The Story Of...

"kris oppa! Goodluck for today's demonstration!" a girl shouted while waving at me, with other girls around her, screaming many things which I can't caught, since they're talking too fast.

I nodded at them, remained calm as I walked straight to the hall.

"gosh, he's so gorgeous, why in the hell he's still single?!" I heard one of them talking. Sigh. If I'm having a girlfriend it won't be you anyway. I rolled my eyes.


I turned my head and saw chanyeol ran to my direction.

"hey" I greeted him.

"suho asked us to save a seat for him, he'll be backstage to take care some things before his speech"

I nodded at his words.
"so" chanyeol linked his arm around my shoulder, looked around, grinning widely, "New students,huh? Anybody catch your attention?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

I pulled his arm off my shoulder, "..nah~"

"aw come on kris, look at those new faces, they're still cute and innocent! We're already in third grade and you don't have someone? I thought you said you're handsome" chanyeol snorted.

"I am handsome" I chuckled. "well at least I'm single not because I'm dreaming about my junior in my previous school" I smirked.

Chanyeol pouted. "hey! ..He must be in highschool rightnow, but I don't know where.. Gosh I felt stupid for not making a move to him years ago!"

"yeah yeah whatever" I entered the hall and picked the middle seats of the seniors rows, chanyeol saved a seat for suho beside him.

The ceremony was too boring, I kept yawning, annoyed of some stares from junior row seats. Yeah, yeah, I'm handsome, so what?

Finally the ceremony almost over, Suho already gave his speech and as usual received loud claps from the audience. Seriously, that boy could be successful in politics. And I'm silently thanked God that he's my friend. He might help me in the future when I run my company later.

Suho walked off the stage to our seat, "great speech, bro" I offered him my knuckle and he tossed his to mine, smiling. We chatted random things until the ceremony over, then I quickly stood up,
"alright, basket time!"


When we've done changing, I picked my sport bag and walked to the basketball court in the gym. We're not surprised to see that it's full packed with people since our school already known for its basketball team. And, well, there's me. No I'm not bragging. I'm just too handsome to be denied.

"kris oppa!!"

"kris wu!!!"

"kris sunbae!!"

"chanyeol oppa! Kyaah!"

I cringed. What was that? I looked at beside me and chanyeol, being himself, grinning and waving at the audience. Ugh seriously, can he be more cool for the sake of our team's cool image? I sighed.

"captain!" Lay ran to me with basket ball in his hands.

"the team member already complete, even Kai is here" he said proudly.

I nodded. Lay and Kai is our 2nd grade member, I expected Lay to replaced my position as a captain after I graduated, while Kai, well we should be grateful he's still coming to practice on important occasions. Most of time he used to play around with another club.

"how about the freshmen?"

"50 people signed in already, but I've told them already there's test before they can join our club"

"good, let's get the demo started and then we can test those children"


As I expected, half of the number of the freshmen who wants to join our club don't know basics of basketball, and some people just want to join us so they can look cool enough. Well I don't need those people. We recruit members to win competitions. No time to teach first timer.

"Kai, change!" I ran to my seat while Kai replacing my position in the game.

"it's become hotter here, did the number of people here increasing?" I mumbled as I wiped my face with a towel.

"yeah, apparently the other club watching us too. And the freshmen, they just found new idol on their first day" chanyeol laughed while patting my back.

"yeah whatever. It's getting boring and boring" I rolled my eyes, but suddenly there's a lot thud coming from in front of audience who stood in front of the gym's entrance.

two boys, clearly new students, fell of each other, looks like they're being thrown from the crowd. And suddenly laughter filled the gym. I laughed along to see them bowed 90 degrees to every directions and ran to hide on the side.

I nudge chanyeol with my elbow, "they're so clumsy" I chuckled, but there's no reactions from him. Wait a minute. A king of reaction, not reacted at all? I looked at his face, and I saw his jaw dropped.

"hey yeol? You're okay?"

"t-that..." he pointed to the two clumsy boys earlier.

"what? You know them?"

"that's baekhyun!" he exclaimed then ran across the gym, talking to the boys earlier.

humm? Baekhyun? Wait a minute. Oh! His junior high crush! I chuckled, but then the other boy, baekhyun's friend, looked at my direction.



The boy looked away, cheeks flushed.



I felt squishy inside my stomach.

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trymyluck #1
Chapter 16: aww... cute story...I love it
gidi1315 #2
Chapter 16: cute krisoo so childish a little but cute
Chapter 16: i really am waiting for the next chapter of this story, krisoo looks so adorable in this story :'
akared #4
Chapter 16: I could die for this too much fluffiness!!!!!
update more!!!
akared #5
Chapter 3: awwwwww!!!
crushing to each other!!!
i'm waiting for this story to update, this story is really sweet and i like what kris has done to kyungsoo. but kris is a bit shy in this story :)
pirinola #7
Chapter 16: I read it today and i love it. It so funny and fluffy. It makes me smile in every chapter.
Thanks for writing.
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 16: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
dyaanggira #9
Chapter 16: I love this fic so much ♥♥ please update soon ^^ krisooooo ♡♡
jindaebutt #10
Chapter 16: Peuliseu update soon >< This is so fluffy ! HunHan and KriSoo <3