The Story Of...

I threw my sport bag to the back seat of my car, put on my sunglasses, start the engine and drove away to school. Saturday is a great day because I can practice basketball longer. I the radio and hummed to the song.

Once I reached the school, I parked my car in front of the gym. Few girls already waiting for me as usual. I opened the door, the crowd started to scream. Why'd they're became more and more noisy? I opened the back seat to picked my bag and closed the door. That's when I saw my own reflection. Oh, I forgot to take off my glasses. I knew I'm five time hotter when I put on my sunglasses. I pulled it off and threw it into the car, locked it and walked straight into the gym.

The new members greeted me while doing their routines, cleaning the gym, gathered the ball and doing some stretching, while I walked to the changing room.

"Kris! My best bud!!" Chanyeol threw his arm around my shoulder. I cringed at his cheerful act. Is he in a sugar high or something?

"what's with your smile dude? You're going to tore your mouth apart if you smile too wide like that"

"Haha you're quite observant aren't you? I am very very very happy!!"

I smirked. "so the date went well?" I changed my clothes.

Chanyeol grinning widely it turns out a little bit creepy. "More than well!! Finally I got to tell him that I wanna court him all these time!" and he clasped his own hands together "plus I got to held his small smooth hand.."

"okay, stop it right there, you're starting become a girl talking about her crush. It's not our style" I rolled my eyes.

Chanyeol pouted, and changed his clothes to our jersey team. "at least I have someone to look for from now on.." he muttered. Clearly hinting that I have no one.


"come on Lay, you can do it, you have to increased your point percentage before the championship started!" I encouraged Lay who's now practicing his three points. Lay experts in short distance shot, but weak on a long distance like three points, so now I'm giving him more portions of practicing his shot instead of doing the defences.

After a while I left lay on the other ring basket and moved to another ring, watching chanyeol doing three on three match with new member's team, including my new favorite hoobae, sehun.

Sehun was a captain in his previous school and his talent showed it. I looked around and ssuddenly get pissed.

"where the hell is Kai?! I thought I saw him coming hours ago"

"He might goofing around in another club, hyung, as usual" lay rolled his eyes and shot his three points.

And on cue, suddenly Kai appeared, but not alone. Behind him, there are people who wore aprons, carrying some foods on plates.

"Guys, it's already lunch time! And we have a guest from cooking club!"

I folded my arms in front of my chest and called him, "Kai!" he turned his head and I gave him fierce expression, moved my finger, hinted him to come to me, stat.

But Kai is Kai. He never affected by my fierce stare. "yes hyung?" he grinned playfully.

"Who gave you permission to do this? We have practices"

"Aw come on hyung! You said we have to build good relationship with another club, it's me doing it~" he put on his innocent mask. "they're testing New member's ability and they need some kind of judges outside the club" he looked behind and smiled playfully,"..plus there's cute member as well, I wanna squish his cheeks!"

I looked at his eyes' direction and widened my eyes. Oh. That's.. The small boy with wide eyes from that time! So he's in the cooking club? And he wears an apron, gosh.

I fake a cough and turned to Kai again. "fine, whatever"

At last our team member gathered around the table filled with foods from the cooking club.

We tasted small portions of each dishes and I tried to ignore the presence of the small boy. He's cute, Kai's right, but I'm straight, I don't look at cute boys.

I tasted something like spaghetti but in kimchi taste like flavour, and without I realized, I ate and ate again, amazed with its flavour.

"seems like Kris hyung loves that dish so much" I heard Luhan talking. Luhan is 2nd grader, the seniors in his club said that he's going to ve the future head of cooking club.

"it's delicious" I told him honestly.

"it's kyungsoo's dish. Come here soo, tell him about your dish" Luhan called someone, and I nearly choked when the small wide eyes boys walking to our direction.

"uh.. Hello, my name is do kyungsoo" he bowed to me and started to explained his dish, but I only can stare at his cute lips. But the good time's being cut when chanyeol suddenly in and exclaimed,"hey! You're Baekhyun's friend, right?"

soon they're having conversation on their own and I just moved away before I'm getting more addicted to look at the heart shape of his lips when the boy's smiling.

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trymyluck #1
Chapter 16: aww... cute story...I love it
gidi1315 #2
Chapter 16: cute krisoo so childish a little but cute
Chapter 16: i really am waiting for the next chapter of this story, krisoo looks so adorable in this story :'
akared #4
Chapter 16: I could die for this too much fluffiness!!!!!
update more!!!
akared #5
Chapter 3: awwwwww!!!
crushing to each other!!!
i'm waiting for this story to update, this story is really sweet and i like what kris has done to kyungsoo. but kris is a bit shy in this story :)
pirinola #7
Chapter 16: I read it today and i love it. It so funny and fluffy. It makes me smile in every chapter.
Thanks for writing.
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 16: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
dyaanggira #9
Chapter 16: I love this fic so much ♥♥ please update soon ^^ krisooooo ♡♡
jindaebutt #10
Chapter 16: Peuliseu update soon >< This is so fluffy ! HunHan and KriSoo <3