Taeyang , Me , Her and Him

A Cat and a Dog's Fate


"Hey!" yelled taeyang as he entered my –our- dorm room , causing me to bolt right up.

"Oh, hey," I replied now carefully standing up and getting ready to head straight for the door. Taeyang was great , yes but I'm desperately trying to avoid falling in love , I don't want to feel the way I did in the spa that time ,so vulnerable and taken over. Therefore plan: avoid taeyang shall precede. But if he continues to look at me the same way he is now , the mission might not even begin.

“So how do you like the room? Nice and cozy huh?" he excitedly asked now hopping over his bed.

“yeah it's really comfy" I replied trying to think of a way to go out, until the perfect excuse came up. He was taking his clothes off . Right now. In front of me . Now of course as youd expect my womanly urges begged me to stay but this was the perfect way out.

" kkya!" I yelled out honestly surprised “your taking off your clothes! Ah I have to go! Now" I quickly shut my eyes and ran out of the door, swiftly catching a glimpse of his smiling face as I shut the door behind me. *sigh* what am I going to do? I wondered I heard that that gd person was here and now taeyang also comes in. Aish! I frustratingly stomped heading towards the student social rooms, we're Bom had asked us to meet after I explained the situation to her. Until a loud noise interrupted my thoughts.

 " This situation is wrong! It wasn't supposed to turn out like this ! T^T " whined a loud voice coming from the very top of a large oak tree. Now impatient I cused.

 " yah! Person on the tree! Get down now ! Your whining is interrupting my thoughts!! " I squeezed my eyes together as I shot laser from my eyes  towards that tree .

After a long silence the person replied.

 " yah ajumma ! Your the one interrupting my thoughts ! seriously! I’m on top of a tree! How am I annoying you?!" replied a now becoming irritating voice.

 " yah! Igashi ! You sound younger than me! And you still speak that way! " I replied , insulted by his way of speaking and not wasting a minute I shook the tree ferociously , ignoring the opposition and yells from the tree, until finally someone dropped out of the tree. However that person dropped Right over me. Knocking me to the ground then turning till I was on top. Now angry more than ever I opened my eyes wide glaring at the body underneath me until I recognized the babyface face fidgeting underneath me.

 Jiyoung?! I screeched as I jumped away from him , embarrassment and realization flooding me. He seemed equally surprised as he now remained in his same falling position staring back at me with a gaping mouth. Thoughts of what he said must be dominating his thoughts as his expression started changing to that of panicking. Many emotions came to me as I laid eyes on him. Sadly one of which is excitement. My heart clenched as if I had missed him. Quickly he stood up wiping away the dust on him and gesturing towards a bench In front of us with red cheeks.

"So um how have you been doing?" he asked his eyes completely locked on mine.

 " yeah good, un sorry I ran out last time, I had something urgent" I replied fiddling with my bag as realization of how close we were conquered my attention.

" yeah" he laughed " that did scare me" now he removed his hand behind me and looked In front.

 “so I hear that your roommates with taeyang?" he asked now glimpsing back at my face .

 " oh taeyang yeah I am, how'd u know?"
"well " he answered " he's my best friend ,he kind of informed me " he paused for a while

"so what do u think of him ?"

“he’s cool I guess" I replied weirded by the way he asked.

"cool I guess" she replied back with a blank look. Did she just say cool? Me eyes widened, oh great ”the taeyang effect” is already working .

 " say cant u change rooms? I’m sure being a girl you’d  like privacy" I suggested " although you might not wear fancy stuff"  I said out of thoughtfulness but it seems like she misinterpreted my comment .

 " we'll sorry I don’t wear anything fancy enough for you" she stubbornly replied folding her arms.

"obviously :D " I replied chuckling happy that the awkward mood was gone.

" yah !" she replied trying hard to refrain from smiling.

" seems like your returning to the person you were in the party " she cutely turned her head away.

 " ah the one you were in love with ? " I asked trying to see any glimmer of nervousness or truth from her but nope not one.

" Excuse-" she started only to be cut off by someone I never wanted to meet again

 " Nuna! I was looking all over for you! My mom told me I can visit! “a very annoying memory called hong ki appeared.

" ah hong ki!" she sat up alarmed . " I'll have to leave now jiyoung" she replied rushing away with the incarnation of the devil in her arms. Who wasted no time to shot me a look before leaving. Godamnit she finally uses her nickname for me again and the mood is just great! Then he comes! I angrily stomped away. It must be cause were meant to be that all these distractions keep poping up.This won't do , I must come up with a plan . and to make one I needed suggestions .Idly I headed toward tops room , trying to receive some advice although his ideas never seem to work .

" toooooooppp" I whined slowly opening the door." toooooooppp you here're?". As soon as I opened the door I  glimpsed what was happening and jolted up straight. Top , our innocent tabi was making out!! Oh my god , holy colorful cow! Wait why does this situation seem so funny ? Kind of  ironic to.

 " yah!" top’s yell brought me back to reality were I was still standing their staring at him and his crush who was now hiding her face under a pillow by the way , with a gaping mouth.

 " AHH!" I replied "sorry man for interrupting, but a note before I go don't you think you guys need a bigger bed perhaps ? " I cheekily asked firstly because the bed they were on was honestly small ,secondly to embarrass the now glaring top.

 " Dundee!!!" he screamed flinging a pillow at my face . Laughing I quickly shut the door and rushed away laughing. I'd never seen him raise his voice that way before. Certainly woman change us a lot. But strangely this incident gave me the perfect solutions for my plan “ remove distractions” and I knew I was running out of time.
Yes, I yelled with giddiness as I re read my plans to myself again.  First : Taeyang : I'll speak to him , he's a understanding boy, I'm sure he'll understand me. Whilst the other, humm, feed him to the schools sharks . I laughed. If only we had sharks though. However For that guy I've got the perfect diversion. Happy I jumped out if my bed and ran out of the room, now to look for Taeyang.

 "taeyang man!" I yelled, finally finding him after what felt like hours of scanning. He was sitting by a tree , headphones on max volume.

" DuDE!! I yelled in his ears after removing the headphones.

 “Seriously! Jiyoung ! Would u pleasssee stop doing that every time! He whined " I'm going deaf cause of you!"

" haha sorry man but I was wondering if you don’t mind, I need to ask you " I stated now collapsing beside him.

" sure ask up " he carelessly replied, sitting up-straight.
" You know that girl lee chaerin?" i asked looking straight at him.
He smiled "yes what's wrong?"
" See I think I might like her ,so I wanted to ask if you could perhaps not try any moves on her? "

He remained silent then suddenly shot up, his body becoming stiff and eyes serious.

" Are you serious?" he asked. I nodded .

 " This can't be happening " he announced " Jiyoung I think I also like her, both of us can't like her "
Hearing this I stood up to " You just met her for one day, just cause it’s the first don’t assume it’s love ! I've liked her for a while!" I now yelled.

" you don't understand” he replied softly “ I've always been curious about her, we went to the same school last year , she always sat in the classroom opposite to mine , I could always see her through the window and now that she practically fell into my arms, I'm not going to let her go" he replied causing my eyes to widen . " for now" he said turning away "all I can say is " he looked back straight at me " may the best man win" he announced turning his cap and smiling back, a smile I recognized as one of determination . This man seriously won’t give up, if I did anything was make him try harder to get her. But that's how he wants it huh? Well then let the war begin I guess, I’m not prepared to let her go either. I smiled as I started walking towards my second distraction.


(WOAH! that's quite a long chapter ey? ^^; sorry i'll try to make em' shorter, i just kinda got carried away :p , lol i like the thought of triangle love specially 2 guys fighting , dont worry i wont make their fights to serious btw. currently enjoying : Ego by bigbang and the YG special strong heart xD)

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cl_jiD #1
At least the both of them enjoyed eventhough it was a bit embarrassing but yahooo'! Theyre together now! And hotter than ever.
queenchaerin #2
Ahahaha booyah! :)))
anniepooh #3
Glad Ji's plan is a success! and yep, I bet they won't forget their first time. (giggles)
Thanhmai #4
Daesung, maybe? Noone care about him, so sad
cl_jiD #5
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who's the blocker this time? And I love how he claimed her and reassured her of his feelings.... yayyyy they're together now.
cl_jiD #6
RATE IT PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSE! haha i want my dose of skydragon interaction and skinship lol!
queenchaerin #7
Im ready! Im ready! Next chapter pls :)

Mmmmmmmmmkay ;)
cl_jiD #8
wohooo i love it!!!! them alone together ahhh so sweet><
queenchaerin #9
Chap 12 just my luck: i didnt know girls can be roomies with guys? And vice versa? I thought that has always been a big no no anywhere in schools? Oh wll.
cl_jiD #10
gd should just be honest to taeyang i mean isn't it what real bros are? He might be even able to help her he should've just told him...