Suho_Rich Boy

♥~My EXO-One-Shot Collection~♥

A/N: Wanna play a little game? Okay, find three Songs while reading that story ^.~ 

Don't worry it is very easy, you can't really miss them and of course all of them are K-pop songs.

I will give you 1 hint: 2 Songs are of EXO and one was sang by SHINee's Taemin on a few radio-shows ^^

Have fun! 


»Haneul-ssi, your boyfriend is waiting for you outside the building! «, your friend of your office informed you and all female employees ran to the window to look for your boyfriend. They would squeak and fan girl over him when they heard he was picking you up again.

»Omo! Haneul-ssi I envy you so much, he is really handsome and such a sweetheart«, your colleagues squeaked and admired your boyfriend.

Your lips formed a wide smile. They were right, your Boyfriend was definitely a sweetheart. He was more than you could ever wish for. Just like a real gentleman. He was known for being the leader of the boy group EXO. But of course this didn’t matter to you. You just loved him for being himself and being able to be yourself around him and the love he gave you.

As quick as possible you packed all your stuff in your handbag. On your desk was also lying a bouquet of flowers that your boss has given you this morning. Little did you know that your boss had slightly a crush on you. He was very young but a very competent man and could handle his stressing job very well, but there was no chance that you would ever leave your boyfriend for him. You bid your goodbyes to your colleagues and rushed downstairs to walked through the entrance of the huge building.

There he was, leaning against his black Mercedes Benz, with his sunglasses on and running a hand through his short black hair, waiting for you. He flashed a smile when he saw you coming towards his direction. He felt like the happiest man, having you by his side, you were such a precious Girl to him. He would do anything for you.

»Suho-Oppa! «, you shouted and made his heart flutter. You made your way straight to his embrace. He didn’t have the time to pick you up every day from work, but he would do everything to make some time for you, since he wanted to see as bad as you wanted to see him. He hugged you tight and pecked your cheek as a greeting.

»You become more beautiful every day«, he complimented you and tucked very gentle a strand of your long hair behind your ear to take a closer look at you. Just to enjoy having you in front of him and in his arms again.  You blushed. He would always compliment you and looking at you straight in the eyes.

»T-thank you Oppa. You are handsome as always too«, you said shyly and lowered your gaze on his chest. He laughed.

When you pulled away he noticed the flower bouquet. Where did you get that from? He wondered.

»What’s with this flowers?«, he asked, but did he really want to know? You took a short glance at those red and pink roses and explained:

»Ahh, I got them today from my boss«

Suho lifted one of his eyebrows and mouthed and oh…

»F-from your boss? B-but why roses? Aren’t roses a sign for romance and love?«, he questioned. He didn’t mind when your boss wanted to get you flowers, but it did bother him the fact that he got you roses.

»It could be that he somehow has a little crush on me, but you don’t need to worry, 'cause you are the only one for me~«, you reassured him and quickly pecked his lips. He was relieved and smiled against you lips.

»I have something for you«, he stated and opened the door of his car. He was about to pull out a huge Teddy bear when you said:

»Not again Suho-Oppa, I thought we did talk about this…«, you pouted. You didn’t really like it that he spend so much money on you. Every time when you got to see each other he had a present for you. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable.

»I know but I want my girl to be happy~«, he pulled out the teddy bear and handed it to you. It was the teddy bear you were admiring last time when the two of you were shopping. But sadly it wasn’t to be sold. How did he get this?

»Omo! But Oppa didn’t the cashier say that it wasn’t for sale? How did you get this?«, he knew you wouldn’t stay mad at him as soon as you saw the teddy bear. He tried to keep your cute expression as one his precious memories of you.

»You know, she couldn’t resist my charm«, he gave you his naughty look but cracked in to laughter out of embarrassment. You again gave him a kiss on the cheek. He opened you the front door of the car and waited till you got in before heading to his side and starting his car.

You knew pretty well that Suho was being called “Rich” among the 12 EXO members and that he spend his money on his dongsaengs too. But you didn’t like that he would spend so much money on you, because he would buy you way to expensive stuff, like jewelry and clothing but these material things didn’t make you feel happy at all. Even if he liked it to buy you all these kind of expensive things.

»Oppa~ we have to talk..«, you said and looked at his handsome profile, while he drove to your house. He turned the volume of the radio down.

»Hmm? What do you want to talk about, my angel~?«, he asked with his lovely voice not taking his eyes off the road. You sighed. You took a look on your teddy bear and patted its head.

»You have to stop buying me things«, you simply said and waited for his reaction. He just gave you a questioning look.

»Didn’t you like my present? «, he asked you feeling bad that you might didn’t like the teddy bear at all.  You shook your head instantly.

»No that’s not it. I really love it! But I don’t want you to spend so much money on me… and it somehow feels a bit uncomfortable for me «, you explained. When you two stopped due to a red traffic light, he looked straight in to your face and smiled.

»I’m sorry, I didn’t want to give you the feeling that you were my doll that has to wear all these fancy dresses and the expensive jewelry to every party and nothing more, if you meant that… but I want to buy you all the things so you are happy, that’s all«, he explained and gave you his sad puppy eyes. You couldn’t resist this look and cupped his cheeks.

