
Guilt and Forgiveness
"Aaron! Aaron, wake up!"
Aaron lifted his head from the floor. He felt terrible. And his head hurt. Not only from the fall when he passed out.
"Oh, good you're awake! What happened? Feeling unwell?" his mother said worried.
"N-no... Not at all... Just... Need to drink water, I t-think..." His mother gave him a cup of water, and he drank it.
"Sure you can go to school?" his mother asked, while helping him to his feet.
"Y-yes..." he replied. A "no" would be more right, but he didn't want to worry his mom. And if she found out...
"You really sure? Well, then hurry up getting dressed, you're late for school," she said. Aaron staggered into his room and pulled on the school uniform. He buttoned the shirt askew, but didn't care. He took some headache medicine and walked out to the garden where his bike stood. He hadn't combed his hair.
He looked at the bike. Stood for a minute and just stared at it, frozen. This steel horse suddenly awaked all his anger, that he had never let out before, and he kicked the bike, first in the front wheel, the all-guilty front wheel, so it fell, and then at the pedals. He hurt his toe, but didn't care, just wanted to kill the bike. Like he had killed the girl.
When he came to school, half an hour late because he had to walk all the way (the bike was temporary in need for first-aid), the teacher was very surprised. He always used to arrive ten minutes before class, so he could say hello to everybody.
When the teacher wanted him to explain why he was so late, he just walked to his table with an empty look in his eyes. He ruffled his hair and wanted to take out the textbook, but he had forgotten it. He sat up again and hold his hand to his forehead. He couldn't stand the headache, and the medicine didn't help.
"Hello? Are you there?" The teacher stood in front of his table.
He looked up at her, without emotion.
"Then you can go to the school nurse. Or to the principal, if nothing's wrong with your health," she said, and walked up to the blackboard to continue teaching. Everyone stared at Aaron, as he got up and swung his bag over his shoulder, then walked out of the classroom. No one had ever seen an untidy, drowsy Aaron before. Who didn't smile.

Aaron didn't go to the nurse, neither the principal. What would be the use? He still couldn't understand what he found out this morning, or what happened last night either. He suddenly remembered the picture of the girl lying in the trench with blood flowing from her forehead. He shook his head and sat down on a bench near the basketball court. The hold day had been like a dream, maybe more like a really unpleasant nightmare, where he just walked around in the fog.
He looked at his feet and his sandals, and noticed that the sock around the big toe was red. He had obviously got a sore. The picture of the bleeding forehead got to his brain again, and he felt like fainting, when two hands grasped his shoulders and pushed him to his feet. It was Calvin and Chun.
"Come with us," Calvin whispered, and they dragged him to a small corner of the school.
"Did you read the newspaper?" Chun said with a low voice.
"It's pretty hard to avoid when your mother pushes it up to your face," Aaron said.
"Huh, playing smart? This is no time for joking. This is so serious as it can be."
Aaron couldn't be more serious.
"What're we gonna do?" Aaron asked.
"If you want to leave your family and go to jail, feel free. Just don't mention us. It was you, who killed her, not us," Calvin said, obviously trying to make himself believe that too.
"How can you say it was me who killed her?! I'd never intent to do that. It was only because you guys told me to, and I thought she would be just as healthy afterwards!" Aaron started to raise his voice, but Chun said:
"We never wanted this to happen either! But would it make the case better to go to jail? Hardly. It would just make everyone hate us."
Aaron didn't have any comment to that. He didn't know what to mean either.
None of the others sounded calm either. They looked worried at each other. Aaron thought they tried to make themselves believe they were unguilty, even though it didn't seem to work. The always-so-secure 'Most Handsome' and 'Most Sporty' seemed to be apart from themselves today. And so was 'Most Popular'.
"It... It all comes out at one, then... So we won't tell anybody. Just try to act normal, OK?" Calvin said, still glancing to Chun's side. Chun nodded. Aaron looked down, and wanted to be an ant that could easily lift twice it's own weight, cause that was how heavy his conscience felt.

Okay, not much action-action in this chapter, but it will get more exciting in next chapter, and Gui Gui will appear. Hope you enjoyed it ^^,

If I get more comments, I will update again later today :)

- Blitz

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good job i really like it!
I really really cried for it ....I love it so much nice story ....... Many people can relate with it ...hahaha thanks for writting this.......