They can hear Jonghyun in the living room. "IS ANYONE HERE?" As no one replies Jonghyun just quietly mumbles to himself, "I guess not... Hmmm I guess I'll just surf the web or something."

Once Onew hears his answer he quietly closed the door to his room and say, "It's OK to talk now. He probably can't hear us from the other room."

"oh..." JaeHwa looks around and sees Onew's crowded room which all five boys have to share. "Is it me or is this room getting more crowded?"

"We just get more and more stuff so we put it all in here." Onew replies. "Anyways, where were we?" Onew says. He lifts JaeHwa then drops her on his bed. "We were so close too. What was that... the fifth time we have been interrupted."

"I'm not really counting." JaeHwa looks away, but her cheeks are still red. Onew leans in like last time.

"Hyung this is where you were!" Jonghyun announces as he slams the door open. Onew and JaeHwa jerk back again and stare at the door where Jonghyun was standing. Onew glared at him, but Jonghyun just gave an innocent face. JaeHwa didn't know, but Jonghyung interrupted on purpose to mess with Onew. "I though I was hearing some voices." Jonghyun says innocently. "Why is your face so red JaeHwa?" When he asks this Jonghyun smirks, but Onew stands up when hearing this.

Onew pushed (lightly... sorta) Jonghyun out the room and whispered in his ear threateningly (well as threatening as his voice could get), "Leave us alone." He closes the door after he says this and goes back to his bed where JaeHwa was just sitting through the whole thing. "You should just ignore him." Onew softly says as he takes JaeHwa's hand and holds it tightly.

"I-i-i- will."

Onew chuckles lightly at JaeHwa and goes back to kissing her. Onew wasn't really into making out, but he lightly kissed JaeHwa. After kissing her lips he kissed her forehead, then her cheeks, and then her nose, then back to her lips. "Oppa~" JaeHwa says giggling at Onew's actions, but she doesn't protest or do anything to stop him. After covering JaeHwa's face with kisses he puts his chin on her shoulder and smells her hair (a/n lol creeper moment).

"How long has it been till we have been truly alone?" Onew says.

"A long time. I'm always so busy!" JaeHwa whines.

"You still smell the same like lilacs and fruits."

"Weirdo Oppa~" JaeHwa says although even though she says this she secretly also likes to smell Onew. At first she thought it was weird, but soon she got addicted to his smell.

"I will never change~ I'll always want to hug my little JaeHwa teddy."

"Hmmm~ I like to hug my Onew tofu also.

In the end JaeHwa fell asleep with Onew and she got yelled at by her manager because she wasn't suppose to stay over night. The girls smiled secretly when she came, but JaeHwa just ignored them. In the end the visit was just like another day in JaeHwa's life.


jlambxd here~

so how was it... comment below =D

so yes~ JaeHwa and Onew are a couple and was a couple even before the show started

hope that clears up a bit of the confusion...

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />