
♥~My EXO-One-Shot Collection~♥

Hi my dear readers & subscribers ♥

It's been a while ... and I'm really sorry. No, I didn't forgret this project and I want to work on it till the end of this collection.

The last few weeks were just so terribly stressful for me but gladly I had at least some days of vacation. So I was highly motivated on writing and finally finished this chapter. So, I hope you like this one here ^-^

Oh! One more thing I really need to tell you! I really love receiving your comments. They make me so happy and let me survive my week ^^

thank you! thank you!

»Is something wrong Tao?«, you asked your boyfriend with concern in your voice, who was sitting the opposite of you. He was in the boy group called EXO which grew popular really fast. You still can’t believe that he is now your boyfriend. It did cost much strength and confidence for him to ask you to be his. You’re his girlfriend for more than 5 months now and you still get very nervous around him but you got really excited when you’re able to see him. Dating was quite hard for both of you, especially when you had to hide your relationship from public but you were fine with it as long as both of you could be together.  

You were having a date right now and you were really happy that you finally could see Tao after a few weeks again, but lately he behaved a bit strange. You couldn’t really tell what was wrong with him.

He was sweet, caring and gentle like always but he seemed to be a bit bothered.

»No, everything is alright«, he smiled at you and reached for your hand to plant a kiss on its back.

»So, how was my little baobei doing while I’ve been away?«, Tao asked you and caressed your Hand with his thumb. You didn’t want to remember that hard and long time.

»I missed you so terribly. I couldn’t wait for you to come back again. So I’m very happy now that you are here«, you closed your eyes and just enjoyed his company. He chuckled. Tao loved hearing your answer. He missed you a lot too. His band members couldn’t stand him during their stay in china, because he acted like a crybaby and wanted to see you so bad.

Although Tao could be very childish sometimes you didn’t mind, you actually loved that side of him.

While both of you were sitting in the coffee shop you noticed during your conversation with Tao his strange behavior when the waiter came to serve your coffee. The waiter was a young boy, with blond dyed hair, he was really cute. Tao knew what kind of boys you thought to be cute and maybe that was the reason why he acted that way? But this boy really looked like he was still in middle school… A real noona attractor! But you just wanted Tao and no one else!

»Would you like anything else?«, the waiter asked both of you as sweet as he could. You could tell that the waiter was a bit frightened of Taos piercing glares at him. The poor boy…

»No thanks«, you said and sent the young boy away.

»Tao, what was that?«, you whispered and hoped to get a proper answer. Tao just shook his head and took a sip of his coffee.

You knew that Tao wouldn’t confess what was on his mind so you made it yourself as mission to make him say it!

The whole time during your conversations with Tao, you thought of a good plan. How would you make him say what was wrong? Till you had a wonderful Idea! You had to trick him.

After Lunch you decided to go home again, you pretended that you couldn’t stand his behavior anymore. You were sure this would work that way very well.

»What do you want to do next baobei?«, he asked while both of got ready to leave the cozy little coffee shop. He grabbed your hand and led you outside.

»I think we both should go home«, you said in a monotone way which let you sound very bored.

Tao was confused. You two had a date right now and you wanted to go home already?

»O-okay, how about playing some videogames at the dorm?«

He somehow interpreted EXO’s dorm as his and your HOME. You just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Tao really didn’t understand you. Well you should better explain…

»No Tao. I meant: you should go back to your dorm and I should go back to my apartment«

You really weren’t mad at him, but you were a bit annoyed. Today he was way to overprotecting and strange. It seemed like every guy that looked at you Tao wanted to punch them in the face. It also scarred you a bit.

It made you sad, that he wouldn’t tell you right away what was upsetting him so much. You knew he wouldn’t do it without a reason. He was you boyfriend and you wanted to listen to his worries and cheer him up again.

»Wha- what? Why? Did I do something wrong? If so I’m really sorry«

All of the sudden he pulled you to his chest and held you tight in his arms. You were really surprised by his action, you didn’t expect him to hug you. Especially in public where Journalists and paparazzo were probably waiting to write about a new scandal and Tao wasn’t even disguised!

»Tao, what are you doing?«, you asked whispering but with a high pitched voice. Your face turned immediately bright red and you covered it by hiding in Tao’s chest.

»I’m sorry for my strange behavior lately, okay? I do have my reasons… but please stay by me«, he said and kissed you head softly.

Now you were sad, you haven’t seen each other for so long now… and you really wanted to spend the whole day with him. Finally you gave in in his hug and slung your arms around his waist. His body felt under his thin jacket very muscular and his arms were very strong. It reminded you when you had caught him shirtless wandering at the dorm. He looked so good and well built. That day he just chuckled at you for getting red as a tomato. 

At that moment you felt like you would melt.

You loved being near him and feeling his warmth. You couldn’t stand it when he was too far away it made you crazy. But you respected that his dream of being a good singer, rapper and dancer. He worked so hard for it to become real and it made him happy and when he was happy it made you happy to. Just that counted to you.

»Okay Tao. Let us head back to the dorm now«, you leaned back and smiled at him.  Being in his arms made your eyes sparkle and so did his. Tao threw his hand in the air and shouted laud:

»Yay«, before he planted a short kiss on your lips.

»But, at the dorm I expect you to tell me the reason why you’re so upset, okay?«, you said strictly. You just heard Tao gulping. He was nervous. After a few times just blinking at you he finally nodded his head.

»OMO! That’s EXO’s Tao! But who is the Girl he is hugging?!«, someone screamed and with that a bunch of paparazzo made their way to you and tried to shoot some photos of you. ! What are we going to do now!? You thought and mentally started to panick.

You closed your eyes and groaned in Taos chest. You had a feeling that this would happen…

Also Tao didn’t look so pleased with the situation right now and let out a deep and kind of frustrated sigh.

As the journalists, fans and paparazzo came near Tao let go of you but grabbed your hand.

»Baobei… I want you to hold my hand tight now. I know a way out of here okay?«, he whispered and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. You didn’t know what he intended to do… But nodded your head.

Tao suddenly started running and you hadn’t another choice than do the same and follow him. You barely could see where both of you were running, cause you were to close behind Tao. But as you stopped you were hiding behind a corner of a house. You were out of breath and leaned on Tao. It seemed like you had left the bunch of people behind. They were all standing in their ways, what made it us much easier to escape. After a few minutes Tao wanted to go home already but he noticed that you still weren’t ready… With his back facing you he kneeled on the floor.

»Get on, I’ll take you home«, he offered you a piggyback ride, which you gladly accepted.


*** At the Dorm***

Both of you were terribly tired, but continued your date by playing video games, watching movies and cuddling on the couch. Until the rest of EXO came back home and kept you company. It was fun. The boys could be so silly… you were the whole evening just spending with laughing. You enjoyed staying there so much that you didn’t even realize how late it already has been. You looked at your phone and were shocked. It was already 11:30 pm!

»Guys, I should get going now. I had really fun with you. Tao could you-«

»No. Don’t go, please. Why don’t you stay the night?«, Tao asked you grabbing your hand and pouted. Cute! You smiled and thought about it. You still had to ask him why he has been so strange today… You couldn’t let him get away with that. You nearly forgot about it because of EXO. They were distracting you.

»Okay, I’ll stay«, you answered. Tao chuckled and got up of the couch. »Then let us head to my room, I’m tired already. Night Guys«, he said and led you to his room.

He borrowed you an oversized shirt and some shorts of his before sending you to the bathroom. Right when you brushed your teeth you remembered that you had to tell your flatmate that you were staying at Taos place… Yes you shared an apartment with your flatmate and totally forgot.

Tao who was waiting at his room for you as heard your phone ringing and skeptically looked at it. He reached for it and held it in his hands. Why was the caller ID a guy’s name… Donghyun-Oppa… he read. He was confused who was that Guy? He slightly started to panick.

Your phone in his hand stopped ringing and a text message came in right afterwards. Your Display lighted up and showed him the message.

From: Donghyun-Oppa

MinJee-yah~, where are you? I’m waiting for you. I feel so lonely…. Please call back I’m starting to get more worried each minute…

What did that mean? He asked himself. Were you cheating on him??

As you finished your making yourself ready for bed you entered Taos room again. He still was looking at your phone with a confused and disappointed look.

What was wrong with him?

»Tao? Is something wrong?«, you asked. Tao stood up and threw your phone on his bed. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Did something bite him? You reached for your phone and looked at it.

1 Missed call and 1 Message. You looked at the caller ID and started to giggle.

»Who is he MinJee?«, he sounded really angry. You still grinned and giggled. He was jealous! You put your phone away and walked near him. You took his hands in yours.

»Tao, Donghyun-Oppa is my cousin«, again a giggle escaped your lips. Tao looked in shock at you.

»He also is my Flatmate«, you placed your hand on his cheek. Now Tao felt bad… and stupid!

»So there is no need to worry about anything«, now you hugged him. Tao buried his face in the crook of your shoulder and placed his arms around you. You could hear him quiet in- and exhale.

»Baobei… I’m sorry… I’m so stupid! I should have known that… You would never lie to me… It’s just, you’re so beautiful and intelligent and I know how other men look at you …«, he hugged you tighter. You his head and let your fingers go through his soft blonde hair. After a few minutes of silence he started to talk further.

»Sometimes I’m afraid that you will start looking at other men and that you will stop looking at me«

Tao leaned out of your embrace and placed his hands on your shoulders. He looked very depressed right now... It made your heart ache seeing how he felt.

How did he even get this Idea? You never ever thought of leaving him or looking at someone else than him. You looked at him straight in the eyes before planting a soft kiss on his sweet lips.

»Tao, you know you own my heart and nobody else. Besides that I’m the one who has to be insecure. You’re EXO’s Tao after all «, you said looking at him. He didn’t have to be so insecure, you loved him more than anything else.

»I love you ♥«

He smiled at your response. He knew you loved him but still he felt a bit insecure.

»I love you too my baobei ♥«, he pulled you on his lap and snuggled up to your small body. Tao hid his face in your chest. At his sudden action you were taken aback for a moment but his head and comb his hair with your fingers again.

»Baobei?«, he asked you.

»Yes?«, you answered and rested your head on his.

»You should tell your Cousin that you’re going to stay the night at my place otherwise he is going to be worried about you… don’t forget to«, he chuckled and pressed a Kiss on your Lips.

But this one wasn’t going to be a short one! ;-)


♥~~~***~ THE END ~***~~~♥

I hope you enjoyed reading ^..~

I'm going to upload the next chapter on 3rd of May! Yeah!! Chanyeolie Time!! That's the only thing I can look forward on this day... -..-"

Anyway, dont' forget to comment and to subscribe ♥


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Okay my dear readers~ I'm really sorry for not updating the past two weeks... I promise to do so as soon as possible, please forgive me. (>.


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Chapter 12: Oh! This is way too cute ♥
And I really like the new concept of your writing, it's easier to read xD
You did a really, really good job there, dear ♥
Chapter 12: All this one short story of yours are jjang...
Chapter 11: Oh my God, all of the chapters are so freaking good. I really like the Xiumin and Kyungsoo stories. The both chapter really makes me squealing ♥
Good job you did there, Gabi :)
exolover12345678 #4
Chapter 10: I love ur stories authornim!please update more
Chapter 11: Sooooooo cute! >3< I was like... kyaaa.. kyaaa.. and kyaaa.. haha! *fangirling mode. XD How I wish my boyfriend was Lay. ♥♥ loving your update! xoxo
Chapter 10: AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love your stories so much!
rajaeben #7
Chapter 2: it kinda reminded me of fifty sgades of grey "suho's part"
Chapter 9: I can't....... breath... please.. Someone call the doctor asdghjklqwrtyiopzvxn OVERDOSE! Your story is killing me. So cute and so romantic. I just wanna say Saranghaeyo! ♥♥ fighting!
exolavs #9
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CANT WAIT!
Chapter 8: Oh mai gawdddd! Omg! OMG! FINALLY YOU UPDATE! I was waiting for your update... T_T omg! This chapter was CUTE! I was smilling like an idiot while reaeing this. Keep it up. Fighting. Omooo~~ Cant wait for chanlieee. ♥♥ xoxo