Little deer

The Tumblr Boyfriend


 chapter sicteen 


 little deer






“Mama, I’m out!”

Luhan closed the door knob before he went out from his house. He took a deep breath before he jogged to groceries shop to buy some ingredients for his mother to make a cheesecake. It almost 3 years Luhan lived in UK with his both parents since they were too scared to let Luhan live alone in this big land without accompany. Well, his mother didn’t have to work because Mr Xi well-known as a successful business man so it will be no problem for him to keep Luhan and Mrs Xi live happily without worry about the money.

Last 2 years, Sehun just left him hanging alone, without saying goodbye. At first, Luhan became lost his mind, keep looking at his phone, laughed by himself without any reason, sometimes he cried alone in his bed. Mrs Xi didn’t know what to do to cure Luhan from broken down. Everyday Luhan will tell her about Sehun. Sehun this, Sehun that. She know how Luhan met Sehun, and so many times she told Luhan to forget about Sehun but failed. She had no idea how powerful Sehun was until Luhan can’t stop thinking about him.

Luhan’s too precious for his both parents because he’s the only son in their family. When Luhan was 3 years old, he almost die because he had breathing problem. At that time, they thought they will lost their son at his young age but the god gave them a chance by cured Luhan’s disease and kept him alive until now. When Luhan at his final year of highschool, everything just became worst after he got rejected by Kris. He started smoke cigarette, with no limit. Mrs Xi scolded him and cried asked him to stop doing that bull things.

But Luhan realized how afraid his mother was about losing him then he forced himself to move on and stop smoking due to his health condition when he was 3 years old back then. Then everything was just history in his life. Kris became his bestfriend no matter what happen. Kris always beside him, helped Mrs Xi and Mr Xi to cured Luhan from being a useless person.

Then Luhan stopped loving someone else. Until he met Sehun. Sehun totally different with Kris. Sehun is cheerful person, lovely, adorable just enough for the people like him. Eventhough he only know Sehun in the short period but he felt like he fell in love with the younger. He told his parents about Sehun. They asked Luhan either that Sehun guy loved him as much he loved Sehun. He nodded and he said that he’s everything to Sehun. He can see how eager Sehun was to captured his heart.

But Luhan’s afraid. Afraid of losing Sehun. He know Sehun want him more than a friend or a brother but he can’t. He can’t lose Sehun. So he thought if he and Sehun became a bestfriend, he know Sehun will never leave him behind, just like how Kris did. Eventhough Kris’ loved Tao, but he never left Luhan behind. Now he and Tao in a good term and thanks to Kris.

Now he realized, those things that he afraid of just became reality. Sehun left him. Sehun hates him. He no longer important to Sehun. Mrs Xi always said to him, ‘Luhan, if god said that Sehun’s just only for you, no matter how far Sehun was, I believe he will be near to you one day.

And that words the only thing that Luhan kept in his heart.

Luhan kept running and running, his mind floated away from his soul but then he just realized that he bumped into someone.

“Omg, I’m so sorry!” Luhan covered his mouth from gaped after seeing the person that he bumped fell onto the ground. Quickly he reached out his hands to help the guy. Without a second, the guy accepted his hands and he can feel the electricity flow through his vein when the stranger guy touched his hand. The guy slowly raised his head and Luhan felt damn shocked when he saw the stranger’s face.

“Is t-that you Sehun?” Luhan asked, shuttered because to excited with the creature in front of him. Before the guy could reply his question, without any doubt he leaned closer to the guy and kissed him on the lips. He can felt the latter frozen with his kiss, Luhan keep retaining his kiss without broken it because he’s too afraid to let them go. But not until the guy suddenly pushed him away and broke the kiss. Luhan panted, tried to catch his breath while the guy cupped his mouth.

Luhan looked at the guy figures. Its Sehun. Sehun’s in UK. His mother was true! No matter how far Sehun was, Sehun was here now, is it because of him? Luhan stepped closer, careress Sehun’s face gently. He’s real.. Luhan said inside his mind. He cannot hold his tears anymore and finally let it go from his eyes. He was about to hug Sehun when suddenly he got pushed by someone and fell down onto ground.

“What the are you doing to Sehun?!” Luhan looked at the guy who protectively pulled Sehun into his embrace. Who’s him?

“Kai, don’t scold him..” Sehun said to the guy. Luhan’s heart beating fast like there’s no tomorrow.

“What do you mean?! He kissed you! That brat was kissed my boyfriend!”

Luhan widened his eyes when he heard the word boyfriend. He’s Sehun’s boyfriend. He held his head and everything just turned into pitch black.







 author's note 


»Now I didn't know who should be pity for /cries/ 




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Chapter 6: *make puke sounds* please break up.
Chapter 5: SEHUN NO!!!!!
Chapter 3: I have been squealing for the past 3 chapters and aweeee KRIS GO RUN FOR TAO. May Han find new love in Xiumin. And may Sehun listen to Tao and embrace his lovely Kai.
(idc if I ruined everyone's ships. But I have an idea what happened between Tao and Han and if it's what I'm thinking I hope what I wrote up there happens. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!)
Ohluhan101 #4
Chapter 4: Huh? Really?
Ohluhan101 #5
Chapter 3: Oh my , they are actually connected ~
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 2: Huh....what?! LOL luhan ?!
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 1: This is so cool and I'm loving it! And LOL can't stop laughing.
Chapter 4: ''Kris is not my boyfriend'' WTF!! Luhan you're doing best ehuheu
Chapter 1: Sehun he just love his boyfriend. You can't have him... 'Whatever, I still have a chance if they're not married yet.'
Sehun-ah you're soooo cutee :3