
The Wolves: Marked | New Chapter- Chapter 13|

Ga Eun stood up, the laptop crashing to the floor. Kai and Chanyeol stood by the door, their eyes locked on her face. She could see their hands trembling as they struggled to calm themselves down. Chanyeol snatched the laptop from the floor, staring at the large map of Seoul. Kai walked towards Ga Eun, reaching out to grab her.

"What the hell are you doing?" He repeated, "What are you doing with my laptop?"

"N-nothing," Ga Eun felt her back against the wall, "I was just curious."

"What's this?" Chanyeol looked up, "Why are you searching for Seoul?"

"I-I-I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Kai hissed, "What were you planning on going?"

Kai grabbed Ga Eun's hand and pulled her out of the room. She squirmed under his grasp, gasping when she noticed a large bruise forming. Her head started to hurt as she stared at Kai. 

She winced in pain as her head smacked onto the wall, making her dizzy. Kai's eyes glared into hers, his hand shaking as he controlled himself. Before she could say anything, she was thrown onto the floor, smashing her face onto the wall. Kai screamed as he pulled her hair, forcing her to look up at him.

Ga Eun was pulled inside Suho's room and whimpered when Kai pushed her towards him. Suho looked up from his book and stood up, frowning when he noticed her disheveled hair and her bruised wrist. He turned to Kai and narrowed his eyes, a dark expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Suho asked, "What's wrong with Ga Eun?"

"She was in my room," Kai replied, "She was using my laptop."

She stood in the middle of the room, her body still shaking as she remembered Kai's face. The way his eyes stared at her, murderous and dangerous. The way he grabbed her as if she was nothing but a rag doll. She looked up at Suho and her body shook instinctively.

"Is that true?" Suho glanced at Ga Eun, "Were you?"

"I... I was just curious," Ga Eun whispered, "We're not allowed to have laptops and I saw it and got curious."

Baekhyun and Sehun stepped inside the room, worry in their eyes when they heard Kai's loud voice. They stood by the door with their eyes on Kai, making sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. Suho took a deep breath and chuckled softly, earning a confused expression from Ga Eun.

"Yah," Suho scoffed, "The reason you stole my card  was to get a laptop?"

"Huh?" Kai frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I mean," Suho gave him a look, "If you wanted one so badly then you should have asked."

"I should have?"

Suho nodded and grabbed Ga Eun and pulled her towards his bed. He brushed back her hair and smiled softly when she shivered. Baekhyun pulled Kai out of the room and headed to his bedroom; Sehun following after them.

"You're not mad?" Ga Eun looked up, "I broke a rule."

"No," Suho shook his head, "Kai was the one that broke a rule."

"But why can't we use laptops?"

"Because they're dangerous and then no one will want to spend time together anymore."

Ga Eun pulled away from Suho and stared at him with confused eyes. She stood up and headed towards her room, ignoring the stares made by the others. The door clicked shut and she locked it, wincing when it made a loud noise. 

She rested her back against the wall and covered her head, whimpering as it kept throbbing. Tears dripped down her face as she struggled to make sense of the pictures in her head. She walked to the mirror and covered as she screamed.

The cuts on her face were red and swollen, blood pouring down her face. There was a knock on the door and she saw the door handle shake violently. She snapped back to the mirror and gasped when the cuts were gone, replaced by her normal face.

"Ga Eun!" Sehun yelled, "What's wrong?"

"Is something wrong!?" Baekhyun cried out, "Open the door!"

Ga Eun wiped away her tears and combed back her hair, desperate to stop her shaking heart. She opened the door and pretended to be surprised, watching as Baekhyun, Sehun and Suho stepped inside the room. Their eyes searched the room for anything that seemed out of place before stopping to rest on her face.

"What happened?" Suho asked, "Why did you scream?"

"I... I saw a spider," She lied, "I don't know where it went."

"A spider?" Sehun snorted, "That's why you freaked out?"

"It was a big spider."

"Want us to look for it?" Baekhyun held out his arms, "To make sure it's gone?"


The members looked around the room, searching for the so called spider. They knew when Ga Eun was lying. They knew that her eyes would never meet their own. She was hiding something.

And they wanted to find out.

They stopped searching when she gasped in pain. Ga Eun had slipped the colored cube inside her sweater, wincing when her elbow hit the door. She pretended to yawn and she stretched her arms.

"I'm tired," She smiled, "I want to go to bed."

"Okay," Suho nodded, "It is late."

They walked out of her room and without realizing it, she followed after them. Sehun jumped in surprise when she wrapped her arms around his waist, bringing him closer to her.

"I don't want to sleep alone," Ga Eun giggled, "Mind if I join you?"

"Of course," Sehun laughed, "Let's make Kai jealous."

Ga Eun slipped inside his bed and closed her eyes, smiling when Sehun wrapped his arms around her. Kai noticed them and grumbled to himself about favoritism and not sharing. They fell asleep immediately, not noticing Ga Eun slip out of Sehun's grasp.

She walked towards Kai's desk and grabbed the laptop, running to the bathroom. Her fingers shook as she searched for something, writing it down on a slip of paper. She tiptoed lightly to Suho's room and crawled to his nightstand. Suho kept emergency cash inside a hidden compartment inside the nightstand. He didn't know that Ga Eun had accidently opened it when she cleaned his room.

Ga Eun ran downstairs, her footsteps light. When she had turned into a werewolf, she had become much lighter and it was easier for her to move quietly and faster. She wrapped her arms around herself as she ran down the road, her heart racing as she ran towards the city.

Within 20 minutes, Ga Eun arrived at the train station, ignoring the looks made by several men and woman. The woman at the ticket counter stared at her increduously as she handed her several bills.

"I need a ticket to Seoul," She gasped, "The fastest one out of here."

"Ah... yes... excuse me."

Ga Eun snatched the change and ticket and headed to the platform, her body running on adrenaline. The train soon arrived and she stared at the escalators, hoping the members wouldn't come. Only when she was sitting in her seat did she realize what she just did. 

"That's right," Ga Eun murmured, "I just need to go and see why I keep having these dreams," She stared out the window, "Why I'm so scared of them now."

She pulled out the colored cube out of her sweater and stared at it. Her fingers ran over the familiar bumps and grooves before she closed her eyes, completely exhausted. She smiled softly when she saw a blonde boy staring at her.

'Doe-like eyes.'


(Author's Note)

So I managed to update again!.  Anyways, I really hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter even though it pretty much . So now the run begins, Ga Eun is going back to Seoul to find out about her past. Hmmm... I wonder what will happen there. Oh and here is the chapter I referenced from Untamed (some of the same scenes are in Hunted too) Chapter 35

So comment, upvote and do all that jazz.  Until next chapter guys! ^^

Also, please feel free to check out my other stories:
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01/26: Keep on commenting and upvoting guys!


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Chapter 15: Amazing story!!
Aww this hasn’t been updated in a while...
Luffly_Pandas #3
Chapter 15: Ugh omg okay so i just started reading this series last night and usually I don’t read sequels and such but THIS SERIES IS TOO TEMPTING OMG
I really love the storyline and plot paired with the good grammar, which is quite difficult to find on this site these days I’m ngl :’))))
I don’t usually write comments either since I’m not really good with compliments as they do come out kinda awkward, but I guess I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this series and i can’t wait for more!! Keep up the great work!!
Chapter 15: welcome back authornim..I hope you are doing well..
for the story..oh God she again remember..oh no..I know Luhan and Soo are the leads and in good side but I am still bias to the EXO-K.. :"(
chinkyjundaeyixing #5
Chapter 15: Welcome back!! I miss you so much ? and this story! I was super excited when I saw this update.
Chapter 15: Welcome back! I’ll need to reread a few chapters just to refresh my memory lol
Why would u leave us with a ending like that omg
Hagralic #7
idk suho, maybe if you didn't hit her she would have stayed. just saying
Hagralic #8
ohgod i read the prequels and i didnt know that this story has been dropped :(