Just My Luck

A Cat and a Dog's Fate


Ugh great collage, just what I needed now. By the time  I left the spa in the vocational home ,and traveled back home, it was already September . And no after that awkward conversation we never met again.


 "chaerin ah!!! Are u serious about going to school like that ? With a hoodie and bed hair? " she yelled for the millionth time sounding yet again appalled. 


"sigh yes Bom I will" I said quickly heading towards the door as to avoid any more questions. 


"ah ok! Just don't leave yet! Wait for me !" she scrambled gathering her bag and makeup. Bom didn't like going to school alone btw. Sloppily dragging my feet to our new school I stuffed myself with leftovers from our yesterday's pizza. Our new collage was an elite school. By elite I mean u can only enter if u have extremely high marks of incredible talent in one area or another. Yep I got in for marks while Bom got in for her talent in beauty and style. The first day all students are required to wear home clothes, however the rest of the year uniform was needed. I guess this is why I see some pretty bizarre stuff right now. Never have I seen ppl dressed this way. Hair the colors of the rainbow. Jackets studded and strangely plated. Nobody even relatively looked normal. Well I guess the only one would be me. I was Stricken by awe at the radiant people and the huge buildings- which stood in a semi-circle forming a mini city- And lastly by our dorms. It was a large space, different colors and paintings decorated the walls , each style of color and design differentiating each department, the stunning windows sending magical painted rays dancing on the students heads.


 "Stop! Right there lee chearin, it seems like we reached your room! " declared Bom sarcastically glum. Oh ! Did I mention we weren't assigned in the same room ? Yeah that was a bummer, which caused Bom to cry for hours when the news was announced. But se la vie, we can't do anything about it. Still staring at boms face I slowly reached to the doorknob of my room, but it suddenly opened , sending me crashing right into large body,which was trying to  leave the room. 


" Ah! that Hurt!" I whined as I directly fell on my “backside”.


 " Oh my god are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't see you there" replied a soft manly voice , obviously concerned . He started gathering everything that fell from my hands. Still Annoyed I looked up at his face preparing myself for a brawl. And for a moment I completely forgot I was ever hurt. He looked very manly , yet childlike? with very definite features that softened his whole face, he was very handsome, like seriously. He gently extended a hand , to which I grabbed , standing up. He was a little taller than me , with a muscled figure , a lean muscled figure. He smiled again , a more reassuring one. Never has a smile captivated me, it was a child like smile , it seemed so pure. The smile now escalated to a laugh, which quickly snapped me back to reality ,were I was standing there staring at him , mouth wide open, food coming out. Yep might as well kill me now. 


Still chuckling he started to speak.

"hey! Seeing that you were trying to enter this room I’m guessing ur lee chaerin?" he asked trying to obviously calm my fire truck red cheeks now.


 " um yes " I stammered . still imagining how I must have looked a second ago.

“thank goodness! I was nervous about a girl coming but it seems like you and I will get along just well!!" he exclaimed clearly excited.


“Oh btw. I'm your roommate dong young bae, but people here just call me taeyang "

 "taeyang " I repeated , not trying to hid the giddiness in my voice.

 "well sorry I whammed into u, come-on let's get you in " . He opened the door ushering me to lead , stepping in I forgot all about Bom, who was there the whole time . who saw everything. until she yelled

 "ya chaerin I'm leaving now un?" and with a excited laugh she left. I already know what she’s thinking. Going into my *cough* -our - room , the first thing I  noticed was how clean it was. it was large and spacy, equally divided into two areas . his area was just like my impression of him . Clean , colored decorated with abstract art and many large music icons, a huge piano conquering the last corner of his side .slowly  I dumped my bag on top of my blank bed.


 " well I guess I'll leave you now to have some personal space later " he declared softly clapping his hands together, leaving with a childlike smile drawn on his face. I flung myself on my bed and took a deep sigh , this is going to be one long year.  


(GD'S reaction next chapter!! thought of throwing a new love line in there, yeah i know taeyangs with dara , but hey , couldnt find anybody better xD maybe this new love line will cause the skydragon couple to go to the next level? i dont know xD also requiring the roommates with boys , it's not allowed , however in tops case were he personally asked with the excuse of Bom being a " relative" oh yes he did ;) while lee chaerin had to be put there as all the other rooms were full . I hope that explains it :))

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cl_jiD #1
At least the both of them enjoyed eventhough it was a bit embarrassing but yahooo'! Theyre together now! And hotter than ever.
queenchaerin #2
Ahahaha booyah! :)))
anniepooh #3
Glad Ji's plan is a success! and yep, I bet they won't forget their first time. (giggles)
Thanhmai #4
Daesung, maybe? Noone care about him, so sad
cl_jiD #5
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who's the blocker this time? And I love how he claimed her and reassured her of his feelings.... yayyyy they're together now.
cl_jiD #6
RATE IT PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSE! haha i want my dose of skydragon interaction and skinship lol!
queenchaerin #7
Im ready! Im ready! Next chapter pls :)

Mmmmmmmmmkay ;)
cl_jiD #8
wohooo i love it!!!! them alone together ahhh so sweet><
queenchaerin #9
Chap 12 just my luck: i didnt know girls can be roomies with guys? And vice versa? I thought that has always been a big no no anywhere in schools? Oh wll.
cl_jiD #10
gd should just be honest to taeyang i mean isn't it what real bros are? He might be even able to help her he should've just told him...