Luhan_Babysitting with Luhan!

♥~My EXO-One-Shot Collection~♥

»I know… I want to see you too, but tomorrow is going to be difficult…«, you mumbled in to your cellphone. Right now you were talking to your boyfriend Luhan. He was on his way back from China to Korea together with EXO. Luhan called you to tell you how much he missed you and how bad he wanted to see you.

The manager planned to return to Korea one day earlier and Luhan wanted to keep it as surprise until now. You missed him too, but as you were thinking that EXO will arrive one day later you already made some plans for this day.

»Ow, sweetheart…«, he complained. You could tell that he was probably pouting right now. Your heart ached at that thought. It was late and you wanted to get some rest, but his call made you excited and happy.

»Luhan I’m really sorry«, you squinted your eyes while apologizing.

»I guess it’s okay… I should have told you earlier. But now I’m curious, what are your “plans” for tomorrow?«, he asked you and sounded a bit insecure. You giggled.

»No need to worry, Lulu. I just have to babysit my nephew«, you informed him. You didn’t want him to be worried or sad, because you only loved him.

»Really? I want to meet him! Let me help you!«, he said cheerfully. You could tell he was excited, you only had just told him about your nephew but never introduced him to Luhan. Now was the perfect time, right? Plus you could spend time together with your love! You smiled, but then remembered that he must be still tired from the travel.

»Yes, but Luhan, you have to rest properly before coming over tomorrow. Promise me«, you demanded. You didn’t want him to be tired and overexert himself. His health was way too important to you.

»Yes my sweetheart, I promise! Should I buy him something? Oh! Does he like stuffed animals?«, he started talking way to fast in excitement. You giggled. Why did your boyfriend have to be so cute?

»Well he is only one year old and really loves stuffed animals, so try your luck«, you informed your lovely boyfriend

A few more hours you spent your time talking with Luhan about what he could get your nephew as present.

You lied in Bed and smiled to yourself. You were going to see your boyfriend the next day after a long time. You wanted to hug him and just lay in his arms. You wanted to feel his warmth, smell his scent and hear his sweet but manly voice. You wished he was already beside you and you could snuggle up to him. Before you knew it you doze off and drifted in to dream land.

*the next day*

Early in the morning you went to your big sisters house to pick up your cute and totally sweet little nephew. Every time he would see you a huge smile would appear on his face. He really loved his aunt! He was a very happy baby, he would rarely cry and laughed much instead. He enjoyed being the little prince in the family. Even though he was just one year old and the only words he said till now were Papa, Mama and Ball he showed you his affection by cuddling with you and giving you little kisses.

As you knocked on the door of your sister’s house, you were greeted by her and your little prince who came running and smiling brightly after his mommy. He was so adorable!

»Daehyunnie!! ♥«

You immediately lifted the little boy up and showered him with lots of little kisses. You heard him giggle and let him down on the floor shortly after entering the apartment.

»Hey Sis!«, you finally greeted your sister with a tight hug who watched you the whole time with a wide smile on her face.

»Ready for your wellness trip?«, you asked her. Yes, your sister and her boyfriend were going on a wellness trip and begged you to take care of baby Daehyun. Of course you wouldn’t say no, since you loved having him around you. She would have asked your mother but she was on a business trip and out of town.

»Yes! Nabi, thanks again for taking Daehyunnie this weekend«, she smiled. You were happy seeing her so excited. Since Daehyunnie was born she and her boyfriend had rarely time for themselves and now they were going to have the whole weekend ;)

»Oh, It’s not a big deal, just enjoy yourselves«, you smiled at her. You helped your sister packing baby Daehyunnies stuff and sat him in his buggy. After a while you bid goodbye to your sister and made your way to your apartment.

Arriving there you unpacked all your nephews’ things and cooked him his baby food.

Meanwhile Luhan was looking for a huge teddy bear for baby Daehyunnie, he thought a teddy would be the best idea. After realizing that he only had 20 minutes left to meet up with you, he ran to the cashier and paid for it.

Completely out of breath he made his way running to your apartment and knocked on your door while trying to catch his breath keeping his gaze low.

»Luhan … wha- what’s wrong? Were you running? «, you laughed silently. You definitely didn’t expect your boyfriend seeing like this. It somehow was amusing. Luhan looked up pouting and jumping in to your arms.

»Oh sweetheart, I’m so happy to see you again! I missed you so much. Did you get prettier? «, Luhan greeted you and embraced you tightly. Oh how you loved being in his arms. You could have melted.

»Luhan, don’t talk such nonsense!« you laughed and playfully hit his head. He let his head rest on your shoulder. The running made him more tired than he was… It felt like ages when he hold you, you enjoyed it and kissed cheek. Luhan shot his eyes open.

»What was that?«, he asked you with a slightly mischievously grin.

»A kiss?«, you answered while raising an eyebrow. Luhan shook his head and suddenly looked straight in the eyes.

»Is this the way how you kiss your boyfriend when you get to see him after a long time?«, he asked and cupped your face with both of his hands. You stayed there in shock. What went through him?! He got closer to your face and nearly placed his lips on yours when..

»Whaaaaa!« you heard baby Daehyun whining. He was standing behind you and tugged on your jeans while looking angrily at Luhan. What was wrong with Daehyun? You questioned yourself. Luhan was surprised but as he saw the child behind you his lips formed a smile and his eyes sparkled.

»Hey little man who are you?«, he bent down to be at your nephew’s eye level, but Daehyunnie seemed uninterested and turned his head to you. He threw up his arms to you so you would lift him up. You did because he was so adorable at this moment!

»Wha- what’s wrong with him? Did I do something wrong?«, Luhan asked you pouting trying get a look at Daehyun, but the baby would always turn his face away from him and snuggled up to your chest.

»Aww, what’s wrong Daehyunnie? Don’t you want to say hi to Luhan?«, you asked the little boy in your arms and wanted to hand him to your boyfriend. Luhan reached out for him and couldn’t wait to hold him in his arms. Your Nephew whined again.


It seemed like your nephew didn’t like Luhan, but why? You didn’t have the slightest idea!

»Why he doesn’t like me?«, Luhan looked at you with a really sad expression. Ow! You hated it when he looked at you like this! His big sad eyes…. He looked just like Bambi!

You mentally sighed. You wanted your nephew to like your boyfriend! Then you noticed that Luhan had this huge and fluffy Teddy bear in one of his hands. … Perhaps it was for baby Daehyunnie? Maybe when Luhan gave Daehyun that stuffed toy he would change his behavior towards him?

Luhan slowly watched where your gaze had wandered and then the same idea popped up in his mind. You walked to in to the living room sitting yourself on the couch and Daehyunnie on your lap. Luhan followed and took his seat next to you.

»Daehyunnie~ look what I have here for you«, Luhan showed him the huge teddy bear and Daehyun sweetly started laughing at it. You could tell he liked that toy. He would always laugh when he sees a funny plushie or toy he really likes. He immediately extended his arms towards the teddy bear and climbed off my lap to play with it together with Luhan.

You knew your nephew so well ;)

You watched both of them playing and smiled. It was such an admirable scene. You really wanted to keep watching them, but you still head to prepare Daehyuns food and you were also sure Luhan was hungry too. So you made your way to the kitchen and started preparing lunch. You were not that much of a good cook but at least you knew how to cook some simple meals and today you have decided on cooking spaghetti Bolognese.

Since Daehyuns meal was ready in a few minutes you asked Luhan to feed the little boy. … To be honest you didn’t want to see how your living room was going to look like after that! There were probably going to be some stains on the floor, but you rather wanted to concentrate on cooking than on thinking of how dirty your living room would be…

The only thing you heard Luhan making your nephew say “ahh” and making him laugh. 15 minutes passed and it suddenly was silent. There was nearly no noise coming out of your living room. Did Daehyun fell asleep? You wondered.

After turning off the stove and serving the spaghettis on the plates you felt two arms hugging your waist from behind.

»Mmmhh.. It smells really good«, he placed his head on your shoulder as he commented. You placed a hand above his which he had placed on your stomach and smiled. You missed his embraces so much, his touch… you were glad he was here with you right now.

»Did Daehyun fall asleep?«, you asked leaning your head on his. He nodded.

»He is such a sweet boy and it was so much fun playing with him«, he said and kissed your cheek.

»But somehow I’m really glad that he is asleep for now«, he admitted blushing slightly. You were a bit confused by what he had said. He seemed to notice and leaned back, just to turn you around to face you. He looked at you so intensely, so that you were the one who blushed this time.

»I’m glad because now I can kiss you without the cutie disturbing us«, he winked and pulled in for a sweet but passionate kiss. It made your heart melt, how his soft lips touched yours. It was like he sent electricity through your body.

He slowly pulled back and again looked at you with his adorable and sparkling eyes.

»I love you my sweetheart I hope you know that ♥«, he smiled and rubbed his thumb against your cheek.

»I love you too Lulu«, you said and planted a little kiss on his lips.


♥~~~***~ THE END ~***~~~♥

I've finally finished the Luhan chapter! Yehet!

....Again I have to apologize to you guys for updating so late. I'm really sorry, but after hearing about that issue with EXO's Kris I've been a bit down and don't really feel well, but I know he knows what's best for him. .... Aaaaahh.

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed, I would love to read more comments of you ^ ^


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Okay my dear readers~ I'm really sorry for not updating the past two weeks... I promise to do so as soon as possible, please forgive me. (>.


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Chapter 12: Oh! This is way too cute ♥
And I really like the new concept of your writing, it's easier to read xD
You did a really, really good job there, dear ♥
Chapter 12: All this one short story of yours are jjang...
Chapter 11: Oh my God, all of the chapters are so freaking good. I really like the Xiumin and Kyungsoo stories. The both chapter really makes me squealing ♥
Good job you did there, Gabi :)
exolover12345678 #4
Chapter 10: I love ur stories authornim!please update more
Chapter 11: Sooooooo cute! >3< I was like... kyaaa.. kyaaa.. and kyaaa.. haha! *fangirling mode. XD How I wish my boyfriend was Lay. ♥♥ loving your update! xoxo
Chapter 10: AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love your stories so much!
rajaeben #7
Chapter 2: it kinda reminded me of fifty sgades of grey "suho's part"
Chapter 9: I can't....... breath... please.. Someone call the doctor asdghjklqwrtyiopzvxn OVERDOSE! Your story is killing me. So cute and so romantic. I just wanna say Saranghaeyo! ♥♥ fighting!
exolavs #9
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CANT WAIT!
Chapter 8: Oh mai gawdddd! Omg! OMG! FINALLY YOU UPDATE! I was waiting for your update... T_T omg! This chapter was CUTE! I was smilling like an idiot while reaeing this. Keep it up. Fighting. Omooo~~ Cant wait for chanlieee. ♥♥ xoxo