Ice Skating with a Kiss... I mean Twist ;) Part 2

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

“Yah, why are you leaving me!” Yoseob yells once he notices that I left him.

“I don’t like you,” I stick out my tongue at him before I take off running. I hear him running after me, but I still don’t stop no way am I letting him catch me.

“Yah, Nikki!” Yoseob yells, but all I do is laugh at him. Since we both are used to having to do workouts (ahem dancing) while we sing we have no problem talking while we run. Suddenly he tackles me to the ground and we both roll onto the grass.

“Violent!” I accuse even though I’m laughing. Truthfully I didn’t really hit the ground. I don’t know how, but it ended up Yoseob hitting the ground and I fell on top of him so the fall hurt so much less.

“Well you wouldn’t stop,” He lightly kisses my cheek and I smile knowing that right now I’m the only one he’s thinking about.

“Well you laughed at me!” I retort, but pout at the same time. We stare at each other having a staring contest to see who could outlast the other, but someone just had to interrupt my train of though. That someone just happen to be a pedestrian that saw us and said, “Aww, what a cute couple!” Seriously some people should mind their own business… wait did she say cute couple! She did not just say that!

I look down to Yoseob to check if he heard it too, but he obviously did because his cheeks are slightly pink. Then I suddenly realize the position we are in… me on top of him… lying down in the grass… we totally look like a couple! My sudden realization makes me blush as I scramble off him. I must have been blushing a lot because Yoseob suddenly pinches my cheeks and says, “Cute~”

I slap his hands away and say, “I’m not cute!”

“Then what are you?”

“…awesome?” I said with a hint of uncertainty in my voice. He laughed at my response and nodded in agreement.

“Fine you’re awesome!” I just give him a thumb up in response as we both got to our feet. “I know a cool place we can go!” Yoseob announces.


“Ice Skating!”

“Yay!” I cheer. I actually like ice skating and did it with my friends a couple times back in the US. Once we entered the building the cold air blue my hair back and I regret that I didn’t bring a jacket. I hug myself in an attempt to get warmer, but suddenly I feel someone put something on me. I turn to see that Yoseob was giving me his jacket, but before I could object he already grabbed my hand and headed over to rent some skates. On ice I was a bit wobbly because I haven’t ice skated in a while, but I’ll eventually get used to it. Yoseob holds my hand to help steady me, but once I’m used to being on ice I skate ahead of him.

“Hurry up!” I stick my tongue out at him as I race ahead of him.

“Yah!” He yells out as he races to keep up. All I do is laugh at him as I try to get away. Even though we only spent an hour on ice we both had fun trying to spin on ice, race, and even occasionally fall flat on our butts.

Now we were just sipping some hot chocolate in the corner and talking about the most random things.

“We should have a double date with YeRin and Kikwang,” Yoseob randomly states then winks. I just giggle in response, but the idea is actually quiet tempting. “Or do you like it being just you and me,” he whispered seductively. I have no idea what’s wrong and why he’s suddenly like this, but it makes me nervous. All I can do is just look away nervously in hopes that he won’t see that blush that might be coming to my face any second now. On cue my cell rings and I quickly answer without even checking who it is.

“Nikki I need you back at the dorm NOW!” My manager angrily yells in my ear. I don’t know what’s worse an awkward moment with Yoseob or an angry manager.

“I guess I need to bring you home now,” Yoseob says with a bit of… disappointment?

“Yah! Who was that? Who are you with?” My manager practically screams in my ear and I flinch at her loud demanding voice. “I have to take care of you girls, but 12 people are hard to handle,” she says, but this time she sounds exhausted. I feel sorry for her a bit, watching 12 people is a hard thing to do.

“I’ll be back right away,” I say. Yoseob silently gets up and motions for me to follow him. “Bye,” I say to my manager before I hang up on her.

“Let’s go back.” Yoseob announces, but secretly he actually takes my hand. I swear sometimes he can be so cute!

“Wait do you even know where I live?”

“Nope!” Yoseob responds happily. “Now I can know.” He has a smug smile on his face and I smile at him. I think its silly how he’s getting happy over the weirdest things, but oh well. I lead him to our dorm and along the way we talk more though most of it is just me teasing him.

Once we were at the door I cutely say, “Bai~” Then I tiptoe to kiss his cheek, but when I pulled away Yoseob doesn’t and keeps me close to him. I can feel his warm breath on my face and I’m afraid that I’ll start to blush.

He seductively says, “I was hoping for something like this-” He pulls me in close and presses his lips on mine. He was kissing me actually kissing me. My mind seemed to be working a thousand times faster than before, but I can’t help my first instinct, which is to kiss back. My hearts beating out of my chest and right now I feel like such a… girl, but I can’t help but admit that his lips feel so great on mine. When we finally separate we both are breathing hard and now I’m sure that my face is red, but at least I’m not the only one.

“Bye,” I say as I quickly rush into the apartment. Once I close the door I hold a hand on my heart and I can tell that it’s going crazy.



jlambxd here =D

the ending to part 1 of Nikki and Yoseob's date

so an offical couple??? hmmm

anyways bai bai <3

oh also I forgot to say to enjoy your break!

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />