More Couple Games

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

A/N for those who dont know the rose of sharon has bloomed is a korean game thats like red light green light. The person who is it has to say the rose of sharon has bloomed as he/she covers her eyes. The other people have to try to run up and tag the person who is 'it'. Once the person has done takling he/she looks up to see if anyone has moved. Those who get caught by the 'it' will have to hold hands with the person. If others are caught then he/she will hold the hands of the person that was caught before them. To 'free' these people the people who havn't gotten caught will have to break their connecting hands. If a person cuts between two prisoners the person that is still connected to the it person will still be caught, but those no longer connected are free. Either once someone free's ALL the people or the 'it' is tagged the person will run and try to tag someone. The first person he/she tagges will be the next it. Hope it helps though the rules may be confusing at first. For referance Super Junior plays this game on full house I think it was the 2nd or 3rd episode. This game is played also in shinee's hello baby, but im not sure what episode.


The next game was 'The Rose of Sharon has Bloomed'. But there was a new rule where the couples had to hold hands through the whole game. They played rock paper scissors to see who would be 'it' and Li Ah lost so Minwoo also ended up being 'it' with her since partners had to hold hands.

At fist when the MinAh couple turned around everyone else was still as stone. Jeongmin and EunHyun even decided to stop in a cool position as if they were posing for a photo shoot. At the next time Haewon and Taemin joined and stopped in a cute pose. On the other side Minji and Key stopped in an akward pose where it looked like they could fall anysecond. "Bali!" Key commanded as he gritted his teeth to try to stay still. The MinAh couple turned arouund again to see MK, Jaeki, Jonghyun, and HyeonSung all doing the same pose together. Now Yeji and Dujun were in an akward position. Li Ah scanned the room, but was actually secretly waiting for Yeji and Dujun to fall. In the end they both fell and had to hold Li Ah's hand. The people were getting closer and closer as the Taewon couple fell over and the Keyji couple was in the middle of falling when Li Ah turned around so they got out. Nikki and Yeseob also got because they were caught not holding hands, which was against the rules. Then in the end Minhee freed the 'prisoners' and everyone took off running. Minho was pulling along Sunmi when they ran though and Sunmi almost fell, but Minho notticed and slowed down for her. Kikwang, not wanting to get tagged just picked up YeRin while he ran and you could clearly see YeRin blushing. Minji almost fell, but luckly Key caught her on time so she didn't fall flat on her face. Onew was unlucky though and did trip, but JaeHwa couldn't catch Onew and they both ended up tumbling on the ground. So needless to say the O-Jae couple got tagged and were 'it' for the next round.

The game went on for four more rounds as the couples were running around. After all the excitment the couples seemed to be so used to holding hands that even when the game wasn't on they still held hands, exspecially the Yejun (Yeji & Dujun) and Hyeonki (Jaeki & HyeonSung) couples.

"So the next game is going to be catching this ball," As the MC said this he held up a purple bouncy ball. "But this time you have to bounce the ball on the ground then turn in a circle. After you turn you have to catch the ball by sqeezing it in between you and your partner. So basicly you have to hug your partner!" The MC said gleefully. He did a little example except he didn't do the catching part since he didn't have a partner.

The first one to try the game was the KeyJi couple. (Minji & Key) They had three tries and didn't catch the ball at all, but Key still was successful at hugging Minji all three times.

The it was Minhee and Youngmin. At first they were both very confused and didn't hug nor catch the ball on the first try. On the second try they almost got the ball. Then on the third try they were able to sucessfully catch the ball.

Next was the Hyeonki couple. (Jaeki & Hyeonsung) At first Jaeki was doubtful and shy. But then they finally hugged in the 3rd try although they didn't catch a ball at all.

The SunHo couple (Sunmi & Minho) were better and was able to catch two balls even though Sunmi was extremely shy in the begining. Minho desire for winning shone through as he gentley guided Sunmi through the game.

The Yoki couple (Nikki & Yoseob) only had one point because on the third try Nikki tried to break the rules, but her members caught her and the point didn't count.

The games went on like this as some people caught one, twice, or even none, but no one had caught all three. After all the exciting games the couples were much closer and did skinship a bit more easily. Everyone became friends and they also were able to exchange phone numbers.

"Till next time!" The MC said as the camera zoomed out to reveal all the couples smiling and waving to the camer.


A/N sorry if I don't put a lot of the couples in the games, but it gets tiring to write a little part for each couple. dont worry later on we can focous on the development of each couple <3 so as the mc said... till next time ^.~

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />