The accidental kiss

Tale of the WonderBang Leaders (G-Ye)

Wonder Girls and Big Bang meet one more time for their special stage practice because that time TOP wasn’t with them to practice together. After their dance practice that night, JiYong knew that he need to make his first move or he will never get the chance to talk to Sunye.

“All of you must be hungry, right? I was thinking of treating all of you, rice cakes.” JiYong suggested, hoping that the girls especially Sunye will go. He knew that Sunye loves rice cake.

”Rice cake?” Sunye’s eyes grew bigger upon hearing it.

”But, hyung why rice cake? Can we get something else?” Daesung’s complained and JiYong noticed that Sunye was somehow ‘disappointed’ by the complained.

”No, I will only treat rice cake. If you don’t want then get yourself your own food.” The rest of Wonder Girls and Big Bang agreed on the ‘deal’.

Later, both groups make their way down to a rice cake shop nearby. Once again, JiYong called Sunye with the reason to discuss about their dance practice.

”Thank you for treating the girls and me to rice cake. I absolutely love rice cake” Sunye said excitedly. JiYong laughed seeing Sunye so happy, at least he knew that his effort searching over Sunye’s profile last night does not go to waste.

The next day was their KBS Special Stage performance and both groups nailed it well. From the special stage performance, the members of both groups find out an interesting fact that their leaders maybe like each other. This was seen throughout the performance whereby JiYong kept looking over at Sunye while Sunye never stop smiling whenever JiYong was near her on stage. But then, both leaders play it professionally and tried to avoid being too close to each other especially in front of camera. [see the related G-Ye pics on KBS Music Sp Stg below]

Despite all that, the collaboration between these two groups just spells SUCCESS. This resulted to MBC signing on TOP, Sunye and Sohee as their MCs for Music Core show. To JiYong and Sunye, it means they can meet more as they will be seeing each other at least once a week.

A week after becoming the MCs, came the MKMF Award Festival. It will be the first award for both Big Bang and Wonder Girls. In the music festival, Wonder Girls’ leader has a dance battle with other girl groups. Four girls from four girl group will dance in front of Kim Bum, a hot actor who also co-star with So Hee in her movie.

“OMG, Sunye-unnie dance so well.” SeungRi said to Daesung who agreed as well. JiYong turned to them not because he care what they said but because he basically couldn’t stand watching Sunye danced in front of the guy. Besides that, the award goes smoothly and was a joyful one for both groups as they both brought back awards that prove their effort doesn’t go to waste.

Thanks to MBC Music Core, Wonder Girls and Big Bang are now close friends. However, Ji Yong still doesn’t have Sunye’s number. He was waiting for the right moment to ask for it but it seems that the ‘moment’ never came.

I must get her number at this week’s music core. JiYong pledged to himself. He granted his wish as the rest of s and the Wonder Girls were exchanging phone numbers with each other. As soon as JiYong got Sunye’s phone number, he called her that night.

“You know that time during the MKMF, you dance very well”JiYong complimented her though actually he doesn’t want to reminisce Sunye dancing for the guy. But he got nothing to talk about and he just need a reason to talk longer to Sunye.

“Thank you and your group performance was awesome.”Sunye replied.

”Sunye, just want to know, what is your idol kind of guy?”JiYong carefully brought his question to her.

“Uhmm, someone who can give me a sense of security.” Sunye answered thoughtfully but she knew why JiYong asked. “What about you? What’s your idol kind of girl?” Sunye’s turn to ask.

“Someone I can feel comfortable with. It would be nice if we can contact each other a lot and we feel something when we look at each other. A girl who works hard and can accept my faults.”JiYong said though actually he was exactly describing Sunye from the way he perceived her behavior. Both leaders continue talking till early morning and they realize it only when they saw the sun shines brightly in the sky.

The Wonder Girls were all in the beauty salon, getting prepared for their scheduled events.

“Who are you messaging early in the morning?” YooBin asked Sunye which make her startled.

“It must be JiYong-oppa, right?” Sunmi said. “I overheard unnie’s conversation last night” Sunmi explained her guess.

“We are just friends,”Sunye said and smile shyly while the other members eyed her suspiciously.

Meanwhile in the Big Bang’s house,

“JiYong, did you sleep last night?” TOP asked the leader though he already knew the answer.

“Hyung doesn’t have the time to sleep now because he is busy discussing about leadership with Sunye-unnie every night” Seungri answered sarcastically.

JiYong just ignored s’ remarks and concentrated on replying messages to Sunye. The leaders of both groups didn’t know that their every actions were monitored by the rest of their group members. Secretly, their members with the help of their respective manager planned out a little ‘chill out’ party ‘coincidentally’ at the same hotel. They wanted to find out about their leaders’ true relationship therefore they carried out such plan. JiYong and Sunye who were clueless about their plan just tagged along.

“Hey, isn’t that Wonder Girls?”Daesung said. JiYong who was practically being dragged to join the party looked up when he heard the word Wonder girls. He saw Sunye and he felt delighted.

“Omo, Big Bang are here too. What are you guys doing here?” Ye Eun said when the two groups met, acting out as though they don’t know anything. All of them then went to chill out by the pool that was exclusively reserved for their use. The maknaes of the group were playing in the pool. YooBin and Yeeun were reading the magazine, Taeyang and TOP were just lying down at the bench while their leaders were sitting further away each other. They smell something fishy from their members’ behavior.

Meet you in front of the coffeehouse in 15 minutes. JiYong messaged Sunye as he make his way out quietly from the crowd. After the appointed time,

“Hey guys, I’m craving for some sweet food. Any of you want some? Cuz I’m heading down to buy.” Sunye said trying hard not to sound suspicious.

“Anything will do” the girls answered. Basically the members were enjoying themselves that they somehow forgot their purpose. The leaders later met up and they were convinced that their members are doing this to find out about their relationship. They planned not to tell their members yet and play it cool in front of them.

On their way down to buy sweets, JiYong and Sunye met some tourist from Japan who stayed at the hotel. The Japanese family knew Wonder Girls and Big Bang and they requested to take picture of Sunye and JiYong with their 5 years old daughter. Both leaders were feeling honoured that they were recognized by foreigners therefore agreed. The five year old girl was so adorable and she requested that both JiYong and Sunye kissed her on each cheeks while her mother took the photo. Sunye and JiYong was getting ready to kiss the chubby cheeks of the cute girl while looking at the camera when suddenly the girl bend down.

BAMMM” Their lips touched accidently.

Sunye and JiYong quickly retreat back from each other while their face blushed to red. Both were surprised by the ‘incident’ but at the same time feeling happy. Luckily the mother didn’t click on the camera as she was busy attending to her child who was upset by her loose shoe lace. Sunye and JiYong looked around awkwardly hoping that no one saw their accidental kiss.

After successfully taking another picture with the kid, JiYong and Sunye went back to the pool separately. They did not talk to each other throughout the party later as both felt awkward and were shy with each other though secretly they enjoyed their ‘accidental’ kiss.

The rest of Wonder Girls and Big Bang were still unaware of the kiss incident.



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New reader here!<br />
love the story<br />
any plan for sequel?
omgggg i remember reading this on winglin loooooong time ago x3<br />
will re-read this again because i love it <3
namwustar #3
sorry I took so long to comment this xD<br />
so cute, so sweet, so so sooooo full of wonderbang love ;__; i miss them so much ;~;<br />
and oh finally a happy ending for them..<br />
I feel bad tho, bcos I ship sohee/jiyoung more than sunye/jiyoung XD but whatever... this story is great!!!! \m/
namwustar #4
I subscribed this first, will read this later xD