xiaolu started following you

The Tumblr Boyfriend


 chapter one 


 xiaolu started following you






Sehun scrolled his dashboard whilst resting his face on his arm. He let out a long sighed. There's nothing interested things at all other than selcas, photos of ing delicious foods caused his stomach grumping and begging for foods. He was about to close the tab when he saw that he got one notification.


'Who sent me a message?'

Slowly he clicked the envelope shape button.

xiaolu asked you:

Are you from Korea? That's cool! I'm from China by the way. Oh I just followed your blog and OMG you love bieber? Me too! How great isn't it?

Sehun frowned. A chinese guy sent him a message in Hangul. Hmm, interesting. Before he could replied the message, he checked out the latter's blog and accidently read his description.

Luhan. 20. Madly in love with my beloved boyfriend, Kris.

Oh. okay...

Sehun dislike the word boyfriend. No, not because he's not gay but he just.. whatever he felt like he want to know this chinese guy in more details eventhough he don't even know who's this guy. He hit the ask box (he didn't like to reply directly in inbox because he want to keep all the message that he got in it) and start typing.

Ask Me Anything :)

Oh hi Luhan? Is that your name? lol I'm Sehun. Oh yeah I heart bieber damn much and I'm glad to know that you heart him too >.< So, I can see that you already had a boyfriend?


thehunnie (log out)



He shut his eyes tightly before he clicked the ask button.

Thank You! 

Your question has been recieved.

A few seconds later, he got a replied.

xiaolu asked you:

Oh hi Sehun. Yeah..

That's all? Sehun let out a small sighed, rested his face on his arm and lowered his gaze (thinking of what should he ask more?)


He quickly hit the button again.

That's great! I'm gay actually :p but I don't have anyone special in my heart yet..just saying. by the way, when is your birthday? 

Sehun bit his bottom lips. Why he is so interested with this unknown?

xiaolu asked you:

Oh really? that's okay, you'll find your special person one day. its on 20th April.

Sehun raised his eyebrows. He took a glance on his watch (which has date on it) 1/05. He typed.

Oh its already passed.

xiaolu asked you:

yup, why? you want to buy me a present?

Sehun rolled his eyes before replied.

Lol no. I'm just curious.

Sehun clicked his tongue whilst his eyes were searching for something that really important for him on the latter's blog.

', he didn't have a 'me' page.' Sehun's wondering how the latter's looks like, whether he's handsome or just an ugly e. But he really has a cute url. xiaolu. little deer in Chinese (he googled it).

Hmm maybe he should ask him post a pic of him at least one? what if he will think that he's interested in him? No Sehun you can't do that. Whatever! Its now or never.

Ask Me Anything :)

Hmm, would you mind to post a photo of yourself?

Sent! Omg Sehun you did it! You're the man!

Now he have to wait for Luhan to reply. He keep refreshed his dashboard to see whether the unknown had replied him yet. A few minutes of waiting, he saw a post from xiaolu.


thehunnie asked:

Hmm, would you mind to post a photo of yourself?





Sehun grinned widely.

"Victory!" he mumbled quite loud until he felt someone patted his right shoulder. He narrowed his eyes towards the person and saw Kai twitched his upper lip before saying.

"Sehunnie, I know you're kind of excited and I don't know why is it but can you shut your mouth for awhile? We're in the Chemistry lesson for god sake! You don't want him-" Kai point his index finger to the guy who's standing in front of the class with his cat eyes whilst holding his weapon (long meter ruler). Kai continue his words.

"-to get mad, am I right? Now switch off your phone too." Kai whispered sternly into Sehun's right ear. Sehun snorted before replied.

"But Kai, I was waiting for-" Before he could finished his sentences, Mr Cat eyes interrupted him.

"Mr Oh, do you any problem?"

"No sir," Sehun averted his eyes away from Mr cat's gaze.


. Mr Cat just exploded. Everybody know when he got mad, nobody can hold him from bursting out his anger and.. cursed.

"I'm sorry, Mr Kibum. I won't do that again.."

"YOU BETTER BE!" Mr Kibum continue his damn lessons. Sehun sighed, he stared his phone screen silently before he shoved it into his pocket. Kai nudget his arm before saying.

"I told you." Sehun rolled his eyes and swatted Kai's finger from his precious arm.


After being a zombie in the Chemistry class for an hour, finally finished. Once Mr Kibum stepped his foot out from the class, everyone rushedly grabbed their things and skipped out from the class. Sehun quickly packed his things from his table. He was about to run out from the class when Kai suddenly grip his wrist. Sehun furrowed his forehead, gave Kai a 'What' stares. Kai sighed before saying.

"Sehunnie, you know that I love you right? If you have something to say or anything that makes you smiling like this, just tell me okay? bestfriend should share everything, right?"

Sehun chuckled lightly before he ruffled Kai's hair.

"I know that idiot. But now I really have to go, see you later, Kkamjong!" Sehun yanked his hand and head out from his class. Kai pulled his hair violently, muttered.

"You never know, never know."


Sehun threw his body on the couch and quickly took out his phone and open his favorite app. Tumblr.

He opened 'xiaolu.tumblr.com' and start searching for the post.

'Damn it where is it?! I can't find it if he keep reblogging things omg." He cupped his face, groaned. Suddenly he got an idea.

'Hopefully he put a tag.' Quickly typed 'xiaolu.tumblr.com/tagged/me'

loading.. COME ON! then the thing that he really want to see just came out and he saw..

"OH MY GOD YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME HE'S ING HOT FOR 20 YEARS OLD GUY OMG I'M GOING TO DIE ARGHHHH!" Sehun jumped on his sofa, shouting out loud. He can feel his hand trembling, too excited.

Cool Sehun, calm your ..... He took a breath in and out for many times, he quickly open his dashboard and saw he got 2 message. huh?

xiaolu asked you:

How was it? Am I too hot? xD


xiaolu asked you:

hey, where are you? I missed you already... :(

. WHY LUHAN WHY, WHY YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE THIS. Sehun put his right hand on his heart, he can feel his heart beating damn fast, faster than fast and furious (?) 

Sehun gulped, and replied with his shaken hands.

OMG LUHAN YOU'RE SO ASDFGHJKL CAN I DIE FOR YOU? >.< Aww you missed me? but how about your boyfriend?

Sehun cracked his knuckles, felt so anxious.

xiaolu asked you:

LOLOLOL XD nahh, he knows that I love him so much so I won't cheat on him. :)

oh.oh. oh. Shame of you Sehun. Shame of you. Sehun felt like he want to cry but he still didn't give up! His boyfriend named Kris Wu Yifan (he saw in 'about me' page). Why he sounds like a warrior? lol what Sehun? Sehun he just love his boyfriend. You can't have him... 'Whatever, I still have a chance if they're not married yet.' Sehun grinned.

Oh, btw can you add me on facebook? Just search for Oh Sehun.

xiaolu asked you:

Oh okay.

He quickly open a new tab. Facebook.

He's waiting and waiting until he got a friend request. Omg omg, this is so great! He rushedly open the friend request and saw something that unpleasant.

Kris Wu Yifan added you as friend.









 author's note 


» Sorry for the short chapter............. T.T until next chapter ! comment and suscribe!



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Chapter 6: *make puke sounds* please break up.
Chapter 5: SEHUN NO!!!!!
Chapter 3: I have been squealing for the past 3 chapters and aweeee KRIS GO RUN FOR TAO. May Han find new love in Xiumin. And may Sehun listen to Tao and embrace his lovely Kai.
(idc if I ruined everyone's ships. But I have an idea what happened between Tao and Han and if it's what I'm thinking I hope what I wrote up there happens. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!)
Ohluhan101 #4
Chapter 4: Huh? Really?
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Chapter 3: Oh my , they are actually connected ~
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Chapter 2: Huh....what?! LOL luhan ?!
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 1: This is so cool and I'm loving it! And LOL can't stop laughing.
Chapter 4: ''Kris is not my boyfriend'' WTF!! Luhan you're doing best ehuheu
Chapter 1: Sehun he just love his boyfriend. You can't have him... 'Whatever, I still have a chance if they're not married yet.'
Sehun-ah you're soooo cutee :3