Date with Yoseob part 1

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

The couples were filming a competition over who could make the best food. Now after all the tasting was over they traveled from table to table enjoying the variety of foods. Nikki moves lazily through the tables picking up random foods here and there, but otherwise silently moves along. Yoseob who thought Nikki has been oddly quiet today pulls her to the side where no one can hear them.

“Hey you o.k.?” Yoseob asks. Nikki looks up in shock, but quickly hides it under a mask of indifference.

“O-o-of course; why wouldn’t I be!” Nikki looks down to make sure he can’t see her eyes because her eyes showed the lies she was telling him. “So don’t worry about me,” Nikki grabs Yoseob’s hand to distract him so he doesn’t look at her face then she says. “Let’s go they are still filming.

Yeseob stares at Nikki sadly, he knows that she is lying, but forcing the truth out of her wasn’t the best thing to do either. Once filming ended Yoseob didn’t let Nikki get away. “Let’s go somewhere!” He announces.

“B-b-but,” Nikki points over to the rest of the girls who were gathering all their things together.

“Hey, is it o.k. of I steal Nikki for the rest of the day?” Yoseob asks the girls from tw3lv3.

“Let me guess so you can do something” MK winks directly to Yoseob when she said this.

“Yoseob isn’t like that, RIGHT.” JeaKi says, but even though her tone is friendly she glares at Yoseob.

“Must protect Nikki from Yoseob!” YeRin randomly announces.

“We don’t need to Nikki loves us more she’d chose us over Yoseob, so she’s going with us, right!” Yeji announced. Yeji looks at Nikki waiting for her response, but Nikki just looks at the ground and avoids Yeji’s gaze.

“We should just let them have some time to have fun.” Sun mi shyly suggests.

“Seriously why are you making it a big deal she’s just going out with a friend. It’s not like she’s dating them.” Minhee says.

“They should just go!” Minji says.

“Pfft, whatever just leave!” JaeHwa tells Nikki.

“Come one we should just leave them alone.” LiAh says as she and HaeWon push the girls into the van.

“Take care of Nikki!” EunHyun commands as she gets into the car.

“I know how to take care of myself!” Nikki yells, but the van already started to roll out the driveway.

“See they said yes let’s go!” Nikki nervously glances back at her members who just abandoned her and decides to go with Yoseob.

“Where are we going?” Nikki asks.

“Secret!” Before Nikki could ask anything else Yoseob starts to walk away dragging Nikki with him.

“Yah, Yoseob where are we going!?” Nikki says as she tries to struggle against Yoseob’s iron grip. Honestly Nikki was actually scared, this was the first time Yoseob has been actually forceful.

“I said it’s a secret,” Yoseob pouts because of Nikki behavior and she playfully pokes his cheek. Once she saw Yoseob’s cute pouting face she knows that Yoseob will never do anything to harm her. After they walked a while Yoseob suddenly puts his hands over Nikki’s eyes.

“What are you doing!?”

“This way it’ll be a surprise.”

“I don’t like surprises,” Nikki says as she tries to pry Yoseob’s hand away from her eyes.

“Just trust me,” Yoseob whispers in Nikki’s ear. Nikki instantly flinches when she feels Yoseob’s hot breath against her ear, but when he takes her hand in his to guide her she is overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of trust. No matter what Nikki was putting her full trust in Yoseob. Yoseob feels the difference once Nikki trusts him so he continues to lead her.

They walk silently, but Nikki’s every sense is going on full alert. No matter what she seem to only hear Yoseob’s even breaths and is fully aware of the soft hand that touches hers. She doesn’t think of anything else except how warm his hand actually is against hers. With her mind holding only those things, she is suddenly broken out of her trance when Yoseob’s loud voice announce, “We’re here!”

His hand disappears and Nikki eyes flutter open. They are at a small, abandoned park. Nikki is still stunned. She doesn’t understand why Yoseob would bring her to a park. “Come on let’s go on the swing.” Yoseob says as he disturbed her thoughts. Nikki dreamily walks over to the swing and expects Yoseob to sit on the one beside her, but instead he stands behind her and pushes her.

“You don’t have to act like a boyfriend anymore we aren’t filming,” Nikki shyly says as she studies the ground as if it was the most important thing in the world.

“Who says I was acting?” Yoseob said while smirking.


~Nikki POV~

I look around, but I have nothing to say. I hate this; I was supposed to be the one that makes Yoseob flustered and nervous not the other way around. I can’t do anything about it and it just makes me mad. To just simplify the problem I just off the swing, if I’m not on the swing he can’t act all boyfriendly and problem solved. “Let’s do something else!” I announce.

“Sure, where do you want to go?”

“Ramen noodles!” I announce. Actually I have been craving them for a while, but I never got the change to go out and eat.

“Random,” Yoseob comments.

“No, I love Ramen noodles!” I declare as I hit him. Suddenly I feel as if we are back to our usual friendly self without all the frustrating, nervous moment like earlier.

“Ouch,” Even though Yoseob says this I know he’s just kidding because no matter how many times I hit him it never seems to affect him.

“Noodles!” I remind him as I set off. I don’t care if I leave him behind noodles are yummy!

“Hey, wait up!” Yoseob yells as he tries to catch up to me. I purposely walk faster to annoy him, but his legs are longer than mine and he walking next to me in a matter of seconds. “I know this good ramen shop,” When he says this he grabs mine hand and it feel so… natural.

He brings me to this little shopping area where there is barley anyone there and I begin to question this ‘good ramen shop’.

“Are we almost there?” I whine.

“Awww, so cute!” Yoseob says as he pinches my cheek.

“I’m not cute! I got… swag.”

“Sure swag

“Whatever just denying my awesomeness.”

“Defiantly awesome,” Yoseob says sarcastically as pats my head.

“Yah, my hair!”  I complain, even though truthfully I kind of like having his hand on my head, just kind of.

“Oh, we’re here.” I know he’s trying to distract me, but it’s not going to work. I look to see where we stopped and I see this cool little ramen place and I can already smell the delicious food.

“Yay, food,” I immediately go into the shop. Forget about him messing my hair food is more important!

-after eating-

I have to admit that food was GOOD! I have to come back again with the rest of the girls in the future. So after eating we’re just walking on the sidewalk talking when I saw, dun dun dun, a BUG! It was a BIG one too. I’m not kidding that thing is huge. I just automatically scream and hide behind Yoseob. GIRLIEST thin I have ever done *face palm*. Why must I hate bug so much? Maybe it isn’t that bad because Yoseob shaking also. Maybe he’s like me and is scared of bugs too. I peak at his face to see his facial expression, but he’s LAUGHING or at least trying not to laugh.

“You’re scared of BUG!” Yoseob announces as he burst out laughing. I pout at him; how can he make fun of like my only fear. Ugh, just feel like beating him up right now. No matter how many times I hit him he just keeps laughing and I’m tired of waiting for him so I’m just leaving him.


jlambxd here

sorry so many things going on so I've been really lazy with updating

i'll finish the second half... eventually

lol jk I'll probably post it next week XP

sorry again I'm just a really slow writer >.<

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />