
She's My Model

"Jung Soojung, I don't remember you having any events today?" I heard unnie ask, I looked over to where the voice started, and saw her heading towards me.  I was busy looking at my phone, sitting on the sofa in the living room. 

"Well, I'm going out with Amber." I said as I gave her space to sit. I saw her eyebrows furrow.

"Well... okay.." She said, which surprised me.  She usually wouldn't let me go out that easily with Amber since the day she walked in on us sleeping on our fortress of pillows.

"Uhm... okay then.." I said. "You got any schedule to attend to for today unnie?" 

"Yes, in fact manager oppa is on the way." She paused, looking at me from head to toe. "Say.. a beanie, pair of  louie vuitton sunnies, striped sweater, ombre mini shorts, ankle length black socks, teal colored vans. A little too simple for the date?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Amber specifically told me to wear this outfit, from head to toe, sooo.." Unnie chuckled.

"Cheesy lovebirds. Say, is Amber going through anything?" She asked, in which I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Unnie looked at me, and shook her head. 

"Aniya, maybe it wasn't her." And before I could even ask her what it was, a horn sounded outside, actually it repeatedly sounded, which only means that the other members of her group are also in the van. We both laughed, and stood up.

"Well, don't keep them waiting." I said, and opened the door for her.

"Yah Jung Soojung, don't mind what I said, okay? I must've mistaken her for another person."  She kissed me on the cheek before heading towards the van. The other members greeted me through the opened windows. Before unnie closed the van, she looked at her watch, then back at me. "Jung Soojung, it's currently 4 30 PM, be back before 1AM or that llama's dead meat, arasseo?" 

"Arraseo unnie!" The other members laughed while unnie closed the van door.

After they left, I closed the door and headed back to where I sat.  


 From Amber: Princess! I'm on the way <3

To Amber: Alright, take care.


After what seemed like 15 minutes, I heard a certain car, and I knew it was Amber.  I half-skipped to the door, and opened it.  What I saw totally surprised me.  Amber was dressed like how I was, her back was facing me, as she was helping their family's personal driver bring down...............bikes.

"Amber?" She quickly turned around.

"Hey princess!" 

"Young master, I'll be leaving now." The driver said, and Amber simply nodded "Arraso, thank you." 


"Well, we're going on a bike date to the park." Amber said shyly. "Tadaaaa." 

I put on my sunglasses, and started walking towards her, with my arms crossed, with my famous icy facial expression. It was hard restraining from laughing seeing how Amber looked so nervous and scared. As I was about a few inches away from her, I smiled. "I love it!" I heard her sigh deeply, and smiled widely.


"Well." She took my hand, which shocked me, "Let's go!" 

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kryber2003 #1
Chapter 27: Where are you now , author-nnim?
Zerozz #2
Chapter 27: Update more author
Chapter 27: Author please update
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 27: Update please please thanks
ezz1824 #5
Chapter 27: updateeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
sumaiyaridi #6
Chapter 27: Where is next chapter
hugo1476 #7
Chapter 27: Please update your story...this story is nice and interesting...
glorya #8
Chapter 27: Next chapter please !
Countingme #9
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