Discovering a New Love

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)

Minhee was taking a walk even though by now she wasn’t supposed to be out, but in bed. She wanted to get away from the other girls and have time to herself. This has been one of her worst weeks every, but it was finally over, at least almost was. Her schedule was packed and no matter how sad she felt she still had on a bright smile. The thing that was bothering her most were her parents. Recently she heard that her mother had been admitted to the hospital because she fainted from stress. Minhee still hasn’t told the other girls yet and don’t plan to tell them anytime soon. Now it was her time to be by herself, to let her sadness show, and for once not having to force her smile.

“Hey beautiful~” A person behind her yelled. Minhee just ignored him because no matter how painfully obvious it was that he was talking to her she pretended she didn’t know a thing. “Hey wana hang with us?” He said while roughly grabbing her arm.

“Don’t even talk to me.” Minhee sneered. She’s already been though this situation more than once and knew very well how to handle them.

“Awww, don’t be so mean darling,” the man said as he grabbed her again, but this time more roughly.

“I said get away,” Minhee says threateningly.

“Just come and have some fun,” he says.  His grip on her hand tightened. She didn’t even hesitate when she brought her fist up and hit him straight in the face. The man staggered back in shock, but he had friends with him. They all attacked her and Minhee sent punch and kicks after them, but it was only one person against three and Minhee was barely holding them off. One person got a grip of her arm and she couldn’t pull free as another person grabbed her other hand.

“You should have just came obediently,” the man that originally began talking to her said. He touched her face lightly and Minhee flinched. “We’ve caught a beautiful one tonight,” His hand glides down even more till it reached the hem of her pants. “I can’t wait.”

*BAM* The man suddenly falls as someone from behind punches him. In the next second the man on Minhee’s right and left were both hit.

 “You’re gonna regret-” The man didn’t even get to finish his sentence because he was hit again and fell unconscious.

“Anyone else want to fight?” Minhee’s savior said. The two other people grabbed their friend and ran away.


“Minhee, are you ok?” Youngmin suddenly changes from the threatening guy from before into a caring guy again. “You have blood on your face!” Youngmin says as he tries to clean up Minhee’s face. Meanwhile Minhee is still in shock from the fact that Youngmin just came and saved her. “Minhee, are you ok? You’re not talking.”

“I-I-I’m fine.” Minhee pauses for a while before she says, “Thank you.”

“You just seemed to need it,” Youngmin replies calmly.

“I thought you were supposed to be all gentle and weak and stuff,” Minhee says, finally regaining her normal voice.

“Is that what you want me to be?” Youngmin says casually.

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Follow me.” Youngmin says as he intertwines his hands with hers.

“Where?” Minhee says not even noticing that Youngmin was now holding her hand.

“My dorm.”


-At Boyfriends Dorm-

“I’m back!” Youngmin announces once he walks through the door.

"Do you have food?!" Kwangmin and Minwoo jumped up and down.

"Shhh... Quiet down you guys. Minhee's sleeping." Youngmin said like this wan't a problem.

"Wait... you mean Minhee from Tw3lv3?" 

Youngmin nodded. Suddenly Minhee stirred in his arms. She woke up and quickly got up from Youngmin's arms. 

"Uhhh... Where am I?" Minhee cautiously asked.

"You're at the Boyfriend residence. Are you alright?" Youngmin asked, concerned. 

Minhee faked a smile and quickly asked," Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh! Make a turn down the hallway and it's to the left. " Youngmin stated.

"Hyung? Don't you think something is wrong with Minhee?" Minwoo asked.

"Probably, maybe she's tired. I'll go check on her." Youngmin said. 

Youngmin then walked towards the bathroom, but the door was open and the light was off. He looked around confused but then heard a sniffling sound. He heard it comming from his room and he warily walked in. There Minhee was, crying.

"Hey Minhee, are you alright?" Youngmin asked.

 Suprised Minhee quickly wiped her tear away and faked another smile. "I'm fine...." But she ended up crying again with a new batch of tears. Youngmin wrapped his arms around Minhee and whispered comforting words in her ear. Before they knew it, both of them were asleep. 


"Hyung, how long do you think they are going to stay in my room?" Minwoo asked Kwangmin. 

"I don't know." Kwangmin sighed for the millionth time hearing Minwoo ask that more than 10 times. 


Hey! Kayla here, sorry for not updating for a long, long, long time. Too busy. I would like to thank jlambxd for helping me write the beginning of this chapter. I was 1) too busy 2) had too much homework 3) LAZY :P 4) Had to update my other story. Wich i also want you guys to check out

Here's the link and a link to Jlambxd's too!

My Brothers are the 7 Kingkas of my school:   My Brothers Are The Seven Kingkas of My School!

A Cup of Coffee:  A Cup of Coffee

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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />