Hello There!

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

JaeHwa and the other members of Tw3lv3 was walking around a neighborhood after getting groceries and found themselves in front of SHINee's dorm. 

"I wonder if the're home."JaeHwa asked herself.

"Hey girls? Would you mind if we visit my brother?"JaeHwa asked everybody. All the girls nodded then continued to head over to SHINee's dorm. Jae Hwa already knew the passcode by heart, so she quickly punched the numbers in. 

"They seriously need to change the password to their dorm, who has their password of their group name? They're seriously going to one day get attacked by fans!" JaeHwa told her members. "Wait here, i'll go look for them, make yourselfs as comfortable as you can, arraso?" They all smiled to each other mysteriously and nodded.

JaeHwa just shook her head and walked down the hall. She heard noises from Onew's room and opened it, then she froze. All the SHINee boys also froze. There was SHINee, shirtless, in a room together. Then JaeHwa screamed.

"Dejavu"JaeHwa thought. Then Jonghyun screamed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"JongHyun asked. "Don't tell me that your members are also here." He stated. JaeHwa bit her lip and then on cue, the rest of the members came in. As most of the girls covered their eyes MK seemed not to mind at all that there were 5 shirtless guys in the room and even winked towards Jonghyun. Sunmi quickly looked away, after she got a little glimpse of Minho first. Minji covered her eyes a bit, but decided to peak out to look at Key. Heawon seemed totally oblivious to the shirtless guys and just leaned against the wall while the other girls where freaking out. Minhee, who didn't really care about how hot a guy is also joined Heawon near the wall. Nikki and YeRin where both eyeing the guys.

"YAH! Put on a shirt, we have underage people here!" Yeji yelled while covering LiAh's eyes. Jaeki, who was allready covering her eyes said, "Ppalli!(Hurry Up)" They all quickly put on a shirt and asked why they were here.

"We are here, cuz  we just found ourselves in your neighborhood and JaeHwa wanted to visit." EunHyun said cooly, even though her cheeks where a bit pink in embaressment.

After some akward talking everone somehow situated themselves once again into the living room. Everyone was scattered around in the living room, but the room was still divided into a girl side and a boys side. Once everone got in the living room Jeahwa imidiatly sat in the middle and made Taemin sit next to her.

"Why do I have to sit next to you?" Taemin whined as he eyed Haewon, who was right next to Jaehwa. They locked eyes for a moment, but Jaehwa broke their eye contact and said, "Because I miss you and I'm your older sister and you have to listen to what I have to say.

"No I'm old enough now!" Taemin said while pouting. "Go to your Onew!" When he said this Taemin pushed Jaehwa forward toward Onew. JaeHwa fell forward into Onew's open arms and the girl all elbowed each other and giggled.  Jaehwa just blushed a deep shade of red as Onew helped up. As they sat down Onew delibertly held Jaehwa's hand and lightly kissed it and said, "Don't worry I got you."

Taemin smiled in triumpth and scooted over to sit next to Heawon so that the tips of his fingers touched hers. No one notticed this (because they were all still staring at Onew and Jaehwa) except Li Ah. Li Ah watched Haewon grow pink, so she lightly poked Haewon on the side and winked at her. Haewon blushed even more, but only Li Ah and Taemin saw this. Taemin in response scooted even closer and held Haewon's hand. He made sure to bring her hand onto his lap so everyone to see. (a/n in case you didn't understand they held hands but he has her hand on his lap... do you get it, its kinda hard to explain sorry if you still don't get it)

Jonghyun suddenly said, "MK why don't you sit next to me."

"What if I don't want to", MK responded.

"Aish~ This girl. Why wouldn't you want to sit next to me."

"Why don't you come sit next to me then?" MK cooly said as she patted the empty space next to her. They has a staring contest for a while, but Jonghyun lost so he unwillingly moved over to sit next to her, but once he sat next to her he secretly grabbed her hand and hid them behind his back. MK looked away nonchalantly, but her face was a light shade of pink. Jonghyun just smiled and gave her hand a light sqeeze and she did the same.

Minho without a word went over to sit next to Sunmi. The girls simultaniouslt said, "Awwww~" when they saw this. Sunmi blushed lightly and grabbed Minho's hand. At first Minho was surprised, but quickly recovered and changed it so that they were interlacing there fingers. Again all the girls said, "Awwww~"

Key on the other hand just lightly patted his lap and look directly towards Minji. Minji who wasn't very far away quietly sneaked over to sit besides Key, but Key just didn't want her to sit beside him. He pulled her over to sit on his lap, but he was pulling to hard so Minji fell over. As she fell she also screamed which attracted everyones attention to them. What they all saw was Minji sitting on Keys lap as he hugged her from behind. The all smiled secretly, but Minji just looked away even though her cheeks were a bright pink.




A/N just a little moment for each of the shinee girls...

to be continued in the next chap (if i ever get it done =P)

lol just kidding I'll do it!!!

just be patient pleaze <3

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />