Lay_Lifting your mood ♥

♥~My EXO-One-Shot Collection~♥

You were at work, but couldn't concentrate and think straight lately. You were worried about your boyfriend. He was not feeling well the past few weeks which lead his mood to be gloomy and depressed most of the time. The saddest thing though was that he wouldn't tell you what was wrong with him. You sighed. You loved your usually sweet and caring boyfriend Lay. Although he was the Type to sometimes feel gloomy and depressed.... It made you sad. Did he maybe feel lonely? If yes he didn’t have to! ‘Cause you were there, couldn’t he see? You wanted him to be happy, you just wanted to protect him. It hurt you that he didn’t want to share his thoughts with you. What could you do to lift his mood? You racked your brain over that problem. You almost started crying. But well you also didn’t have enough time for him the past few days, neither did he have for you. Maybe this has been the reason? He also didn’t call you so often as he did before. What was on his mind? You laid your head on your desktop in frustration.

But finally you got to see him this afternoon. He insisted to pick you up and drive you home. You were happy of course, but Lay’s mood did bother you a little. How was he going to feel?

»Nabi-ssi, is everything okay? You seem to be a little bit down lately«, you heard your colleague Daehyun ask you softly in a caring manner. You instantly lifted your head and looked at him. He had a worried expression on his face, where you so obvious to him? You asked yourself.

»Ah, yes I’m fine. Why are you asking? «, you almost stuttered taking your eyes off him to look on your computer. Daehyun and you were really close, since you entered the company at the same time and even though you were good friends you didn’t want to burden him with your problems.

»Well since the past two weeks you were just sitting here burring yourself with in your work. So are you going to tell me what’s wrong or do I have to tickle it out of you?«, he asked you raising his eyebrow. You gulped. Was he being serious?

»Haha, you’re kidding right? I mean we are still at work«, you scratched your head looking at him confused. It wouldn’t be that good if he would tickle you …. That wouldn’t be appropriate… Daehyun chuckled and patted your head. He sighed.

»Hey want to go eat dinner with me? I’m sure you didn’t eat properly the last days«, he smiled at you ruffling your hair slightly waiting for your response. You really wanted to spend some time with your good friend to, but..

»Nabi-ssi, here is a young man asking for you«, the receptionist knocked on your open office door and pointed behind her. Curiously you got up of your seat to take a look at the person who was asking for you and a huge smile spread across your face. It was Lay, smiling at you while waving. He looked as handsome as ever and his mood seemed to be bright till he saw Daehyun in the small room alone with you and his aura somehow seemed to get darker. He tried to suppress it by continuing to smile at you.

You shortly turned to Daehyun and said:

»I’m really sorry Daehyun-ssi, maybe next time. Promised«, this time you ruffled his hair and smiling cheekily at him before packing your stuff and leaving your office.

Daehyun knew you had a boyfriend and that you loved Lay more than everything, even though he had a slightly crush on you as he met you. You waved at him and bid goodbye.

Outside the office the two of you walked side by side in the direction of Lay’s car.

»You’re early today Lay«, you laughed and jumped happily right in to his arms. Surprised by your action his eyes grew wide, but still he flung his arms around your waist and caught you. You wanted him to feel your happiness he caused when he was near you and the butterflies which he made flatter in your tummy.

»I’m so happy, that we finally get to see each other!«, you said enjoying being in his embrace. Inhaling his scent which you've been missing. Lay smiled in relieve and planted a kiss on your head. Just now he needed to hear you say this. He was a bit frustrated. He didn’t like the thought of you and Daehyun being so close, even when you had at least thousand times stated that you were just friends. If that were the case he’d definitely have no problem with it, but he could somehow sense Daehyun having more interest in you than a friend would normally have… As much as he tried to get rid of this thoughts, he couldn’t, because he was afraid that he could lose you.

You felt that something was wrong with Lay and leaned back from the hug.

»Lay what’s wrong? Lately you’re behaving a bit strange. Please tell me already what you’re upset about…«, you said a bit frustrated, cupping his face and looked in his brown eyes, which looked sad and worried back at you. He placed both of his hands on top of yours and let out a long sigh.

»Nothing’s wrong my love~ Let’s just head home, okay?«, he said placing a hand on top of your head and ruffling gently your hair. But this wasn’t the answer you wanted to hear, even though you didn’t know what the answer was going to be. You leaned back and lowered your gaze.

»Why won’t you tell me?«, your voice cracked and felt your eyes getting all watery. Lay was shocked. He didn’t knew why you were nearly crying.

»Na-Nabi, wha-?«, he stuttered. »Don’t cry, please«, he tried to comfort you, to hug you once more.

»No Lay! Do you think I didn’t notice your mood swings lately. Of course I did! I was worried and to be honest I was hurt. Why wouldn’t you tell me what’s wrong? I’m always here to listen to your problems. Or is it me, do I cause your mood swings?«, you asked him frustrated, tears running already down your cheeks. Lay stood there still shocked and didn’t know what to do. He wanted to calm you down but couldn’t find the right words to. He in- and exhaled to sort his thoughts and started talking.

»Nabi…I’m sorry, really. I didn’t want you to feel worried.«, Lay cupped your cheeks and looked at you slightly smiling. He placed again a hand on your head and your long hair.

»I guess being too long away from you makes me kind of gloomy and nervous... and the fact that you are so close with your colleague maybe made a bit sad too«, he admitted, looking at you so gently that you couldn’t be mad at him any longer. One of your hands you laid on his.

Your boyfriend was simple yet complicated, a bit confused but still totally adorable, very kind and sweet and knows what he wants. You simply admired him and that's why you fell in love with him. His kind nature and his beautiful presence, his talent, how hard he worked, his graceful movements when he was dancing, just admireable. 

»Lay, don’t say something like this. I missed you terribly too. You’re the only one I’ve been thinking about the last two weeks. How should I ever concentrate on another man when you are the only one who pops up in my head?«, you said, closing the distance between the both of you and hugging him tight. Lay’s lips formed a huge smile after hearing you say this. He was more than satisfied with your confession and his mood seemed to brighten up again.

»I’m so happy hearing you say that!«, excitedly he hugged you tight before leaning back and placing a long and sweet kiss on your lips. You were shocked. You definitely didn’t expect him to kiss you so suddenly, but you enjoyed it and kissed him back.

You broke the kiss and giggled. There it was again, the bright mood of your boyfriend.

»Hey, do you want to go to the movies? You can choose the movie«, he asked happily grabbing your hand and pulling you along in the direction of his car. You just nodded your head and sat yourself in the car. Lay started the motor and there was nothing but silence in the car until he spoke up to tell you something really important:


»Yes?«, you responded and turned your head to look at him who already stared at you with sparkling eyes. You smiled at him.

»I love you ♥«, he reached for your hand and kissed the back of it, his eyes never leaving yours. Still smiling you answered:

»I love you too~«


♥~~~***~ THE END ~***~~~♥

Hey my dear readers,

I'm so sorry for updating that late... I hope I will be able to upload as soon as possible the next chapter which also will be the last.

Hope you enjoyed reading ^^


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Okay my dear readers~ I'm really sorry for not updating the past two weeks... I promise to do so as soon as possible, please forgive me. (>.


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Chapter 12: Oh! This is way too cute ♥
And I really like the new concept of your writing, it's easier to read xD
You did a really, really good job there, dear ♥
Chapter 12: All this one short story of yours are jjang...
Chapter 11: Oh my God, all of the chapters are so freaking good. I really like the Xiumin and Kyungsoo stories. The both chapter really makes me squealing ♥
Good job you did there, Gabi :)
exolover12345678 #4
Chapter 10: I love ur stories authornim!please update more
Chapter 11: Sooooooo cute! >3< I was like... kyaaa.. kyaaa.. and kyaaa.. haha! *fangirling mode. XD How I wish my boyfriend was Lay. ♥♥ loving your update! xoxo
Chapter 10: AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love your stories so much!
rajaeben #7
Chapter 2: it kinda reminded me of fifty sgades of grey "suho's part"
Chapter 9: I can't....... breath... please.. Someone call the doctor asdghjklqwrtyiopzvxn OVERDOSE! Your story is killing me. So cute and so romantic. I just wanna say Saranghaeyo! ♥♥ fighting!
exolavs #9
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CANT WAIT!
Chapter 8: Oh mai gawdddd! Omg! OMG! FINALLY YOU UPDATE! I was waiting for your update... T_T omg! This chapter was CUTE! I was smilling like an idiot while reaeing this. Keep it up. Fighting. Omooo~~ Cant wait for chanlieee. ♥♥ xoxo