
One Shots Galore

Jongin was incredibly annoyed with himself. He couldn’t believe he’d agreed to let Yixing tag along. And the worst thing about it was that he’d been so close to winning, he'd stayed firm and said no, told Yixing he needed to stay off his feet and stay at home. If he needed him he was only a phone call away and if anything happened Kyungsoo was right next door. It wasn’t until after Yixing had given in and agreed to stay put that he’d caved. He’d looked so miserable at the thought of having to stay home alone while he went off to work that Jongin had found himself muttering ‘Oh come on then’ before fetching his coat for him. And Yixing had been so obviously thrilled when he’d changed his mind that he thought he’d made the right decision.

Halfway into the lesson though and he no longer thought so. In fact he could safely say that it had been a terrible decision. For starters the class had been so excited to see their beloved Mr Zhang that it had taken a whole twenty minutes for them to settle down and start listening which was ridiculous because he was teaching a class of sixteen year olds not six year olds. And now that they were actually paying attention he was the one who was distracted because he was trying to keep on eye Yixing at the same time as he was trying to teach and he never had been very good at multi-tasking. “Can you just sit down?” he exclaimed, his patience wearing thin.

“But my back is killing me.” Yixing told him seemingly unconcerned by the fact Jongin was annoyed. “I’m walking it off.”

Jongin took a steadying breath. “Right, okay,” He said trying his best to be understanding. Carrying all that extra weight around couldn’t be fun, and it was a lot of extra weight he thought as he looked his boyfriend over, he was well into his third trimester meaning he was more baby than he was anything else, it was no wonder his back was aching. “But could you just stick to walking and quit stopping to give pointers please?” He hadn’t been doing much, telling someone to point a toe here, reminding someone to extend their arm properly there but Jongin thought that still counted as overdoing things and as everyone kept telling him that was something he should be discouraging him from. Especially when every second step he took was making him wince.

“They’re my students.” Yixing pointed out. And it was true, they were. Jongin had taken on Yixing’s classes on top of his own when he’d been forced to go on maternity leave but it was only meant to be temporary, another few months and they’d be Yixing’s again, at least that was the plan. But that didn't change anything. Whoever they belonged to Yixing was still supposed to be taking things easy.

“I know but I think I’m qualified enough handle them by myself, don’t you?” he said, running a hand through his hair. He wished Yixing would just listen to him for once. “Luhan wouldn’t have hired me if I wasn’t.”

Yixing looked as if he was about to argue some more but then he obviously spotted something in Jongin’s expression that made him reconsider because he raised both hands in surrender and took a step back. “Okay fine. I’m sorry, I got carried away that’s all. I’ll try and stay out of your way from now on, I promise.”

“Thank you.” Jongin said, relieved that Yixing had backed down so easily. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew that in five minutes time Yixing would be back to interfering and he’d be back to worrying but he’d take what he could get. Five minutes was better than nothing.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Fifteen minutes later and things were still mercifully quiet on the Yixing front and Jongin made a note to remember to thank him for his self-restraint when they got home. If his back had been aching as much as he said then a back-rub and some ice cream would probably do it he thought.

And then his phone rang and he cursed himself for not remembering to put it on silent. It was incredibly unprofessional of him. The only reason he’d set it to it's loudest setting in the first place was because he needed to hear if Yixing called but they were in the same building right now so he could hardly use that as an excuse. So he ignored it, hoping it would stop. It didn’t.

“Just answer it already!” Sunyoung, one of his more forthright students exclaimed her hands on her hips as she sent a pointed look at his still ringing phone. “I mean it’s only going to keep ringing if you don’t.”

And as ill-mannered as her outburst had been she was probably right. Whoever was calling was being very persistent so it was either turn off his phone or answer it. So deciding that turning it off would be unnecessarily rude he asked the class to please behave themselves for a moment and grabbed his phone, stepping out into the hallway. And it was only when he took a look at who was calling that he realised why Yixing had been so quiet. It was because he hadn’t even been in the room. He’d vanished and now he was ringing him on his mobile. It made no sense at all he thought as he hastily swiped a finger across the screen to accept the call.

