The Story Of...

"What?! How dare you ditch me for a boy?!" I snapped on the phone, my Sunday morning ruined already.

Today is Sunday and chanyeol promised to watch the finale of basketball tournament on S university with me, well, before he broke it by saying he's going to go on a date with his 'new boyfriend'. He's not even sorry.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he man up and finally get his crush, but hey, you don't have to go on a date immediately right? ..Or not? I don't really know how it works anyway.

I sighed, and went through my phone contact. Somebody who's single and interested in basketball...

I called my team mates one by one but no one available. Until I spot the brat's number. I might regret it, but.. It's better than going there alone..

I sighed and punched the number.



I just finished cooking breakfast for me, ryeowook hyung and yesung hyung who slept over lastnight, when the bell rang.

"I got it" I said to the hyungs while setting the dishes on the table, told them to eat and not wait for me.

I opened the door and surprised to see Tao grinning widely.

"Tao? What are you doing here?"

"morning kyungsoo-ah! I come here to pick you up! Let's go!"

"what? Where?" I frowned.

Tao pouted, and reached his phone inside his pocket. "you didn't read my message?"

"what message? I was cooking breakfast earlier"

"here!" Tao showed me the text he sent me.

From: tao
To: kyungsoo

Get ready soo-ah! We'll go to watch basketball match with Kris ge, then we'll go to the mall! I'll pick you up at 9! <3

I read the text. Basketball? Kris ge? Kris hyung? Pick me up... Means? I snapped my head up and looked behind Tao's back. There, kris hyung in his car, waiting, with shades and all. Then he turned to look at me, smiling. I widened my eyes, and immediately hide behind Tao's shadow.

"why didn't you just call me?!" I hissed at Tao. I haven't even took a bath! I looked down on my attire. Baby blue pj with bunny printed all over it, and a fluffy slippers ryeowook hyung got for me. Plus, my hair? What about it?! Gosh I must've look like .

Tao chuckled, "why you're hiding? Relax kyungsoo-ah, kris ge will find you cute anyway~ come on, quick, change your clothes then we'll get going!" Tao pushed me into my own house, greeted the hyungs who asked him to join them for breakfast but declined politely saying that we're in a hurry.

"Whoa your room is so tidy~" tao whistled.

I picked my clothes and about to go to the bathroom for a quick shower when I remember something.
"you won't leave me alone with Kris hyung again right?" I said sternly.

Tao chuckled, "I won't~ relax soo! Besides kris hyung will buy me Gucci for exchange I watch the match with him"

"then why you bring me along?" I whined.

"hello~ I'm not interested in basketball, if I'm going to watch it, might as well bring you to chitchatting with me during the game! Now enough with the question, Kris ge already waiting" he pushes me into my bathroom.



I looked at my watch and clicked my tounge impatiently. Where's Tao? He said he already told kyungsoo to get ready so we just have to pick him up before heading to the game.

Ugh, if I missed one game, I'll cancel that Gucci treat and just ditch Tao and the other boy somewhere after the game.

I put on some music, glanced at the door, still no sign of those two. I looked at my watch again. ! It must've started already! I doubt that I'll ever get a best seat to watch. Geez, I should've trust my instinct for not asking Tao to accompany me. I should've just watch alone. And he bring kyungsoo. The boy is in a cooking club for God sake. He won't be interested in watching the game, just like Tao. God, I made a wrong decision--
I glanced at kyungsoo's door again and suddenly forgot to breath. I pulled my shades off.

kyungsoo, in a cute grey hoodie with skinny jeans and sneakers.

it's a casual clothes right? Nothing special actually. But the way he walk, the way he smiled at Tao.. I shook my head. Stop kris. He's just Tao's friend. Tao's friend who just came along to accompany Tao, not you.

The car's door opened and Tao hopped on to the seat beside me while kyungsoo opened the passenger door behind.

"hi hyung.." he smiled and I felt my heart fluttered.
"sorry I took so long, I didn't read tao's message" he looked guilty.

I stared at his wide eyes, and shook my head when I felt Tao watching.
"it's okay, we're not that late. Come on in" I smiled at him.

yeah right, maybe when we get there the 1st half already over. I glanced at the rear mirror and saw kyungsoo's reflection. Why so Cute.

"eyes on the road ge" Tao muttered teasingly.

I felt ashamed of being caught, then drove away silently.


"oh my god, we are late right hyung? I'm sorry!" kyungsoo looked up to me while we arrived at the gym, cheers and shouts can be heard from outside.

I shook my head, muttering "it's alright", held the urge to pat his head to assure him that it was okay. I glanced at Tao, who's browsing through his phone, clearly browses Gucci online to decide which item I'll buy him later. I sighed. I wished kyungsoo is my cousin.

... Wait.

if he's my cousin I can't be his boyf--

I snapped at my thought. What the hell kris?!

a small hand tugged on my jacket's sleeve. I looked down, kyungsoo tugged my sleeve while looking up at me, "hyung,we're not going inside?"

no, I'd rather keep you for myself, you cute fluffy creature.


I shook my head, cursed silently then nodded, before going inside the gym, with the two boys followed behind me.

I managed to find seats for three of us on the front row of the tribune, silently pouted when Tao Sat between me and kyungsoo, but when I watch the game, I felt excited again. Gosh, university level truly has a different feels than highschool's. I shouted and cheered for the team i Stans, watched their move which I noted in my mind to try them later on the practice to improve my skills.

"Tao, why the guy got the chance to threw two balls?" I heard kyungsoo asked Tao.

Tao shrugged, didn't even looked up from his phone and answered,
"dunno, maybe the referee is his uncle?"

I gaped my mouth opened but tried to focus on the game again.

"Tao, why that guy got 3 points instead of 2 like others?"

again, not looking up from his phone, Tao answered, "maybe the referee owed him something?"

I rolled my eyes. Gahd, kyungsoo, just ask me! Me! I know the real answers!

"eh? Why player no.10 got a warning? He only blocked the guy when he's running" kyungsoo asked Tao again.

"maybe--" Tao about to answered, but I cut him, "because players not supposed to block when the rival doing a quick dash with a ball, it's dangerous"

kyungsoo looked up his wide eyes to me and smiled, muttered a 'thankyou hyung' before watch the game again. After that, he always asked what he doesn't know about the rule and other things, not out of politeness, but seems like he enjoyed the game as well. And I don't even know when or how, suddenly I sat right beside kyungsoo, explained things about basketball excitedly while we watched the game, cheered and shouted together, Tao on my other side, still busy with his Gucci online catalogue.

The game finally over, three long whistle were heard, and the team which me and kyungsoo cheered on won the game. I jumped from my seat, stood up and kyungsoo did the same, before we highfived, laughed happily with the result. I stared at the cute boy who's still laughing and clapping his hands, shouted to the team, congratulate them. I didn't know watching a basketball game can make a tingle of butterflies feelings in my stomach.

suddenly kyungsoo looked up to me and his cheeks blushed when he caught me staring. But at one point, I didn't want to look away.

It's like there's only two of us--

"Yeayy finally! Let's go to the mall now gege!!"

Oh right. There's Tao. I coughed and looked away before guiding those two to the stairs, but since there were too crowded, I told kyungsoo to held on my jacket and Tao to held on kyungsoo's so we won't be separated while we walked down the stairs. Well, we managed to go slowly at first but then someone in the back started pushing and there kind of chaos in there. Once I stepped on the ground, suddenly the push got even stronger and kyungsoo lost his balance and pushes to me, and I instinctively circled my arm around his waist and caught him right before he fell on me.

I picked him out of the crowd with one arm around his waist since he's so tiny, and put him on the ground, my nose once again smelled his vanilla scented hair. I felt my heart thumped loudly in my chest, and somehow I felt my arm perfectly fit around his waist. I was about to circled my other arm around his waist too, wanna taste what it's like to hug this little boy whose wide eyes staring at me with cheeks blushed cutely, when suddenly-

"Yah loverboys! Didn't You guys forgot something?!"

I quickly pulled away from kyungsoo and looked at Tao, who looks like just going through a war. His well styled hair is a mess, jacket being pulled backward and all. I glanced at kyungsoo and our eyes met, before we burst into a great amount of laughter with Tao whined and stomped his feet, pointed us for being meanie to him.

well, he finally calmed down after I promised to buy him another Gucci accessories. Little did he knows, I didn't just do it to calm him down. But also..

I glanced at the rear mirror, and met the eyes I started to realized that I adore a little too much now.

Thankyou, Huang zitao. I smiled and drove happily.

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trymyluck #1
Chapter 16: aww... cute story...I love it
gidi1315 #2
Chapter 16: cute krisoo so childish a little but cute
Chapter 16: i really am waiting for the next chapter of this story, krisoo looks so adorable in this story :'
akared #4
Chapter 16: I could die for this too much fluffiness!!!!!
update more!!!
akared #5
Chapter 3: awwwwww!!!
crushing to each other!!!
i'm waiting for this story to update, this story is really sweet and i like what kris has done to kyungsoo. but kris is a bit shy in this story :)
pirinola #7
Chapter 16: I read it today and i love it. It so funny and fluffy. It makes me smile in every chapter.
Thanks for writing.
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 16: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
dyaanggira #9
Chapter 16: I love this fic so much ♥♥ please update soon ^^ krisooooo ♡♡
jindaebutt #10
Chapter 16: Peuliseu update soon >< This is so fluffy ! HunHan and KriSoo <3