
Tale of the WonderBang Leaders (G-Ye)

JiYong has planned to take Sunye to Japan for their honeymoon after she got back from New York Chuseok Festival since they will be having some off-days which coincidentally is the Big Bang boys off-day as well. Japan was the memorable destination that they shared together previously also before Sunye departed for the JYP Concert in USA last February.

The young husband, Jiyong, who is full of surprises make sure that his wife, Sunye is clueless about the whole honeymoon thing. As planned, it would be Sunye's turn to sleep over at her husband dormitory that off-day. JiYong has mentioned earlier that he wants to spend some time alone with his wife while the rest of the big bang boys will go back to their families for the holiday. This means that the whole apartment 'belong' to the couple only - with no interruption whatsoever from the mischievous Big Bang members especially the maknae 'SeungRi'.

'Finally, a time alone. Just the two of us!' Jiyong said as he passed the plates to his wife. They just had their dinner together, pizza to be exact.

'Well, oppa~ we always have time alone together. Since when is it that we don't have time for both of us, apart from our busy schedules?' Sunye asked, taking the plates from her husband. She walked to the kitchen with the plates while Jiyong wipe the dinner table.

'Did you know although we are alone in our room, the boys 'never leave us alone'. They eavesdropped our conversation especially the Maknae, SeungRi who wants to know everything what we did. Aish, that ert boy.' Jiyong said as he walked towards his wife at the wash basin.

'No wonder you always switch on music but......wait, you don't really tell the boys 'exactly' what we are doing, right?' Sunye said, blushing.

Jiyong hugged Sunye's waist and said, 'Of course not, dear. The memories are so precious that it couldn't be describe in words' He smiled mischievously and pout his lips forward, requesting a kiss from his wife.

Sunye playfully pushed him away and turned to put the plates on the dish washer.

'But the guys knew what we are doing anyway, can't blame them to be so curious since they are controlled by their hormones.' Jiyong said as he helped Sunye to put the plates in the dish washer as well.

'Yeah, like you are not controlled by your hormones~' Sunye said sarcastically to her husband.

Jiyong approached closer to her and she willingly wrapped her hands over his broad shoulder.

'One thing for sure I am not because I'm entirely controlled by your love. It makes my hormones go crazy!'Jiyong said seductively as he leaned down to kiss Sunye's soft lips.

She returned the kiss before releasing it and said, 'So I should stay away from you coz it is 'unsafe' for you to let your hormones goes wild'

Jiyong suddenly turned serious and said to Sunye, 'Then go and pack your clothes right now, you are moving out of this house immediately.'

Sunye was taken aback and she was studying her husband's expression.

'Are you serious?.... Oppa, are you mad at me because I said that. I didn't mean it!' Sunye stammered, confirming what her husband has just said.

'Yes, I'm serious. Pack your things now, you are moving out'...with me. We are going to Japan tonight, for our honeymoon!' Jiyong said enthusiastically.'Got you, babe!' He continued.

Sunye hit his chest and try to pull away from Jiyong's grip but he didn't let her go.

'Oppa, you almost make my heart stopped. I seriously thought that you don't want me anymore and that we are going to divorce~' Sunye trailed off as she was trying to control her surprised emotion.

Jiyong cupped both of his hands at her face and capture her lips with his.

'You know I will never let you go, no matter what and I'm sorry babe if I make you sad. To compensate for my wrongdoings, I'll pack your stuff coz we are getting late if we don't get going now' Jiyong said as he lead his wife to his room to get started with their packings.


An hour later, JiYong and Sunye were already at the airport. They would not be going to Tokyo this time instead they'll be going to Osaka for their honeymoon. They reached Osaka around midnight and took a cab to their hotel. Sunye has never been to Osaka before and furthermore it will be her first time to be staying in a hotspring hotel. Jiyong has booked for them a hotspring suite where they will have a private hotspring pool for themselves only. They had some midnight snack before heading to bed.

'Morning, sweetheart' Jiyong greeted Sunye as she was folding the Japanese mattress.

Sunye smiled, the smile that would always makes his heart skip a beat and automatically he pulled Sunye towards him for a kiss. Sunye willingly followed but when their lips were about to touch, she pulled away and rushed to the bathroom.

Sunye vomitted the food she ate last night, her worried husband was right behind her and was patting her back.

'Are you okay, dear? Your face looks pale' Jiyong said as he passed the tissue to his wife.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I guess its because of the snack last night. I don't really eat late at night and it kinds of upset my stomach, I suppose.' Sunye said after she washed and wipe it with the tissue.

