"Because" ~ Lee Hi

One Sided To First
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"Hello" I answered the phone, putting my camera away. It was the first snow, and everything was so beautiful outside. This is truly a winter wonderland! It was no surprising to have the first snow in the middle of November. It wasn't technically "winter" yet, but I found snow being a great escape from my actual work I was supposed to do. My exams were coming up and I was packed with homework, and snow just took my mind off of everything I was supposed to do. 

"Kaitlin" a guy spoke, a voice I never spoke to on the phone. "It's Chen" he introduced himself, and I almost slipped on the white ground.


"Wanna meet up? I'm going back the day after tomorrow. We start our promotions to the new song in the first week of December... I have something for you." Chen's voice spoke and I found myself just staring.

"Oh... when do you want to meet?"



"Chen!" I yelled down the hallway and the guy wearing the beanie running away from me with my notebook turned and waved his hand. "I am going to kill you!"

"Sorry babe, I'll see you after school" he yelled one last time before disappearing into the crowd.

"Oh he is so dead!" I stomped and Jess appeared in front of me.

"What happened?" she asked as she opened her own locker.

"Chen ran away with my notebook. I know I'm never going to get it back." I sighed, taking my books out for the next class. "And I was half-way done with the song I was writing. I sometimes just hate him" I said, and Jess just patted my back.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" she asked and I glared at her.

"Are you serious?" I looked at her and she just smiled.

"I'm just saying..." she said, walking away.

            I was right. I never got that book. I begged him on the last day before Christmas break but the answer was that he used to write his notes on it and was planning on keeping it. Sighing, I let go on the thought of ever finishing that song or ever seeing that book again. I didn't know why I gave in so easily, but with him, I felt like I was giving too much and never regretting for doing so.

            Chen was an easy-talker. He knew how to talk me into things. And I always fell for them. I even believed his stupid jokes. I was gullible; it's just, I didn

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Juliaunnie #1
How dare they steal your work!=O I have just read the first chapter and immediately subscribed to keep reading^^
Chapter 28: for real its really hard for me to find chen's fanfics but i manage to find yours and for the first time i cant guess what going to happen next in this story . its just so awesome . keep it up author nim :)
Hey, this story has also been published on wattpad by a user named Frosty Aegyo. ?? Explanations?
Chapter 28: New reader here! Let me tell you... this story is sooooo good! It's my first time reading a ff chen based and wooah my feels~ >\\\< I cried like a baby at the second-last chapter and then an happily ever after *^* I really love this ff! Author-nim jjang ~
Chapter 4: Nice story,my friend.keep goin' on.
Umm...may I ask U your email address?I wanna talk to U if you don't mind=^.^=