Birthday Girl

Tale of the WonderBang Leaders (G-Ye)

Big Bang released their mini-album in early August. And that is not all, August will be a joyous month especially for Sunye and JiYong who both had their birthdays on the same month. Both had more reason to celebrate their birthday now, since they are together but with their relationship condition now will they be able to celebrate it together?

As Big Bang was starting to get busy with their 'Stand Up' mini-album promotion, Wonder Girls are slowing down with their schedules. Big Bang will also be doing their promotion in Japan coincidentally on Sunye's birthday.

'Hyung, what do you get for Sunye-unnie's birthday?' Seungri asked as they were preparing themselves to go for a photoshoot and tv interview.

JiYong didn't answer him.

'Are you still not talking to unnie?' Seungri asked further when his previous question was not answered. JiYong just looked at him.

Taeyang and TOP looked worriedly at JiYong. Taeyang spoke,'You are a guy, you cant be too stubborn. Can you really live without talking to her?'

Taeyang's questions somehow got into JiYong.

'Yeah, can I really carry on this forever?' JiYong knew the answer to that question and slowly ideas filled him in for Sunye's birthday. They went to the tv location, it was a photoshoot for tv interview.

As usually, they were being interviewed and suddenly the topic about kissing Hyori-nuna was brought up. JiYong knew this was his chance because he is sure that Sunye will be watching the show later.

'It was a punishment actually' JiYong said to the interviewee. He explained further how he and Daesung got to kiss Hyori-nuna as a game punishment. Quietly, in his heart, he hopes that Sunye will be able to understand to comprehend his statement.

~In the Wonder Girls' Dorm~

The girls were on their break while preparing their next single album and thankfully that day the girls particularly Sunye decided to stay at home to relax. So Hee and Sunmi got school as always whole Ye Eun and YooBin when for a jog around the park. The only one left alone at home was Sunye but that is all Fate needs to amend the two leaders' love relationship.

Precisely the moment Sunye switch on the tv, it was the Big Bang boys interview. Sunye understood clearly what JiYong meant by the statement and guilt crept to her and her heart soften to forgive JiYong's 'bad' behaviour to her previously.

'See, don't always judge JiYong-oppa badly' Yeeun said as which surprised Sunye further. She and Yoobin just entered the home after finishing ten rounds of jogging.

'Ye eun, don't startle me like that!' Sunye shouted.

'Hey, its not our fault that you were too consumed watching the tv that you didn't realize we came in' YooBin defended Ye Eun.

'Ok, whatever~' Sunye smile while she playfully throw pillow at her two unnies.

'So no more bad mood, I see?' YooBin teased Sunye further. She knew about the strained relationship between Sunye and JiYong.

'We'll see, well depend on what he plans to do' Sunye said mischievously.

'Oh Sunye, just cut it off already, did you know that JiYong suffer enough already? And don't say that you didn't started it!' Ye Eun was clearly on JiYong's side as she heard minute reports of JiYong from her DaeSung everyday.

Both Daesung and YeEun were worried sick for their leaders' love life as well as the rest of the members as well.

'Ok, ok. Calm down my lovely unnie. I'll give JiYong a call, happy?' Sunye give in when she realized after all it started from her.

'Good, that is what I want to hear. You've grown up, Sunye! Speaking of which your birthday is around the corner right? Do you and JiYong have any plans yet?' YooBin asked curiously.

'Hmm, I don't think so. It has been ages since I last talk to him.' Sunye said honestly. 'Then what are you waiting for princess? Go and give him a call right now. And that is not a request, its a command!' Yoobin continued.

Obediently, Sunye followed her two unnies advice and went to her room to call her JiYong who she had actually missed a lot.

Sunye was holding and looking at her phone, contemplating whether to call or message JiYong. She was still playing with her phone while her two unnies watching her impatiently. They were about to shout at Sunye when suddenly Sunye's phone rang which make all three of them jumped and Sunye accidently throw her phone towards YooBin.

'Gosh, thank god my hand is fast' YooBin praised herself as she looked at the caller ID.

'looks like you are a little too late, Sunye' Ye Eun said as she peeked from behind YooBin to see who called Sunye.

Sunye blushed and took the phone away from YooBin.

~ Outside, Wonder Girls' apartment ~

'Sunye, its me JiYong! Erm, are you free right now?' JiYong braved himself to ask Sunye, as if he asked her for the first time when they went on date.

'Ok, actually I'm already down here waiting outside your apartment. Sure, I don't mind waiting for 15 minutes. And also Sunye, I'm sorry girl if I hurt your feeling in any way. Its ok dear, its not your fault, I'll understand. Ok, then hurry and get down' JiYong closed his phone with a smile across his face. 'It went well, at least Sunye is not mad at me anymore'

Fifteen minutes later, Sunye met JiYong as they headed to JiYong's 'secret destination'. No conversation was going on inside the car as both of them held hand tightly, trying to recapture back the moment they lost during the 'cold war'.

'Sunye ah, there is something for you behind.' JiYong said, breaking the silence while his eyes still focus in front.

Sunye quickly glanced behind to search for the gift JiYong bought for her.

'Oh, JiYong, you don't have too' Sunye said blushing, while her hand reached out for the flowers and chocolate that were decorated beautifully.

'Hope you'll forgive me, baby' JiYong said sincerely.

'Its ok, oppa, I'm not mad at you anymore' Sunye answered while still busy rummaging the presents.

'No, I mean really I want you to forgive me coz I am not able to celebrate your birthday this year with you, dear. I'll be going to Japan with the boys because we have some promotional activities to fulfill there.' JiYong said, apologizing.

'Oh~, you can't'.celebrate..' Sunye trailed off without finishing her sentence.

'But don't worry, we definitely celebrate together when I got back from Japan and also with more presents.' JiYong promised, trying to cheer up his Sunye.

'Ok, I'm holding to your words, you better buy me something expensive and luxury in Japan or I won't forgive you' Sunye teased though she did mean her words about the present.

'Ok, dear, don't worry, I'll buy you expensive present that you cant even take it' JiYong said promisingly.

After spending time together, JiYong send Sunye back in the evening.

'Happy early birthday, dear!' JiYong said as Sunye get down his car. He pecked Sunye lightly on her red cheeks.

'Love you oppa, and take care of yourself.'

'Love you too, sweetheart' JiYong said as he waited for Sunye to get inside her apartment safely.


As the clock strike midnight, Sunye received a message that she is waiting for. A message that JiYong send to her when he just arrived in Japan. They exchanged messaged till the morning, like they used to do, filling in the stuff that they missed during the duration of their 'cold war'.

Next day, the birthday girl celebrated her birthday party organized by her company and sponsors, though all she wanted was to celebrate with the special someone that was currently in Japan that time.

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New reader here!<br />
love the story<br />
any plan for sequel?
omgggg i remember reading this on winglin loooooong time ago x3<br />
will re-read this again because i love it <3
namwustar #3
sorry I took so long to comment this xD<br />
so cute, so sweet, so so sooooo full of wonderbang love ;__; i miss them so much ;~;<br />
and oh finally a happy ending for them..<br />
I feel bad tho, bcos I ship sohee/jiyoung more than sunye/jiyoung XD but whatever... this story is great!!!! \m/
namwustar #4
I subscribed this first, will read this later xD