The Story Of...


I turned around and saw sehun ran to me, grinning widely. Oh no.

"So, how is it? Have you asked luhannie to go on a date with me?"

I sighed at his over excited face. "No.. Not yet. And it's 'Luhan hyung' for you. And actually.. Err I don't know if he wants to go on a date with you.. You're too creepy around him"

sehun pouted. "No I'm not! Aw come on, soo~ just tell him to go to the bubble shop will do!"

Hm.. Maybe I can do that.
"fine then.. But don't do anything creepy! ..Well, you already did anyway.. Aish just don't scare him away!"

Sehub beamed. "okey dokey mister citrus-scented-lover!"

I glared at him but he already ran away to our class.


When I reached the class, baekhyun already there, but not alone. Chanyeol hyung pulled my seat closer to baek's, sitting closely while talking and playing with baekhyun's hand, while baekhyun giggled like a girl on every words chanyeol hyung's said.

they're already official, and baekhyun went on and on about it the whole weekend. I'm happy for him since he said he already likes chanyeol hyung since junior high, and apparently chanyeol hyung too.

I smiled at the sight, really didn't want to ruin their sweet time but I need my chair back.

"hyung, baekhyun" I greeted them and chanyeol hyung smiled, immediately stood up and put my chair back in its previous place.

"I'll go to my class now, I'll pick you at lunch, kay?" chanyeol hyung patted baek's head, smiled and waved at us before went out to his own class.

Baekhyun sighed dreamily, smiling.

I chuckled. "you are sooo in love"

Baekhyun laughed and said,"yeah I think I am~"



I saw chanyeol with his unbelievably wide smile walked into the class and sat beside me.

"stop grinning creepily, you creepy boy" I snorted, obvious of what have gotten to my bestfriend.

"he's so perfect..." chanyeol sighed and lied his head on the table, still grinning widely.

I rolled my eyes.
"maybe you should move to his class" I chuckled.

"believe me, I would. If it's not our last year and I'm on the same grade as him, I'll replace kyungsoo's place in his class" chanyeol muttered.


"Errm.. Kyungsoo's seat beside your boyfriend's?"

chanyeol nodded.

"how's he? I mean.. He.. Did he greeted you?"
I kicked my self in my head. I don't even know what I'm talking about.

chanyeol Sat up, and grinned even wider if it's possible. And I regretted what I said in instant.
"our kris wu asking about another boy..?"

I opened my book, "forget it"

"like hell I would" chanyeol chuckled. "so, you really interested in kyungsoo, huh? I never knew you're into cute boys too"

I fake a cough. "shut up, the teacher's here"

chanyeol laughed and I know he won't let it pass easily. Good, kris. Way to lose your cool image.


And yes, when the lunch break come, chanyeol practically dragged me to his boyfriend's class, with me swearing, cursed lightly cause I can't seem to released his grasp around my wrist.

"yeol, I swear if you said anything--"

he chuckled. "don't worry kris, I won't meddled. I just want to have fun watching you around the kid"

I rolled my eyes but chanyeol already looked away, searching for his boyfriend.


The petite boy sat up and grinned widely too, waved his hand to chanyeol happily.

and there he is. The cute wide eyes boy. He still working on something, writing on his book.

"let's go grab something to eat" chanyeol quickly let go of me and grabbed baekhyun's fingers, clearly forget about everything else around him and his lil boyfriend. I rolled my eyes.

"but.." baekhyun looked at the wide eyes boys. "I have to accompany kyungsoo, hyung.. He's still struggling with these maths problem, we have to handed it before the next class" baekhyun looked at chanyeol apologetically.

Kyungsoo immediately looked up and waged his little hands, "eh, no need baekhyun-ah, I can do this by myself, I almost done, you can go with chanyeol hyung" he smiled at the couple, but I saw on his books that he still haven't solved the problem yet.

"are you sure?" baekhyun looked at kyungsoo, worried.

and before I knew it, I already stepped forward and leaned to kyungsoo's desk. "ah, calculus. Need help with that?"

Kyungsoo looks up, eyes widened in surprise.

"ah yes! Kris got an A on calculus, he can help you solve it!" Chanyeol said, happy to find a reason to go with his boyfriend.

Kyungsoo hesitated, "b-but, you must've want to grab some lunch hyung"

"it's okay, I want to help you, Its kinda help me refreshed for the final exam too" I smiled.

"alright! Kris will help you and me and baekhyunnie will grab some bread for you guys, okay?" he grinned widely and interwined his fingers with the blushing baekhyun before quickly went out of the class.

I pulled a chair and sat beside kyungsoo, whose eyes focused on his book. I leaned closer cause I can't see clearly, and there, I can smell the vanilla scents again.

"I-it's this one hyung" kyungsoo pushed his book for me to see, and I smiled. It's pretty easy since I always got perfect score for math.

"can I borrow your pencil?"

"a-ah sure here, hyung"

I grabbed the pencil from him, tried to not squealing over the squishy hand that brushed on mine.

"so you just need to do this.." I start explaining how to solve the math problem and lucky for me, kyungsoo is a fast learner. And he has the will to learn.

"ah~ so there's an easy way to do it!" he smiled his heart shaped lips.

"of course, every math problem has other thousand ways to solve. We just need to use some logic" I smiled.

"that's true hyung.. You're so smart!"

I always heard people said those to me all the time, but i felt weirdly happy when it came from him.

"you know, if you want, I can tutor you on my free time" I said sincerely.

and out of my expectation of him going to reject, he widened his eyes, smiled widely and said,"really?! You'd do that hyung?? I mean.. I'm not that smart but I studied to enter this school because I want to join the cooking club.. So it will be very helpful if I can get tutored by you hyung. Well, if you don't mind" he suddenly lowered his voices.

I smiled. So he really wants to become a chef.

"of course I don't mind"

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trymyluck #1
Chapter 16: aww... cute story...I love it
gidi1315 #2
Chapter 16: cute krisoo so childish a little but cute
Chapter 16: i really am waiting for the next chapter of this story, krisoo looks so adorable in this story :'
akared #4
Chapter 16: I could die for this too much fluffiness!!!!!
update more!!!
akared #5
Chapter 3: awwwwww!!!
crushing to each other!!!
i'm waiting for this story to update, this story is really sweet and i like what kris has done to kyungsoo. but kris is a bit shy in this story :)
pirinola #7
Chapter 16: I read it today and i love it. It so funny and fluffy. It makes me smile in every chapter.
Thanks for writing.
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 16: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
dyaanggira #9
Chapter 16: I love this fic so much ♥♥ please update soon ^^ krisooooo ♡♡
jindaebutt #10
Chapter 16: Peuliseu update soon >< This is so fluffy ! HunHan and KriSoo <3