“What happened to only a phone call away?” Yixing demanded as soon as he brought the phone to his ear.

Jongin ignored the question in order to ask a slightly more pertinent one of his own. “Where the hell are you?” He was trying his best not to panic. Okay so he had no idea where his heavily pregnant boyfriend had disappeared to or why he was ringing him but whatever it was it couldn’t be too bad, not if he was scolding him. Yeah everything was obviously just fine. Oh god, who was he kidding? Yixing wouldn’t be calling him in the middle of a lesson, from somewhere inside the same building no less, for nothing. He could be kind of weird sometimes but he wasn’t that weird.

“I’m in the bathroom.” Yixing told him. This did little to quell Jongin’s anxiety. The bathroom was only at the other end of the hall so if he wanted to talk to him what was stopping him from walking the few meters back to the studio to do so in person?  

“Okay that’s great.” He said as he started walking. “But what’s with the phone call?”

“Well you know how I said my back’s been aching?”

“Yes…” Jongin said slowly not liking the way the conversation was heading one bit.

“I think I know why it’s been so bad.” Yixing told him.

Yeah, he definitely didn’t like where this was heading he thought, picking up his pace. “And?” he prompted.

“I think I might be in labour.” He said, the words coming out in a rush. Then Jongin heard a sharp of intake of breath over the line. “Okay scrap that,” Yixing told him after a moment or two of silence, his voice strained. “I don’t know why I said ‘might be’. I’m one hundred per cent sure that I am.”

And Jongin found himself swearing under his breath as he pushed open the door to the bathroom. “Why didn’t you come and tell me?” he asked, his phone still pressed to his ear.

“Because I look like I’ve wet myself.” Was the snapped reply and then Jongin’s phone was beeping as Yixing hung up. “”I’m right over here, you can put the phone down.” He heard him say and he immediately complied, shoving his phone in the pocket of his sweatshirt and looking up.

And yes, he was right over there, bent over the sink furthest from door, one hand gripping the rim of the basin, his other arm cradling his stomach. His phone had been unceremoniously thrown to the floor which Jongin could only take as a bad sign. When he wasn’t misplacing things Yixing was usually pretty careful with his belongings so for him to have tossed it away so carelessly he must… and then what his boyfriend had just said finally sunk in derailing his previous thought process entirely. “Your water broke.” He mumbled, his eyes straying to the damp patch on Yixing’s trousers. It really did look like he’d wet himself, no wonder he’d decided to stay in the bathroom rather than come out and fetch him.

“Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious.” Yixing said with a frown.

“Sorry I just… aren’t you supposed to get contractions and all that first?” He was sure he’d read that somewhere, that contractions came first and your waters broke second.

And Yixing suddenly looked sheepish. “I’ve kind of been feeling what I thought were Braxton Hicks all day. And yeah they were uncomfortable but they’re supposed to be so I didn’t think anything of it. I mean my due date’s three weeks away, this isn’t supposed to be happening, not yet.”

Jongin didn’t really know what to say to that. He was too busy trying to work out what to do. Should he take Yixing to the hospital right that second and leave his class unattended? Or leave him here in the bathroom while he ushered everyone out first? Yixing groaned and he quickly scrapped that idea, stepping forward to rest a hand on the small of his back. “You okay?” he asked anxiously, the question automatic. Yixing was quite obviously not okay but things were moving so quickly that it was the best his brain could come up with.

“No, it ing hurts.” Yixing moaned and if the panic hadn’t been setting in for Jongin before it was now because Yixing never swore. It just wasn’t something he did so if he was cursing things really must be bad. “That happened…” Yixing continued gesturing vaguely downwards and Jongin assumed he was referring to his waters breaking, “...and then the next thing I know I'm doubled over in agony.”

Okay, well that didn’t sound good. But he needed to think. They had a plan stuck up on the fridge detailing what they would do once Yixing went into labour. Now what did it say… “Timings,” he murmured under his breath, rubbing circles absently on Yixing’s back, there’d been a lot on there about timings. “How long do they last?” he asked. “The contractions I mean.”

“I don’t know, forever?”

It wasn’t the most helpful of answers Jongin thought wryly. But he doubted pushing him to be more precise would do much good, not in the state he was in. “Okay, then how far apart are they?”

 “I’ve not exactly been counting.” Was his boyfriend’s reply. “All I know is they hurt like hell.”

So helpful obviously wasn’t something he should be expecting from Yixing anytime soon. Which meant he was probably going to have to work things out for himself. He thought back to the conversation they’d had on the phone and frowned, remembering the sharp intake of breath that he’d heard. Had that been a contraction? He was about to ask but before he could Yixing’s face was paling and his knuckles were whitening as he tightened his grip on the sink. Well there was his answer, far too close together for comfort, that was how far apart they were. Five minutes it said on the fridge, when they got to five minutes apart that was when you were supposed to go in. That had been nowhere near five minutes. If things kept going at the speed they were Yixing was going to end up giving birth right here in the bathroom he thought, feeling slightly frantic. But no, no he couldn’t freak out, not now. He needed to stay calm, he needed to sort this. So he squared his shoulders and tried to pull himself together.

“Oh God, just make it stop.” Yixing gasped, looking up at Jongin, his eyes pleading and his resolve to stay calm and collected almost crumbled because that was something else Yixing never did. He was type of person who’d grin and bear it rather than complain so seeing him in such obvious pain was distressing to say the least.

“We need to get you to the hospital, and do it sooner rather than later.” He said in the most confident tone of voice he could muster. And then he was helping Yixing straighten up and slipping an arm around his shoulders.

“What about the kids?” Yixing asked, sliding his own arm around Jongin’s back, curling his fingers in his t-shirt as he steadied himself.

“We’ll just send them home, it’ll be fine.”

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

God damn it, they were taking forever. Yixing was out there waiting in the car on his own and he was standing here watching as his class of ten collected up their stuff and tied their shoelaces. “Come on people!” he barked. “I’ve not got all day.”

“We’re going as fast as we can Mr Kim.” Sunyoung protested, zipping up her jacket and throwing her bag over shoulder.

“Well it’s not fast enough.” He told her.

And then he had an idea. It was a pretty terrible idea but if it would mean he could get out to the car that bit quicker he was going to roll with it. “Here.” He said pulling the keys to the studio out of his pocket and throwing them at the person closest to him.

That person just happened to be Sunyoung who fumbled and caught the keys just before they hit her in the face. “And what am I supposed to do with these?” she asked shooting a glare at her dance teacher.

“You’re supposed to wait until everyone else leaves and then lock up.” He told her and then he was backing out the door and sprinting for the car park. When Luhan found out what he’d just done he was going to kill him (or at least threaten to fire him) but it was risk he was willing to take. He’d rather that than have his son be born in the car en route to the hospital.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

And it turned out that throwing those keys at Sunyoung when he did had been the right thing to do because as soon as they’d walked through the door they'd been rushed up to the labour ward. Then the next thing he knew Yixing was squeezing his hand hard enough to cut off the circulation as the midwife ordered him to push.

