The Sleepover

Tale of the WonderBang Leaders (G-Ye)

After the meeting with the respective families, both are back busy with their schedules. JiYong wanted to marry as soon as possible and the only hindrance now is their schedule. Thank God, that at the moment the Wonder Girls did not have any hectic schedule. Big Bang in the other hand still had their promotions to do but JiYong figured out, that it is possible to squeeze out one day for the wedding.

That weekend, JiYong was feeling extra happy because Sunye will be staying over at the house after so long. He began cleaning his room and almost the whole house.

'Hyung, are you ok?' Daesung and SeungRi said confused by JiYong's weird behavior. All their life with JiYong, never did they see him cleaning the house, most of time it will be their job.

'It must be the power of love!' Taeyang said smilingly.

JiYong ignored all the playful comments made by his Big Bang members as his mind wanders about the plan tonight with Sunye.

'Why are you guys still here? Shouldn't all of you go back to your family house by now since tomorrow is our off-day.'
 Jiyong asked, annoyingly.

'Yeah, don't worry hyung. We'll get going as soon as Sunye nuna comes' Seungri answered mischievously, knowing that it will make Jiyong more annoyed.

'Aish, you guys, can't you just leave me and her alone. It has been ages since we have some lonely time together.' Jiyong said.

'Why do you need more lonely time with her when you already have her for the rest of your life already.' TOP said, matter-of-fact.

'Ok, whatever, just get out of the house as soon as she comes, okay?' Jiyong commanded to s.

'Ooooh, scary.' Daesung teased further.

The doorbell rang, which startled all of them. Before Jiyong get to the door, he said to s, 'Go and get ready now' and they all followed their leader's instruction obediently.

Sunye arrived with a small hand luggage for a stay over at her future husband's house. She felt amazed by the tip top condition of the house. JiYong quickly bring Sunye in to his room while the other boys eyed him. They actually felt happy for their leaders.

'OMG, did you just clean the whole house by yourself?' Sunye asked still couldn't believe.

'Yeah and they didn't help me' JiYong said, truthfully. He was delighted that, it impressed Sunye.

'Oh, my baby'Sunye said as she give JiYong a kiss on his cheek.

JiYong held on to Sunye's waist and said, 'Don't I get more than just a peck?' and he pout his mouth forward to get a kiss from his soon-to-be wife.

But Sunye pushed him away childishly and said, 'I think I want to hang out with the boys outside. It has been ages since we actually hang out together' as she make her way out of the door.

But JiYong grabbed her waist and pulled her back. They both fell on the bed and Sunye laughed playfully at JiYong's behavior.

'No, you can't. You have to spend the rest of the night with me. Do you know how long I have been missing you' JiYong confessed.

Sunye slowly put her arms around his neck as she studies his face. She ran her finger down his cheeks which make Jiyong 'shivered'. He pulled her close to him and their faces were just inches away when suddenly there is a knock at Jiyong's bedroom door.

'What, now?' Jiyong sounded so annoyed as he shouted at the door. Sunye lie back on his bed, laughing lovingly at her other half.

'Can we come in?' SeungRi said as he tried to open the locked door.

'No, you can't. I know you guys are so mischievous and will always find ways to disturb me and my wife.' Jiyong laughed at them as they were trying to get into the room. But then Sunye got up and went to open the door.

'Thanks nuna' Daesung said as the door open. All of them stood by the door with bags on their hand.

'Technically Jiyong, Sunye isn't officially your wife yet, you know.' Taeyang said.

Jiyong smug away at them as he held Sunye closed to his side,ignoring Taeyang's remarks. 'Who cares about the law as soon as she accepted my wedding proposal and wore the ring I gave to her, she is already my wife. Anyway, you guys are leaving now, is it?' Jiyong asked further.

'Yeah, I bet you cant wait to get rid of us as soon as possible' TOP said. 'Actually we are about to leave now, just want to say 'bye' to you, have a good time together. And Sunye, if Jiyong do anything stupid, you can give us a call and we will rescue right away' TOP continued.

Sunye laughed at his statement.

'Yeah, whatever.' Jiyong ignored his remarks and ushered them to the door, Sunye followed close behind.

'Have a nice time with your family and rest well.' Sunye said to them before Jiyong closed the door.

'Now, no one can disturb us!' Jiyong smiled at Sunye as she smile shyly back to him.

'What's for dinner, by the way?' Sunye asked as Jiyong and her walked to the living room.

'Rice cake?' Jiyong asked her and Sunye's eyes glimmered with hunger. 'Definitely'

Jiyong and Sunye then ate rice cake which both of them cooked together. By the time they finished dinner, it was almost ten at night.

'Ah, its almost ten already. I go and take bath first' Sunye said as she walked into Jiyong's room to get her stuff. Jiyong too followed her inside mischievously, 'Can we take bath together then?' Jiyong asked.

'No, of course not.' Sunye said as her face turn red. 'You go and take your bath in the other room,ok oppa?' Sunye said trying her best not to hurt his feelings. 'Besides im sleeping with you tonight So don't put on the sad face oppa' Sunye continued.

Jiyong smiled, 'Ok, I go and take my bath now'

Around half an hour later, both of them cleaned up and headed to the bed. Sunye lie her head on Jiyong's chest and asked him,'Oppa, how's the wedding planning? Is it smooth? How come you never asked me when I should go for the fitting or anything. Im like clueless about this whole wedding thing' Sunye asked endlessly, voicing out her curiousity.

'Don't you worry about that, baby. I have everything under control and your wedding gown will be the most beautiful one. I kind of design it myself with the help of my sister, of course.' Jiyong answered lovingly as he kissed Sunye's head.

Jiyong then took a remote control and press play, soon Yiruma's piano melody can be heard in the room. It was Sunye's favourite and the whole room suddenly 'became' romantic.

'Sunye ah~ ' Jiyong said 'Hmm' Sunye looked up and give a soft peck on Jiyong's jaw. Without continuing his sentence, he cupped Sunye's face and kissed her passionately. Sunye responded with the same reaction as she put her hand behind his neck.

Jiyong pulled Sunye closer to him and as they release to get some breath, Jiyong began undo Sunye's clothes, 'You don't mind, do you?' Jiyong asked for her permission. Sunye just smiled her approval and minutes later they continue to 'embrace' each other.


In the morning, Sunye woke up and saw Jiyong smiling face. She felt contented herself and at the moment feel that she was the luckiest woman on earth to marry such a caring and loving husband. She kissed him lightly on the cheeks which makes Jiyong woke.

'Morning, sweetheart. Do you sleep well?' Jiyong asked as he stretched his hands to pull Sunye close to him.

'Morning, yeah I slept very well last night.' Sunye said with some sarcastic remark to cover her obvious blushing.

Jiyong laughed as he understood what she meant. He kissed her on her lips before whispering, 'Last night was wonderful, dear.'

Sunye blushed redder and said, 'Yes, it is oppa.' She give a soft peck in return but then Jiyong held her tighter and kiss her.

They greet the morning that they spend together at each other's 'embraced' again. It is not until late afternoon that they finally got out of the bed to clean themselves and to have lunch. Clearly, happiness can be seen on their face as they watch television together and fed rice cakes to each other.

By the time it was seven, Jiyong escorted Sunye to the carpark. On their way, they bumped into the other Big Bang members who just got back from their family's houses. They chatted a while before Sunye went back to the Wonder Girls dorm.


That weekend, the Big Bang boys had an interview with KBS Entertainment relay and they were questioned endlessly about many stuff.

'So who is among the members will marry first?' the interviewer asked. Jiyong and some the Big Bang members pointed at him which make the interviewer curiously asked, 'So you have someone you date right now then?'

Jiyong was off-guarded by the question and almost 'spit' out the truth but his 'somehow quick' reflex saved him and he managed to cover it before the story got blown out of portion. Secretly, Jiyong was hoping that one day(not that soon anyway) he and Sunye would be able to tell the media and his fans about their love relationship and their future marital status.

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New reader here!<br />
love the story<br />
any plan for sequel?
omgggg i remember reading this on winglin loooooong time ago x3<br />
will re-read this again because i love it <3
namwustar #3
sorry I took so long to comment this xD<br />
so cute, so sweet, so so sooooo full of wonderbang love ;__; i miss them so much ;~;<br />
and oh finally a happy ending for them..<br />
I feel bad tho, bcos I ship sohee/jiyoung more than sunye/jiyoung XD but whatever... this story is great!!!! \m/
namwustar #4
I subscribed this first, will read this later xD