'Do you want to go to the doctor to check?' Jiyong said, with a worried expression.

'No dear, I'm fine and we should not waste our honeymoon like this. I cant wait to visit all the places you said last night.' Sunye cheered up her Jiyong. Jiyong reluctantly agree to his wife.

That day they spend their time visiting places like the famous Universal Studio and tasted many kinds of Japanese food like the Okonomiyaki which is a famous dish from Osaka. They only got back to their hotel late in the evening. They had planned to have a bath at the hotspring that night.

'Is the water hot?' Sunye asked Jiyong who was getting into the hotspring pool. Sunye was still standing by the pool with her towel covered her body. Jiyong nodded his head as he 'tested' the water.

'Very hot?' Sunye asked further for she doesn't really like to bath in hot water.

'No, its warm, baby. Trust me.' Jiyong said as he let out his hand to Sunye. Sunye took his hand and slowly put her leg inside the pool.

'Oh, its very warm' Sunye said happily.

'I told you.' Jiyong assured her and pulled her slowly into the pool with him.'And you don't really have to wear the towel inside the pool. Most Japanese goes into the pool, ' Jiyong continued as he take out his own towel and put it by the side.

'But what if people see?' Sunye asked worriedly. 'No, they wont coz this is a private pool dear and you see for yourself its all covered with high gates.' Jiyong said and helped his wife to put her towel by the side. Now, they both were cloth-less inside the pool.

'Wow, its full moon tonight' Sunye looked up trying to look away from her husband intense gazed. Though she is married and have seen her husband's body countless time, it never failed to make her feel out-of breath.

Jiyong looked up when Sunye said that. 'Seems that it knows what we are going to do and want to 'accompany' us tonight' Jiyong answered her as he playfully throw water towards his wife.

Sunye strolled away from her husband to avoid the splashing water. But Jiyong was quick to grab on her hand and pulled her towards him, their bare bodies touched each other, it brings down chill to their spines despite the hotness of the hotspring water.

Jiyong leaned closer towards his wife as she put her hands around his neck. They were locking gazes with each other, trying to take in the moment they are going to be 'together' slowly. As Sunye bring her lips closer to her husband, a tingled in her stomach make her pulled away immediately.

With covered, she quickly went to the washroom, vomiting her food again. Running behind her, Jiyong wrapped Sunye's bare body with the towel. Sunye vomited all her food and it only makes Jiyong worried about her further.

'Baby, I think im going to send you to the doctor tonight for check up' Jiyong said as he patted his wife's back. Sunye who was still vomiting, put her hand out, signaling that she doesn't want to.

'I'm fine, oppa. I guess it must be the food here which might not suit my stomach. I'll be fine in a minute.' Sunye said as she took a bathrobe and wear it. Jiyong too is now in his bathrobe. He passed his wife water to drink and take her to the sofa.

'I'm sorry, I ruin our 'moment', oppa.' Sunye apologized lovingly to her husband who was wiping the sweat off his wife.

'Don't worry about that, dear. We will always have time for that. I just want you to be healthy, that's more important and I'm going to bring you to the hospital~'

'No oppa, its okay. I'll be fine if I lie down' Sunye said as she make her way to their mattress on the floor.

'Ok baby, whatever you said' Jiyong followed her and he too, went to lie beside his wife. He put his arm around Sunye's neck so that she can sleep on his arm. He hugged her closer as he strayed her hair with his fingers.

'Oppa, sing a song for me~' Sunye said, with her eyes closed, feeling a lot calmer and better now.

Jiyong started to lullaby his wife with his song, soon both of them felt asleep.

The next morning, Jiyong woke up and found his wife shivering in cold. Her body was hot but Sunye still refused to go to the clinic. After taking some medicine she felt asleep and she slept for the whole day. Jiyong was always by her side, attending to her needs - feeding her and changing the towel that was on her forehead. With Sunye falling sick, they ended their 3 days honeymoon trip however that never stop the love they felt for each other.

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New reader here!<br />
love the story<br />
any plan for sequel?
omgggg i remember reading this on winglin loooooong time ago x3<br />
will re-read this again because i love it <3
namwustar #3
sorry I took so long to comment this xD<br />
so cute, so sweet, so so sooooo full of wonderbang love ;__; i miss them so much ;~;<br />
and oh finally a happy ending for them..<br />
I feel bad tho, bcos I ship sohee/jiyoung more than sunye/jiyoung XD but whatever... this story is great!!!! \m/
namwustar #4
I subscribed this first, will read this later xD