Twenty minutes later and there was a , still wailing baby being placed on Yixing’s chest and Jongin was reaching out a hand to tentatively touch his face, not quite believing what he was seeing. That tiny person with his mop of dark hair, his hands clenched and his eyes screwed shut was their son. They'd been looking forward to his arrival for what seemed like forever and there he was, their little Sehun. Then he was being whisked away to be cleaned up and weighed and Jongin found himself collapsing into the chair by the bed, his hands trembling. It was an after-effect of all the adrenaline he was sure, the way he was shaking and the lump in his throat. There was no way he was about to start crying. Okay so maybe he was tearing up but it was the shock that was all he assured himself, accepting a handful of tissues from an amused looking nurse and ignoring the smirk on Yixing’s face. He’d been convinced from day one that when it came to the birth of their baby that Jongin would be a crier and he was obviously happy to have been proved right.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Yixing had probably been in labour since the day before the midwife had explained to them later after Sehun had been returned to them all squeaky clean and wrapped in a blanket. That was why his back had been bothering him so much, it had been where he’d been feeling his contractions before his waters had broken. “You should have told me how bad it was.” Jongin had said, a little miffed that he’d opted to keep him in the dark but Yixing had just shrugged his shoulders and told him he hadn’t wanted to worry him over nothing before going back to studying Sehun.

And that was what Jongin was doing now, studying Sehun as he slept in his arms. He was perfect, that was the conclusion he quickly came to. He never wanted to let him go. He knew he’d have to of course, unsurprisingly Yixing was as irrevocably in love with him as he was so it wouldn’t be long until he was asking for him back. But he didn’t have to worry about it for a while, Yixing was as fast asleep as Sehun was and after the day he'd had Jongin couldn't see him waking up anytime soon. He had another couple of hours  of peace and quiet ahead of him at least and he was going to use that time to bond with his son. Or maybe not because he could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. In all the excitement he hadn’t thought to turn it off. Not that anyone had told him he had to which had him thinking that maybe the whole ‘you can’t use your phone in a hospital’ thing might be a myth.

He shifted Sehun in his arms, trying his hardest not to disturb him and fished his phone from his pocket. And it was Luhan. Fantastic he thought with a sigh, answering it before it went to voicemail knowing that if it did it would only serve to annoy his boss further.

“So I had a call from Sunyoung’s mother,” Luhan told him forgoing a greeting. “She said Sunyoung came home with the keys to the studio. She said you’d given them to her. Care to explain?”

“Ah well,” Jongin said, not sure where to start, “it’s a funny story really…"


~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

AN: This is for mitsuka501. I hope it's at least kind of what you were looking for lovely.

And here's how the to do list is looking now:

Baekhun for kookiehs
Xiuhan for KspazzingFangirl
Chenhun for itoexo
Taoris for samoyed
Seho for painkillerxxx
Krishun for mitsuka501
Baekyeol for parkbyun
Krisoo for horadoribabe

Thanks again for all the comments and all the subs. I appreciate every single one xxx

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2413 streak #1
Chapter 30: ahhh the last one! HUHUHUHU
okay, Kris whining abt how he wasn't being offered a seat despite being pregnant, I'm just really sure no one thought he was pregnant! coz as he said, with his tall height, no one would ever expect him to be pregnant... he'd just have to bear with it for a bit more, and when he's undeniably pregnant, I'm sure he'll be offered seats as well

what a ty day for real tho... from the train, to the hot walk to their apartment to the broken elevator, to his missing keys even!!! I'd be so effing fed up too! tbh i thought he'd be pushed to the limit thinking that Minseok wasn't home, like he stepped out to buy something and Kris had to wait... but you were merciful authornim! HAHAHAHA

their story of why Kris is pregnant was so touching tho... like, ofc it's a wonder why Kris is the one bearing their child... but fate sometimes has other plans noh? it was Minseok's dream, but it couldn't be granted to him... but they wanted to have a child, and despite getting pregnant never crossing his mind before, Kris still said yes... and he was wondering what Minseok was feeling abt it huh? well, abt time they finally spoke abt it!