»But you don’t have to. I’m also happy without all of these, because I love you and not the presents you buy me. I don’t need these material things… I just need you«, you pecked lightly his nose. He smiled at your words and enjoyed you touching his face. You two had totally forgotten that you were still on the road until the cars behind you would beep a few times and signaling you that the traffic light went already green. Suho immediately drove off again and showed the driver behind him some apologetic signs.

»Oh man, you are getting me too distracted from driving I guess«, he rubbed his neck with a very shy expression on his face.

»I think I am a little afraid that you will eventually lose interest in me if i won't, and I really want to get my girl everything she wants«, Suho explained further.

»What made you think that I will lose interest in you? «, did you anything do that made him that insecure? You asked yourself.

»Well, I noticed how other men were looking at you, how they admired you… I don’t have much time for you because of my schedule, I know. So I’m afraid that you will leave me for someone who can offer you more … Time and everything, like your boss possibly could.«

»What are you talking about now, Suho-Oppa?«, you frowned, didn’t you just tell him a few minutes ago that he was the only one for you? You mentally sighed, but you couldn’t be mad at him. You bet you would be equally worried if some other girl would have a crush on Suho.

You loved Suho for being so honest to you and the fact that he was afraid that you would leave him for some other guy made you giggle. You couldn’t imagine to ever love someone other than Suho. He was the one who made you realize what love could feel like. He was the first person you really fell in love with.

Soon you were already in front of your house, where Suho tried to find a parking space. As he turned the key and the motor shut down you reached for his hand. He looked at you in surprise for your sudden action.

»Oppa~ you don’t need to worry about me leaving you. This won’t happen because I just want you… beside that I should be the one worrying about you. You are around this beautiful women, you could’ve hit it better than choosing me…«, you said and his eyes grew wide by that. He didn’t know that you felt that insecure too. Suho now took also both of your hands in his and kissed their back.

»You are such a silly girl«, he laughed and looked at you so sincerely you could have melted at that moment.

»You are the most beautiful girl to me and not only because of your looks but because you have such a beautiful heart and I’m the luckiest guy to have you as my girlfriend and I'm so lucky to be your love~ . I can also tell that because of the jealous expressions on other men faces when they are looking at us«, he smirked and pulled you closer to kiss you on your lips. So you both had pushed your insecurities away with both of you explaining your strong love for each other.

Both of you got out of the car and both your hearts were beating to fast. Suho took your hand and lead you towards your door after locking his car. Now was time for you to spend alone, you would maybe watch a movie while cuddling on the couch and eating some snacks.  As you opened the door and you two entered you slung your arms around Suho’s neck.

»No more presents?«, you asked him so he would confirm you that he did understand you. Now he showed you his pouty lips.

»No more presents? Even for special events, like christmas or more important your birthday?«, he asked pretending to be sad and placed his arms around your petit waist to bring your body closer to his. You let out a small laugh.

»Okay, I think therefor we can make an exception, but just for special events okay?«

He nodded and rested his forehead against yours. You were the only girl who could make him feel that important, that loved. He was already beyond just feeling happy around you, you were his and only his.

»Okay, no more presents then, my love «, he winked and smiled at you with sparkling eyes, before kissing you one more time.

~~~***~ THE END ~***~~~

A/N: And did any one find the 3 Songs? ^^ I'm really courious now.

Let me know the three titles of the songs and your feedback in the comments. <3

Maybe I will reveal the answers in one of the next chapters, hihi ^.^


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Okay my dear readers~ I'm really sorry for not updating the past two weeks... I promise to do so as soon as possible, please forgive me. (>.


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Chapter 12: Oh! This is way too cute ♥
And I really like the new concept of your writing, it's easier to read xD
You did a really, really good job there, dear ♥
Chapter 12: All this one short story of yours are jjang...
Chapter 11: Oh my God, all of the chapters are so freaking good. I really like the Xiumin and Kyungsoo stories. The both chapter really makes me squealing ♥
Good job you did there, Gabi :)
exolover12345678 #4
Chapter 10: I love ur stories authornim!please update more
Chapter 11: Sooooooo cute! >3< I was like... kyaaa.. kyaaa.. and kyaaa.. haha! *fangirling mode. XD How I wish my boyfriend was Lay. ♥♥ loving your update! xoxo
Chapter 10: AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love your stories so much!
rajaeben #7
Chapter 2: it kinda reminded me of fifty sgades of grey "suho's part"
Chapter 9: I can't....... breath... please.. Someone call the doctor asdghjklqwrtyiopzvxn OVERDOSE! Your story is killing me. So cute and so romantic. I just wanna say Saranghaeyo! ♥♥ fighting!
exolavs #9
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CANT WAIT!
Chapter 8: Oh mai gawdddd! Omg! OMG! FINALLY YOU UPDATE! I was waiting for your update... T_T omg! This chapter was CUTE! I was smilling like an idiot while reaeing this. Keep it up. Fighting. Omooo~~ Cant wait for chanlieee. ♥♥ xoxo