
♥~My EXO-One-Shot Collection~♥

It was raining outside. You loved the sound of the Rain in the morning, it gave you this calm feeling. You enjoyed it. While you prepared breakfast for you and your boyfriend, you looked out of the window and watched the rain falling down on the streets. You would become nostalgic when you watched the rain like in this moment. The smell of fresh cooked coffee filled the whole apartment and you breathed it in vigorously. 

Just when you were about to turn off the stove you heard little and quick steps coming in your direction. It was the noise of the little paws of your beagle puppy. You looked behind you just to find the cute animal wagging his tail as it still made his way to you. You smiled. You loved that little adorable dog. It was the reason you met him. Your beloved boyfriend, Byun Baekhyun.

You bent down and picked this little bundle of joy and pecked its head before wrapping it with one arm and heading towards the fridge. Due to the smell of food in the whole apartment you assumed it to be hungry too.

»I guess you are hungry too, huh Kimchi-ya?«

Kimchi. He had the idea of calling the little baby dog Kimchi, but you thought it was cute.

As if it did understand you it barked in agreement, so you opened the fridge and looked for the dog food. After getting it out, you reached for your Puppy’s bowl and poured in its food.

You let it down on the floor to let it eat its food, while you were changing the water of its water bowl. The day was perfect, it was raining and you could spend time with your puppy and your boyfriend, who was still sleeping peacefully. You didn’t want to wake him. He got late home last night due to his tight schedules so you decided to let him sleep and cook him breakfast.

You sat beside Kimchi on the floor and began to him after he had finished his food. Kimchi immediately jumped on your lap and let you its white and brown spotted fur. You giggled at its cuteness.

»I love you too, Kimchi-ya «

The dog made you remind every day how you met Baekhyun… It happened on a rainy day. You smiled.


You were running through the streets after doing your groceries and rushing back home. The huge umbrella was useless against that strong wind. You were already totally wet but tried to hold the umbrella properly while holding your plastic bag full with your groceries in the other hand, protecting it from the rain.

There you heard a small dog cry. It was all alone and looked totally lost. It was wet and didn’t know where to go. It broke your heart seeing that puppy so helpless and shivering from the cold rain. You walked closer and picked it up carefully. You wrapped it in your jacket and took it with you.

You lived alone in a small apartment, but you were totally satisfied with it. The rent wasn’t that expensive so you could afford it even when you didn’t have a well-paid job.

You placed your groceries on to the kitchen counter and walked into your bathroom. You reached for a towel to dry the little puppy’s fur. It liked your touch so it cuddled the towel you were rubbing it with.

You simply admired it. It was so cute. As a child you were never allowed to have a dog so you never knew how it was like but, seeing this cute thing in front of you let you feel happy. While you were still drying it with the towel you saw it was wearing a black dog collar. You took a glance at it. There was written a name on it… Kimchi … you read loud and the dog looked at you.

»Oh! Is that your name? Kimchi?«, you asked and the puppy barked cutely at you. You read further. There was also written an address… You realized it wasn’t far away from your apartment, maybe 2 blocks. You could easily reach it by walking there.

»I think we should wait until the rain stops and then I’ll bring you back to your parents, okay?«, you patted its head and it gave you again a bark as sign of agreement.

To make the time pass by faster, you played with the puppy and fed it with some left overs of the chicken from the soup you made yesterday. You were still wet and decided to let the puppy for about ten minutes alone in the living room since it fell asleep after that much playing.

You took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes. … Well, comfortable clothes for you were still: a nice blouse similar shirt and skinny jeans, since you had still to go out of your apartment. You pinned up your hair into a high and messy bun, it was a quick hairstyle you really liked.

The rain stopped and you made yourself ready to bring the puppy back to its owner.

»Kimchi-ya, come here I will take you to your owner now!«

Kimchi immediately ran towards you and jumped up in your arms so you could wrap it in your coat, so it won’t be cold. You kept glancing at the dog’s collar to find the right address. When you reached already the nearby park you heard a soft but manly voice screaming Kimchi. Even if he was screaming really loud, you thought that the sound of his voice was like warm caramel or a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day. Just really warm and nice. You looked around to maybe find the voice’s and puppy’s owner.

That’s when you ran into a very desperate looking young man. He looked as if he was about to cry soon. Was he the owner of Kimchi?

»Omo! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to run in to you… Hey, is everything okay?«, you asked very worried about the young man in front of you.

»Ah, no need to be sorry… I- I’m looking for my puppy… It ran outside of my house a few hours ago when it was still raining heavily, but it seems like I can’t find it«, he explained and let a hand ran through his light brown hair, he looked completely frustrated right now.

You admitted he was damn cute and so handsome! He had these small, warm, chocolate and almond like eyes. Kimchi suddenly moved inside your coat.

»Do you maybe mean a little beagle puppy named Kimchi?«, you asked and the boy’s eyes shot wide open and were sparkling with hope and joy. You smiled and pulled Kimchi out of your coat, giving it one last peck on its brown head before handing it over to the young man. You admired the happy facial expression of him holding again his little puppy. He held it up and cuddled with it afterwards.

»I found it straying on the streets when I was running home from doing my groceries. Kimchi cried, so I picked it up and took it home with me to protect it from the rain« you explained and scratched your head.

He smiled brightly at you. Still with his sparkling eyes.

»Thank you«

»It’s okay, your welcome. I should go now«, you said and smiled shyly back. You looked at Kimchi and said:

»Bye Kimchi-ya, I hope we will see each other again«, you patted its head and turned around after waving good bye to both.

You felt so idiotic right now! You should at least have asked how his name was! You wanted to hit yourself in the face. He was so handsome and you two were alone… Argh maybe it shouldn’t be like this you thought and walked straight ahead.

»Hey beauty! Wait!«, you heard the same voice shout. Did he just call you beauty? You turned to look back at him who was now running towards you. You smiled mentally.

He stopped in front of you just a few inches away. You looked up and gave him a questioning look.

»Well… in order to thank you, how about we go on a date?«, he asked straight forward.

»But I don’t even know your name«, you said. He confused you a bit. He smiled and replied:

»I’m Byun Baekhyun… and what about you? Or do you want me to continue calling you beauty? I don’t mind«, he smirked and looked straight in to your eyes. …


You fell for the fact of him being manly and cute at the same time, even his naughtiness and his bluntness. Him trying to be funny for you. … Never had you felt like this for a boy.

You got up from the kitchen floor and began to set the table. Suddenly a pair of arms hugged your waist tight from behind. He rested his head on your shoulder and enjoyed holding you in his arms.

»Mmmh,... smells so good«, he mumbled and you smiled.

»Yeah? I tried not to burn the food while cooking«, you laughed, it was a bit awkward for you, because you didn’t really like cooking but, loved to cook for him.

»Pabo~ I didn’t mean the food, I meant you. You are smelling really nice… did you go shower without me? «, he said, lifting his head and pouting at you cutely. You playfully hit his arm.

»Really? Being naughty right after waking up?«

He smiled wide at your remark and showed you his pearl white teeth. You wanted to give him a hug but your tummy rumbled, you were so hungry, you just wanted to eat you breakfast already. You prepared a pot of rice, a bit of beef and kimchi…  not the puppy of course

Both of you set down on the table and started eating. Baekhyun would always complement you about the breakfast. Although you know it wasn’t a big deal, that he could do this…

 You were talking about all possible things, like how it was going on with EXO and you would talk about what you’ve been up to with your friends and of course you would talk a lot about Kimchi. Sometimes Baekhyun thought that you would love the dog more than you loved him and he would get pretty upset, but he never wanted to tell you. He was jealous of a puppy and that was not cool.

When you finished eating you quickly put the plates in to the dishwasher and started playing with Kimchi. Baekhyun set himself in front of the TV and zapped through the channels, but nothing was more interesting than you. Even when you gave Kimchi more attention than you ever gave him. He pouted and called you over, but you didn’t react. He lightly growled. He wanted you to spend time together. Suddenly a great idea popped in his head. He called Kimchi this time.

Kimchi left you alone in the kitchen and ran to its daddy, you followed the little puppy and sat down next to Baekhyun who looked at you sternly. You gulped, what was wrong with him? You picked up Kimchi from the floor and placed it on your lap to pat it. Baekhyun eyed you and pouted at the sight.

»W-why are you pouting?«, you stuttered. Baekhyun looked so adorable you couldn’t think clearly,

»Do you love Kimchi more than me?«, he asked and place his chin on your shoulder, still pouting and looking at you. You couldn’t do anything but blushing.

»W-what are you talking Baekhyun?«, you stuttered and patted once more a bit nervously little Kimchi. Baekhyun leaned back and glared at you.

»Fine, put Kimchi on the floor and let him play with his toys«, he demanded and earned a raised brow from you. Did he just really dare to demand you to put your Kimchi on the floor? What was his problem?

»Please«, he added and his look softened again. He didn’t want to make you mad at him. You let out a sigh and let the puppy play with its toys before giving Baekhyun all your attention. His lips formed a huge grin and his eyes never left yours.

»And now?«, you asked still not sure what he wanted from you. He took both your hands in his and kissed their back. You were confused by his actions.

»I just want to do this«

Before you could get any more confused he pecked slightly your lips and pressed them against yours. You were lucky that you were sitting on the couch, due to this breathtaking kiss you felt your knees getting weak…

He pulled away after slightly kissing your lips a few times again. Your facial expression went blank, you didn’t expect this. He chuckled at your reaction and cupped your face with his hands just to plant one more kiss on your pink lips <3

»B-baekhyun…«, you stuttered and blinked several times. You couldn’t deny, you loved his kisses and smiled at him.

He laid down with his head on your lap still staring intensely at you. You lifted your Hand and ran it through his soft, short and light brown hair, like you patted kimchi before. Full of enjoyment Baekhyun closed his eyes and groaned at your gentle touches.

»See? I just want such endearments from you every then and now, like you give them to Kimchi«, he said sincerely and caressed your cheek with his thumb.

You were more than beautiful to him, not only because of your looks but also because you’re the only girl he feels comfortable around and the only girl cares about from the start. He was glad that he met you and he was glad that he could call you his.

»Arasso Oppa~, I didn’t mean to make you feel neglect… I’m sorry«, you smiled at him and laid your hand on his which was still on your cheek. Your other hand ran through his hair again and made his eyes close for a second time.


»Hmm?«, he hummed and opened his eyes and looked at you with a questioning expression.

»You know I love you, right?«, you asked not stopping to caress his hair and forehead. His eyes began to spark as he heard that words coming out of your mouth. His heart was suddenly beating way to fast. With that confession you made him really excited. He reached with his other hand for your other cheek and pulled you down to peck your lips long but soft, as if he was afraid that you weren’t real when he wouldn’t take things slow. You were too important to him, he didn’t want to lose you. No! He couldn’t afford to lose you. You were his special one and he knew that pretty well. After withdrawing from the kiss gave you a naughty wink and said:

»I love you too, my beauty~ «

~~~***~ THE END ~***~~~

A/N^^ Hope you enjoyed reading. Don't forget to leave your comments <3


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Okay my dear readers~ I'm really sorry for not updating the past two weeks... I promise to do so as soon as possible, please forgive me. (>.


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Chapter 12: Oh! This is way too cute ♥
And I really like the new concept of your writing, it's easier to read xD
You did a really, really good job there, dear ♥
Chapter 12: All this one short story of yours are jjang...
Chapter 11: Oh my God, all of the chapters are so freaking good. I really like the Xiumin and Kyungsoo stories. The both chapter really makes me squealing ♥
Good job you did there, Gabi :)
exolover12345678 #4
Chapter 10: I love ur stories authornim!please update more
Chapter 11: Sooooooo cute! >3< I was like... kyaaa.. kyaaa.. and kyaaa.. haha! *fangirling mode. XD How I wish my boyfriend was Lay. ♥♥ loving your update! xoxo
Chapter 10: AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love your stories so much!
rajaeben #7
Chapter 2: it kinda reminded me of fifty sgades of grey "suho's part"
Chapter 9: I can't....... breath... please.. Someone call the doctor asdghjklqwrtyiopzvxn OVERDOSE! Your story is killing me. So cute and so romantic. I just wanna say Saranghaeyo! ♥♥ fighting!
exolavs #9
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CANT WAIT!
Chapter 8: Oh mai gawdddd! Omg! OMG! FINALLY YOU UPDATE! I was waiting for your update... T_T omg! This chapter was CUTE! I was smilling like an idiot while reaeing this. Keep it up. Fighting. Omooo~~ Cant wait for chanlieee. ♥♥ xoxo