
My Childish Fiance


It have been 1 week since i live together with cap hyung. i feel so happy. now me and minsoo hyung is shopping atshopping mall.

"niel. you should stop now. you already buy so many things" minsoo hyung whine while carrying many bags.

"Ah hyung~ i want to buy more" i show my puppy eyes. i know minsoo is weak at my puppy eyes.

"ok" he said as i smile. my phone ring and i look at caller id. my sister mimi.

"hello?" i answer.

"This is Ahn Naomi's brother ahn daniel's phone right?" not my sister but another voice said.

"yes. why? did something happened to my sister?" i asked as cap look at me.

" at school. . . naomi fell down from stairs and broke her leg. she asked me to call you so can you come "H" hospital?" mimi got hurt?!!!!

"i will be right there" i explain to cap and we go to the hospital. we asked mimi room number and ran to her room.

"MIMI " i call her name and enter in the room. cap follow from behind. Mimi is lying on the bed and her friend is peeling fruit beside her.

"Niel oppa~" mimi called and carefully sit on the bed.

"are you ok?" i asked .

"yes. doctor told me not to move my leg 3 weeks" mimi smile weakly make my heart arch.

"sorry it is my fault. sorry my little baby" i cry and she smile.

"why are you apologizing? not oppa's don't need to apologize"mim kiss my cheek and comfort me.

"yes , not niel's fault. it is that's guy named chunji's fault" mimi friend said suddenly and i look at her.

"hayoung stop" mimi scold her .

"what's did you mean miss?" iasked her.

"hayoung. my name is hayoung. i am mimi's best friend. "she said.

"can you explain what's you just mean?" i asked and she nodded ignoring mimi's words.

"i have been friend with mimi since she transferred to Korean. mimi always told me about chunji her crush. she said one day she will marriage chunji and i always tase her. " mimi look down with embrassed.

"but from last week mimi start to change. she isn't lively and active mimi anymore. she become quite and don't smile. her grades fell down and don't interested in study anymore. i asked her what's happened and she said she want to die. she asked me to kill her" i look at mimi with furious. How can she want to die just because of chunji? she don't think about me who loves her very much?

"she try to suicide herslf many times. she decided to drink whole bottle of sleeping pills but i found out and quickly stop her. actually, she didn't fell down from stairs. the truth is she jumped down from upstair"me and cap gasp and eyes widen.

"NAOMI what are you thinking?" i shout and mimi cry. i am crying too. i never shout mimi before and i never scold her.

"i told you to forget about chunji and live on" i said and cry. cap hold my shoulder.

"how can i forget him. i love chunji very much.i loves chunji since i am young but now he is. . . ." mimi said and cry. i look at the crying mimi, i have to do something for mimi. i decided to do something for mimi. i wil make chunji and mimi end up together. i will make mimi get married with chunji like her dream. i don't care chunji loves her or not. i will make mimi my only little sister happy.i bite my lips and hug mimi and mimi crying in my chest.

"don't cry and believe me i will make you happy" i promise to mimi.


I look at niel bitting his lips and i know he make decision about something. Niel always bite his lips when he is nervous or he made decision.

"don't cry i will make you happy" niel promise make me shock. He is going to make mimi happy? that's mean he will make chunji and mimi end up together? then byunghun have to brake up with chunj. my eyes widen.

Don't tell me niel, you are going to make chunji brake up with ljoe?. you are going to make my cousin's heart broken for your sister's happiness?i can't let's you do niel. i am going to stop you.i am going to stop your plans for sure.

Chapter 15 is up. nap chapter. hope you like and do leave comments bye~

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Chapter 20: Don't worry I never get up set or anything like that because there are lots of people
Chapter 18: NIEL YA don't punch your bf
Chapter 16: Ricky ya dont get angry
Chapter 15: I don't know what to writ for the comments
Chapter 14: So I just post my comment on what you should do who cares you should just use it and if he does then do that =}
Chapter 13: I know stalk your boyfriend if you do find him cheating on you then break up
Chapter 12: THAT IS WOW
Chapter 10: Ricky ya its not good to eat that much candy.
Chapter 8: So cute =}