Fit of rage

Guilt and Forgiveness
Everybody was stunned by Jiro's painting. When all the teachers, who were summoned, were praising it to the sky, Jiro looked a bit uncomfortable, not used to that much attention.
Aaron saved him.
"Come, Jiro, I will show you how to spell "painting"."
They dragged Gui Gui along to the wardrobe outside the art room.
Jiro took out his notebook, and seemed like the small mice in his brain were running on high pressure. Before he gave Aaron the book, he asked:
"Is it good that they're all looking and talking about my picture?" He had looked very happy when Aaron and Gui Gui were praising him, but didn't know how to handle it when all the others summoned to look at the picture.
"Of course it's good. Your picture is amazing. When you look at it, you feel like it's alive," Gui Gui said, and tried to calm him down.
Aaron looked at Gui Gui. Jiro's comment about the "un-smiling smile" came into his head. He looked at Jiro, who still seemed to be troubled, even though Gui Gui comforted him.
Aaron took the notebook out of Jiro's hands, and found a clear page (which nearly didn't exist), and started to write.
Jiro and Gui Gui noticed that he didn't just write one word, but many. When he was done, he gave the notebook back to Jiro. Jiro started to read it, but since it took him a long time, Gui Gui took the book and read loud:
"On Jiro's painting, Gui Gui is a cat, and Aaron is a dog. Usually, dogs and cats aren't good friends. Jiro is a happy rabbit, which can jump high and long and has big ears, and want to learn things. Usually, the rabbit are hunted by the dog and the cat. But this cat and this dog will stick together and learn the happy little rabbit how to spell ... - P-A-I-N-T-I-N-G." Gui Gui looked Aaron in the eyes.
"Jiro isn't the only artist here. You're an artist with words."
Aaron didn't know what to say, and Jiro looked at the paper.
"Yay, you spelled "painting!" he exclaimed. He didn't seem to understand the meaning. The small mice in his head were burned out of energy after painting and getting praised.
Aaron couldn't help but laugh. Gui Gui also laughed, and Jiro looked confused at them.
Aaron hadn't been this happy for months.
He couldn't let it happen.

When they walked to the bus stop together after school, Jiro was very happy. The principal had seen the picture, and wanted it to be hung in his office. All the teachers talked about it, and he had got a very praising note that he could show to his parents. He was extremely proud, and was jumping around and dancing (and stumbling) while Gui Gui laughed. Aaron looked at Gui Gui and smiled. She had the cutest laugh he had ever seen, and he had seen a lot. But this would make him smile no matter how sad he was. Just like strawberry.
But a lot of students had also seen the picture. And the rumors in a special school is indeed special.
"Hey, isn't it those two from the picture? And the retarded monkey who painted it?" some tough-looking guys shouted at them.
"Is she a or something? Why would that handsome guy choose her?" some girls shouted from the seesaw.
Jiro stopped dancing, and looked confused around. Gui Gui bored her eyes into the ground and stood restless still, moving her foot constantly. Aaron stopped and looked around too. A guy from Jiro's class came nearer.
"Hey, little retarded geek! Is this your friends? Are they such as - as you are?" He smiled vicious. Jiro looked more confused as ever, but Aaron started to be angry..
"Is this little your girlfriend?" he asked Aaron.
"Let's get away," Gui Gui whispered. Aaron didn't listen.
"Are you dumb? Or maybe gay, huh?" The boy laughed, but the second after, Aaron had smashed his smile onto the ground, and sent another punch into his eye.
After the usual five seconds of response time, Jiro tried to pull Aaron away, but the boy was already nearly punched into pieces. Aaron gave him a last kick before he was pulled to his feet.
A teacher came running and pulled the other boy to his feet. Aaron was still furious. The teacher looked around at the other students, who a second ago was cheering at the fight. They all walked away.
"You'll go to the shrink tomorrow in first class, Mr. Yan. As soon as you arrive at the school," the teacher said, and helped the boy towards the school nurse.
Gui Gui laid her hand at Aaron's shoulder.
"Why did you do that? You didn't need to..."
"He called you a ." Aaron's tone was as hard as steel.
"And he called Jiro a retarded geek."
"Then ignore them and laugh at them for being crazy! This will be written in your papers," Gui Gui said, sounding worried.
"He... Aaron, what means "gay"? Can you spell it?" Jiro looked innocent at Aaron, which made both him and Gui Gui break into laughter. Jiro didn't understand what was funny, but he smiled anyway.
After a couple of minutes, Aaron got serious again.
"If he or someone else bothers you two again, then I will call him crazy and walk away. I promise you, Gui Gui."
"Then I trust you," she said and smiled.
How he didn't deserve her trust.
But even if she asked him to bring snow in a vacuum flask from the Arctic, he would do it. And he would teach Jiro to spell "vacuum" afterwards.

"I know what's your problem," the shrink said. He looked like a big frog.
"You want the girl and her cousin to be happy, of some reason I don't know, but at the same time you won't let yourself be happy. You don't think you deserve it."


"We want to sent Aaron to summer camp, along with some other students. Except for that little blooper yesterday, we think he can handle it," the principal said. Aaron's parents looked at each other. Was this positive?
"As he is one of the top five students in good behaviour."
'Good behaviour' - was this some kind of jail?

I will update more straight away. And if I get at least three comments, I will update again later :) so PLEASE comment :D

If you like GuiLun stories, then read my friends fanfic: "Love's Melody"

- Blitz

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good job i really like it!
I really really cried for it ....I love it so much nice story ....... Many people can relate with it ...hahaha thanks for writting this.......