LiAh's Past?

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

The girls from Tw3lv3 just finished recording and was packing up all their things. For the recording all the couples went on separate trips around town, but ended up trying to advertize the show. After walking around all the day both the idols and staff were exhausted. Meanwhile Minwoo who seemed to be the only hyper one bounced over to LiAh.

“Let’s go!” Minwoo exclaimed as he grabs LiAh’s wrist.

“Ah!” LiAh squeaks in pain and rubs her wrist.

“Are you ok? Did you get hurt?” Minwoo asks while inspecting LiAh’s wrist. It was void of any blemishes so how was it possible that she’s hurt.

“It’s nothing I fell and got a bruise.”

“But…” Minwoo points at wrist.

“It’s called concealer.” LiAh chuckles at Minwoo cute worried face.

“Then I hope you heal soon.” Minwoo lightly kisses LiAh’s wrist and she blushes in response.

“It’s time to go LiAh,” Yeji calls.

“Stop flirting LiAh!” MK says while winking.

“Oh, I forgot to say, but I’m kidnapping her,” Minwoo announces.

“What!” LiAh says shocked.

“Trust me,” Minwoo says. LiAh doesn’t protest, but she could feel Heawon’s eyes on her.

“I won’t let you- ahh!” Minji proclaims before she trips over some equitment.

Eunhyun is the first to be there and help her because everyone else is laughing at her. “Just let them be,” Eunhyun says.

“Just don’t be doing anything bad,” Nikki says while wiggling her eyebrows.

“No!” LiAh exclaims although her face has turned a slight shade of red.

“What could she do that’s bad?” Jaeki says innocently.

“It’s nothing my darling,” Jaehwa says while simultaneously patting Jaeki’s head and shaking her own. “Let’s not spoil your innocent mind just yet.”

“Yet that is…” Yerin says wiggling her eyebrows. Nikki high fives her and the giggle together.

“Does that mean I can steal Minhee too?” Youngmin says while wrapping his arm around Minhee’s waist.

“Pft, can you?” Minhee ask mockingly as she pushes away his hand as memories of last night flooded into her mind (a/n last chapter).

“I’m sure I can,” Youngmin whispers seductively, but gives off a cute pout so the other members won’t suspect anything. He wraps his arm around Minhee’s waste again and this time she doesn’t fight back. She looks everywhere, but Youngmin because she knows that if she does she’ll begin to blush. The fact that everyone is staring at Minhee and Youngmin just makes it worse.

“Anyways, I’m leaving! Bai~” Liah says taking the opportunity to leave as she and Minwoo quickly rushes outside together.


In the end LiAh and Minwoo went out and food while they went shopping. Minwoo bought LiAh and himself couple shirts and they promised to wear it during the next recording. Afterwards LiAh secretly went to buy food, but Minwoo caught her and he ended up buying it for him. All in all they had a fun date with lots of talking and laughing.

“Ah! Wait here.” Minwoo says as he run into a store. He ran back out with a small plastic bag.

“What did you get?”

“You’ll see. For now just follow me.” Although LiAh hesitated in the end she just followed him. They stopped at a small water fountain.

“Why are we here?” LiAh looks around trying to find out why they stopped at this place.

“Give me your hand.” LiAh looks worried, but still holds out her unhurt hand. “Other one.”


“Just trust me.” LiAh puffs up her cheeks in confusion, but does as she’s told. Minwoo throws water on her arm and the concealer quickly fades. LiAh realizes what he is doing and immediately pulls her hand back. Minwoo is confused by her reaction, but his confusion quickly changed to shock when he saw the bruises all along LiAh’s arm. Those weren’t normal bruises they were one that formed only when someone gripped LiAh’s arm tightly

“How?” Minwoo weakly asks shaken by the sight before him. LiAh just stares at him in sock, tongue tied.

“It’s none of your business,” Heawon coldly announces as she emerges from the dark. She stalked happened to walk by noticing the scene.

“It is!” He demanded not at all phased by her sudden appearance.

“No it isn’t Heawon says threateningly as she takes LiAh away from him.

“I’ll make it my busness!” Minwoo says as he grabs Heawon’s shoulder to stop her. Heawon winced at his touch and slapped his hand away.

“Don’t touch me.” She says her face filled with scorn.

“You too?” Minwoo says in astonishment. Heawon ignores him and continues walking, but Minwoo took a handful of water and pours it along Heawon’s arm. The makeup easily comes off revealing a large bruise forming from her shoulder all the way down to her elbow.

“As I said it’s none of your business.” Heawon says sternly as she steers LiAh away.


They arrive at Heawon’s house since it was nearby. LiAh silently goes to sit on the couch while Heawon fumes about how LiAh was uncareful.

“What are we going to tell him?” Heawon asks although she doesn’t expect an answer. She paces back in forth while rubbing her forhead. She glances over at LiAh on the couch and her expression softens. “How about you? Are feeling fine? Is it healing well?” Heawon asks in her most soothing voice. LiAh instantly softens up and starts sobbing into her Unnies chest. No matter how much like twins they acted it was always Heawon that was the most responsible one. Heawon lightly stokes LiAhs hair and begins to sing their favorite song *insert your favorite song here* to LiAh. This what she always did to calm her down in the past.

“Here this will help.” Minwoo says as he gives Heawon the medicine he bought at the store. It was a cream that helped gets rid of bruises. Contrary to the harsh Heawon before she says thanks softly and accepts the medicine. She first applies it to the still crying LiAh as she continues to sing. Afterward she also applies it to herself. The whole time Minwoo quietly watched. “Are you going to tell me what happened?” Minwoo finally said unable to contain his curiosity.

“It’s actually LiAh’s story to tell not mine.”

“It’s fine unnie you can tell him.” LiAh says although her voice was still shaky. Heawon frowns at LiAh’s response. It’s not that she didn’t want to tell him, but the fact that LiAh called Heawon unnie meant that LiAh is still sad.

“You sure.” Heawon says. LiAh just nods.

“Well this is what happened…."



jlambxd here and happy christmas!!!

find out about LiAhs past next week

and we also see a bit of Heawon's bipolarnes... lol that is hard to incorperate in the story

kk anyways bai bai and remember to put cookies and milk for santa <3

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />