Baby Pictures: Chapter 2

Girls Times Twelve (Application Closed)


"This is Idol Girls," The MC announces. "Today marks the start of fun games, new couples, and of course, LOVE! For the girls we have the popular, exclusice, and PRETTY... Tw3lv3!"

After he said this the girls walk out and line up. "We are girls times TW3LV3!" All twelve girls said and then bowed.
"Wow, can you all introduce yourself," The MC requested
"I'm ice princess EunHyun."
"I'm the little mouse Sunmi."
"I'm delinquent Nikki."
"I'm energy pill Yeji."
"I'm innocent Jaeki."
"I'm bubbly MK."
"I'm the sugar fairy Jae Hwa."
"I'm tomboy Minhee."
"I'm smiley Minji."
"I'm goofy Ye Rin."
"I'm mysterious HaeWon."
"and I'm young charisma Li ah."
"Wow, we have a lot of interesting introductions. Let me ask is Nikki really a delinquent," The MC said.
"Actually no, but my friends from the state would call me that so I just adopted the name," Nikki answered.
"How about Jae Hwa, why are you the sugar fairy?"
"That's because I love to eat sugary things and try to always have sugar on me."
"Do you have sugar right now?"
"Umm...," Jae Hwa reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple peaces of hard candy. "Yup I have some."
The MC looked surprised, but continued talking. "Summi why are you the little mouse?"
"That's because I am quiet and people would say I'm as quiet as a mouse."
"I see. So EunHyun why are you the ice princess."
"Because people say that I'm hard to get close to." She replied.
"Hmm, i understand. So my last question is HaeWon why are you mysterious?"
"It's just that not a lot of people know much about me and I like to keep it that way," HaeWon replied casually.
"Anyways, All you girls are very beautiful and we also have hansom guys for you." The girls playfully cheer at the mention of hansom guys. "But before you can meet them you need to find out who they are." All the girls looked confused and the MC said, "Bring out the board!" The girl hesitantly clap unsure of what was going to happen.

Some writers began to pull out a big board with baby pictures. Most of the members gushed over them. The MC then said," Okay girls, this is a board full of baby pictures of some idols you may know, or not. The names of the idols are somewhere around this room so when you see names, guess .The rules are that each member will pick a number off the board and guess the name of the certain idol. READY, start!"
'Okay, EunHyun?" 
 " Number 6: Yoseob from Beast
" I'm sorry, but you're wrong! Next! Uh... Li Ah, i see you've raised you hand."
 "Number : Youngmin from Boyfriend!
"You are correct!!! Youngmin come on out!!!!"
And then all the members whispered to one another excitedly.
"Moving on, let's see... MK"
"Number 11: Onew from SHINee."
"I'm sorry, but no! Moving on. Ye Rin?"
"Let's see, number 9: Key?"
"That's what i'm talking about, YES!!! Key, com'on out"
"Nikki, uh.. you have a question, yes?"
"How com in Key's picture he's soo... ugly."
 Key suddenly yelled" YAH!!! Do you have something to say to my face or what!"
"I actually do, why do you also speak like..."
"Enough!!!" the MC yelled. "Okay... Eunhyun?'
"Number 3: Yoseob from Beast"
"HAHAHA!!!! You're correct!!! Yoseob come on out."
Half of the members blushed furiously.
Key suddenly called out" Hey, how come you guys didn't blush or whispered when i came out, huh?!!"
The girls lowered their heads down and began to laugh. It was 12 to 1, then Key just walked back to his spot.
"Okay then, Minhee?'
"Number 1: Jeongmin from Boyfriend"
"How are you guys getting all of this correct, anyways, Yes! Jeongmin, they don't bite, at least i think they don't bite, come on out."
After 10 more rounds of the game, the MC began to introduce all the boys. They went into their real groups.
"I am your Boyfriend, hi we are Boyfriend! I'm Minwoo, I'm Youngmin, and I'm Jeongmin . Anyohaseyo!
"Anyohaseyo! We are shining SHINee! I'm Onew, I'm Jonghyun, I'm Key, I'm Minho, and I'm Taemin.
"Hi! We are Beast! I'm Yoseob, I'm Dujun, HyeonSung, and I'm Kikwang!
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TT^TT so sad~
Awww.... T_T so sad... Update soon~ *continues to be sad*
asianfreak27 #3
cute~~!! <3
.... Ciffy D': I dislike cliff hangers -.-
Poo. I dislike cliffhangers hahaha<br />
But I'm very curious so you know I'll stay tuned to find out more ^.^<br />
Why am I talking so weird?<br />
OTL<br />
I wannabe know what happened!~ update soon <3
I'm curious to know,what happened actually?..<br />
I need an update^^<br />