Kris thought he was saving Minseok from self pity with what he's doing but it's the opposite for Minseok... him saying he's feeling left out was definitely an eye opener for Kris... yes, srsly, just really abt time they talked abt it!!! loved it so much!!!

ahhhh it's the final available chapter of this whole au! i just really wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for this entire series!!! all oneshots were well thought of, tackled different issues a couple could face during a pregnancy, showed various circumstances, istg i didn't even imagine some of the couple scenarios here... it was such a delight to read!!! and i enjoyed every bit of it!
2413 streak #2
Chapter 29: with the turmoil that was going on in Baek's mind upon seeing Jongin, i was so amazed at how he addressed Jongin with so much sass! HAHAHAHA

this was mostly Baek's POV, but only based from Jongin's reaction to everything, i can tell that Baek's assumptions of what he would've done are unlikely! he's happy to find out abt the baby! he didn't appreciate Baekhyun deciding what he thought he needed... and man, this is just from Jongin's statement alone but i do think that Jongin's parents aren't what Baek assumed too!

how do we say thank you to Yeol for making this happen tho! although from Baek's description, he's just unnecessarily nosy HAHAHAHA
2413 streak #3
Chapter 27: i read this already... but who cares!!!
2413 streak #4
Chapter 26: so how did their friends react???
i was laughing at how of course it was BaekChen who were eye rolling at each other over morning sickness... but i never would've guessed that it was coz Jongdae's pregnant too!!! i just thought it was like the case where the husband is the one who gets it!!!

man, they both are pregnant tho! only 2 months apart!!! that's gonna be so hard... i hope they get as much support from their families and friends coz that will not be easy at all
2413 streak #5
WTF DUDE!!! if Baek was with someone else, i think his declaration would've been "I'm with someone now" one doesn't simply open with "I'm pregnant" to disclose their relationship status OMFG

not all are given a second chance but Kris was lucky enough to have one!
may they not screw up this time around, specially with a baby on the way!
2413 streak #6
Chapter 24: simple but so sweet!
"I didn't go far" were really Yixing's first words! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
but i love how calm they were this time around... like, both of then were true to their words, Yixing didn't go too far and Chanyeol made sure he wasn't angry coz he believed that Yixing would say coz he said so... the trust that they have on each other doing both of them a huge favor here and saving themselves from emotional damage
2413 streak #7
Chapter 23: awwww... how sweet!
now i wonder if this friendshio would stay platonic as time goes by... but anyway! HAHA

Jongin shouldn't have avoided Yeol... in the process, he made himself feel so alone with his predicament and that can't be healthy... kudos to Yeol for being a wonderful man for accepting his responsibility as a father, and a wonderful best friend who'd never let his best friend suffer on his own
2413 streak #8
Chapter 22: THIS IS SO GOOD!!!
the first part tho, you'd think they were talking ant random objects and not their children??? HAHAHAHHA

Luhan was so adamant abt having a child tho but Kris was not having it! he really didn't need another one! HAHA i get his point, they already have 4, that was already A LOT!!! but Luhan's reason for wanting one is so sweet too! Luhan just loves being a parent and since he believes they can still mamage to have one, for him the main question is, "what's stopping us?" and the answer is the husband HAHAHAHA

i knew Kris was gonna give in! i knew he was gonna use the "whatever makes you happy" line! HAHA what i didn't expect was for Lu to be pregnant already!!! maybe that's why he was very adamant abt having another one already, his body and mind where with baby already, but he just wasn't conscious of it yet...

what's not nice was Kris being accusatory tho! like, to accuse Luhan of something like that??? i mean, Lu was trying with him, what was that abt Lu planning to reveal his pregnancy only after Kris gives in? Lu deserved to be very mad at him then...

but in the end, it's just a misunderstanding coz of their originally varying opinion... not something their relationship would get broken with... and that's what matters!

i loved how mature this chapter was to tackle abt problems with established relationships... i really enjoyed reading it!
2413 streak #9
Chapter 21: just always tell your partner directly what you want them to do... honestly, saves a lot of frustration and irritation for both parties
2413 streak #10
Chapter 20: for a while, i was a bit confused who was pregnant! HAHA
but that was so sweet of Jongdae to be the bigger person, he's had such a horrible day! man, if it were me, I'd blow up the moment i knew there was no food waiting for me as I was promised... and Jun, oh baby... if i were Jongdae, i couldn't have stayed mad for too long as well