Smiling again

Guilt and Forgiveness
Next day in school, Gui Gui sat next to Aaron. Aaron didn't comment it. Gui Gui was happy and chatted with him, even though it was only her talking, but she just thought he was tired in the morning. If she knew...
"Hey, look what I found in the newspaper!" She put the paper in front of him. Aaron got on his feet straight away. He had got a phobia from newspapers since the morning his mother showed him the article about Emma.
"Hey, what's wrong with you? Did I wake you from sleep?" she said, and smiled. "Your eyes look quite wild."
"N-no... I was just surprised," Aaron said, an sat down again.
"Oh well, then read this. Remember those two guys? They're from our old school," Gui Gui said, and laid the paper on his table.
Aaron started reading.
'Wu Chun and Calvin Chen from the local basketball team of Hong Mian High School goes International.'
Aaron looked at Gui Gui.
"Do you want me to read for you?" she said, looking a bit confused.
"Okay then. But it's just about those two guys going to train on an international team, because a coach discovered them in the national High School league. They must be really happy. I would wish I could be happy too," she said, and suddenly got a sorrowful look in her eyes. She took the paper and put it into her bag, and got back to her own table.
Aaron finally got his mind clear. He was happy for them, but didn't want to play basketball on the international team. He wanted to make Gui Gui happy. That was the least he could do.

During break, Aaron and Gui Gui walked around in the schoolyard in silence. Aaron didn't know what to say. At last, he pulled himself together.
"Uhm... Do you know much about Chun and Calvin?"
"Those guys in the paper? Not much, but they were very popular, just like you," Gui Gui said, without emotion. She looked like she was in deep thought. Then she continued.
"Did you know much about them?"
Aaron didn't made it to answer, because suddenly a voice appeared from the back of them.
"Gui Gui! Gui Gui!!" A guy came running towards them, highly waving and smiling. He stumbled, but won back his balance before falling. It looked comical.
Gui Gui laughed and looked very happy. The guy finally reached them, but nearly couldn't speak, because he was tired from running.
"Gui Gui..." He breathed hard. "Gui Gui, I finally found you!" He smiled very happy, and didn't seem to notice Aaron.
"Jiro, why are you here? I thought your class was on a trip today," Gui Gui asked, and looked amused. Aaron looked confused from the sideline.
"No no no!! That was yesterday, Gui Gui. Only yesterday. Today there's no trip!" He looked extremely happy, and Gui Gui laughed.
"Jiro, let me present you to the guy next to me. Jiro, this is Aaron, Aaron, this is Jiro. He is my cousin. He has always been in this school, because he has some... problems. But the doctors are working on it," Gui Gui said, and smiled.
"Hi," Aaron said. Jiro looked confused for a minute, then he smiled again, if possible more happy than before, and shoke Aaron's hand with so much passion, that he could have ripped it of.
"Hello Aaron!! Is it spelled with two A's or two R's or with only one A and one R or with both two A's and two.."
"Calm down Jiro, take it easy. I know you practice spelling a lot, but Aaron will bear with it if you by accident spell his name wrong. Wright, Aaron?" Gui Gui suddenly looked serious, and sent Aaron a talking gaze. Aaron understood.
"Oh yes, don't think too much about it. It doesn't matter to me," and then Aaron did something he hadn't done in a very long time. He smiled.
Gui Gui looked surprised at him, then smiled too. Jiro looked troubled.
"Oh... Then... But I really want to know, Aaron!" Jiro still had a take in his hand, and started shaking it in impatience. Aaron thought, that this guy had too many muscles in ratio to his brain capacity.
"Okay, okay," Aaron said, and laughed. This surprised himself so much, that he stopped for a second. Then coughed and continued:
"It's spelled A-A-R-O-N."
"Yay! Thank you! I will write it down," Jiro said, and took a notebook from his bag. On the front side, there was written, with a sloppy handwriting: "Words". Then beneath, with a lot smoother and beautiful handwriting, obviously Gui Gui's, "to remember". Jiro tried to find a clean page. When he found it, he found a pencil and wrote.
"A... A... R... O... N..." Jiro said while spelling.
"Why did you want to find me?" Gui Gui asked, and Jiro looked up, smiling.
"Gui Gui, I got 81 points in my spelling test today! The teacher said I was improving, and only two persons got higher scores than me!"
"Wow, that's great, Jiro! Aunt will be so happy to hear this," Gui Gui said, and hugged him. Jiro said:
"You must not tell them! I want to surprise them, please don't say anything!"
"Don't worry, I will not," Gui Gui assured him.
"That sounds great, Jiro. You must be very good in class." Gui Gui and Jiro both looked at Aaron, surprised.
"Well, Jiro, that should be the highest praise you can get, as I've never heard Aaron praise something before, after he got here. Maybe except for my eyes," Gui Gui said, and Jiro, who at first looked confused by Aaron's serious tone, smiled and said:
"Gui Gui, I like your friend! Aaron, thank you! Now I can also spell your name. And by the way..." He took the notebook out again. "Do you know how to spell "probability"? I didn't spell that right in the test today, and the teacher told me to learn it, as it was important." He looked at Aaron.
Aaron laughed. Again.
"Of course. And I can also teach you "important", if you want.
Jiro thanked Aaron a thousand times more, and when the bell rang, Aaron had never felt more cheerful. Gui Gui smiled too.
"Isn't he nice? He works so hard in school, while his classmates always try to skip class. He actually once punched a guy for shouting at the teacher," Gui Gui said.
"He is indeed nice. I've never felt so carefree since..." He stopped himself in talking.
"Since what?" Gui Gui asked.
"Since... Since I came to this school," Aaron ended up saying. That was in close shave.
"I still don't understand why you are here. You seem too normal to."
"I also don't understand. But my parents sent me." A big lie.
"My parents also sent me. But I don't need to be in class with all those crazy kids. I'm just sad, not brain-dead," Gui Gui said, and looked at the students around them while going up the stairs.
"Yeah. Then me, you and Jiro can be the only white sheeps in the black herd."
"It's not like Jiro is totally normal. He's an autist. He has a hard way to learn things, but he has some incredible talent for drawing. Look at this," she said, and took out a picture from her bag.
"He made this in kindergarten."
Aaron took the picture and looked at it. It was truly incredible. The drawing of Gui Gui looked just like a photo, but a photo could not have captured the light in her eyes like this drawing did.
"Amazing," Aaron said.

Then Jiro appeared :) And this was a looong chapter xD
Please comment, maybe I will update later today. But now I have to go sea-bathing, yay 8D xD

Again, if any silent readers, or just readers of all kind, please leave a comment, it makes me very happy (read: singing) :)

- Blitz

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good job i really like it!
I really really cried for it ....I love it so much nice story ....... Many people can relate with it ...hahaha thanks for writting this.......