Birthday Boy

Tale of the WonderBang Leaders (G-Ye)

When JiYong and the boys got back from Japan, they were still busy doing their album promotions. And although Wonder Girls had stopped their promotions literally, they still performed at invited events. Thus, both idol group leaders still couldn't manage to squeeze time for each other beside talking on the phone. It was not until the day before JiYong's birthday that both couple realize they didn't see each other since JiYong went to Japan. And Sunye has yet to receive the present that she was waiting for by her beloved one, JiYong. She knew that night on his birthday, she has to make it special for him.

She consulted her members, 'I don't know what I should get him. Any ideas?'

'Maybe unnie can get some clothes for oppa, you know the fashionable ones,' SoHee suggested.

'Not that he doesn't have enough already' Sunye answered.

'Then why don't you just cook for him, maybe bake a cake?'Yoobin said.

'Yeah,maybe I'll do just that'Sunye headed to the kitchen.

The rest of the girls suddenly got call from the rest of the Big Bang boys. A mission needs to be accomplished.

After two hours in the kitchen, Sunye finally got out and said to the girls, 'Hey, I bake the cake already?'

But no one answered.

There was a note in the table that says, 'We went out to watch midnight movie with the rest of the Big Bang boys. JiYong said he will be waiting for you at the apartment. Have a good time. Love, YooBin-unnie'


The rest of the Wonder Girls and Big Bang members knew about the 'secret birthday' plan that has been masterminded by JiYong himself. Besides, it's like a birthday present from the members to their leaders. At the meantime, the boys were still at the recording studio for the show Madam B, where the Big Bang members make a surprise birthday party for JiYong.

'So you guys remember the plan tonight, right? Don't spoil it ok?' TOP reminded his dongseng once again about the surprise birthday plan backstage.

'Yes, hyung. We are not kid anymore. Can we get over this quickly. Im so hungry to eat the cake already!' Daesung whined.

And so they surprised their leaders with a cake, a birthday present from them since later they are not able to celebrate with their leaders as they will be going to watch movie with the rest of the Wonder Girls members as 'planned'.

Jiyong definitely was surprised as he did not expect s to plan for him a surprise party. He was very busy the past few days since they got back from Japan to plan a surprise belated party for sunye and himself with the rest of the WonderBang members. He felt grateful with the little celebration set up by s but his mind was somewhere else. There is a mission he needs to accomplished tonight.

And soon after the show recording ended, their manager dropped them off at their homes. The boys headed to the movie as planned while JiYong went quickly upstairs to get prepared. 'Gosh, I have about one and half hour to get prepared' JiYong thought to himself. He quickly too a quick bath and prepare the 'things' right for the party.


In the meantime, Sunye was busy choosing the right dress to wear and meet her JiYong. She ended up calling YooBin-unnie.

'Hello unnie, where are you guys?'
'Oh, shopping and then headed to movie? By the way unnie, I don't know what to wear for tonight, can you please help me?'
'The blue dress that JiYong bought for me in Japan? Oh yeah, I totally forget about that.'
'Thanks unnie and have fun. Ok, im going there as soon as possible. Cant afford to make him wait on his birthday. Bye.'

Sunye threw her phone on the bed and quickly look in to her closet for the blue dress. Half an hour later, she is all dressed up but now she totally forgotten to wrap up the birthday cake. It took her another twenty minutes to 'decorate' the cake nicely and put it in the designated box. Minutes later, she is making her way to JiYong's house.


At the Big Bang house, JiYong just finished taking his bath and after getting dressed. He went to prepare the decoration for the 'surprise party'. It took him less than half an hour to display the decorations as they were 'already in place' earlier with the help of his group mates. JiYong was just about to light up the last candle when suddenly the door bell rang.

'She's here' JiYong said to himself, smilingly. He took one last glance at the living room before making his way to the door to greet his love life.

'Welcome, sunye' JiYong said once he opened the door. Sunye smiled back upon seeing him greeted her.

'Wait, before you come in, you have to close your eyes coz I have prepare something for you.' JiYong said 'blocking' Sunye at the door.

'Oppa~' Sunye said but she closed her eyes obediently and let JiYong lead her inside the house.

'Okay, you can open your eyes now.' JiYong whispered softly to Sunye and so she opened her eyes.

To her bewilderment, she saw lit aromatic candles around the living room and there was a table for two surrounded with roses. She was amazed at the spectacle she witness and no words that can describe her excited feelings.

'Do you like it?' JiYong said as his hand hold tight on Sunye's waist.

'Love it, oppa.' Sunye said as she threw him a hug. She realized she was holding the birthday cake she made for JiYong.

'Oh, oppa by the way 'Happy Birthday' Sunye said and presented him with the cake.

JiYong took it from her but kept his eyes on Sunye. He smiled mischievously at her.

Sunye noticed it and felt confused, 'What is it, oppa? You don't like my present is it?' Sunye asked worriedly.

JiYong shake his head and pout his lips forward, waiting for Sunye's.

'Ah, sorry about that oppa!' Sunye said before she give him a soft peck but Jiyong held her tight and deepen the kiss. After a moment, he released and lead Sunye to sit on the chair.

'Happy belated birthday to you dear' JiYong said while making his way to the piano.

'Before I give you the real present, I thought its better if I 'warm you' up with my own birthday song that I make especially for you, you mind?' JiYong asked like a true gentleman. His mission today is to make Sunye felt that she deserved to be the love of his life and to show to her that she meant a lot to him.

Sunye just smiled silently at him, nodding her 'approval' and so JiYong played the song. The song that he composed with thought of Sunye in mind but he hasn't decided the title of the song yet(the song is 'Wonderful' which is included is Big Bang Vol.2 Album).

Sunye was still mesmerized by the song that she didn't realized JiYong had finished playing the song and was kneeling in front of her.

'JiYong kneeling?' Sunye asked herself couple of times while both of them shared a quiet moment looking at each other eyes. Sunye doesn't know why but she felt that her heart thundered quickly for whatever the unknown reason is, it's like her heart is giving her a premonition.

Jiyong just smiled sweetly at her and said, 'Sunye, are you willing to spend the rest of lives looking after a mischievous, stubborn and never-grow-up boy?'

Sunye gasped at the sentence while JiYong was still holding her hand. Her brain raced quickly to think of the answer though she already knew what it is.

'But JiYong...I' Sunye trailed her words making JiYong feeling uncomfortable.

He waited for her response patiently, hoping that she would not disappoint him.

Sunye looked at him expressionless and continued her previous sentence, 'Jiyong, I~..'

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New reader here!<br />
love the story<br />
any plan for sequel?
omgggg i remember reading this on winglin loooooong time ago x3<br />
will re-read this again because i love it <3
namwustar #3
sorry I took so long to comment this xD<br />
so cute, so sweet, so so sooooo full of wonderbang love ;__; i miss them so much ;~;<br />
and oh finally a happy ending for them..<br />
I feel bad tho, bcos I ship sohee/jiyoung more than sunye/jiyoung XD but whatever... this story is great!!!! \m/
namwustar #4
I subscribed this first, will read this later xD