
Fake relationship


"Fine I will do it" you finally agreed. "But if Taemin is around you should get lost"

"Yes whatever! Now get out of my house and we will practice again tomorrow" he pushed you out of his house and you brushed your arm. You walked home to change into your work clothes. When you arrived at the cafe, it was already filled with people. "Excuse me" you tried to squeeze into the crowd and managed to walk into the kitchen. "Annyeong" you greeted L.Joe gleefully. He responded by smiling. You were running here and there taking orders and serving the food. L.Joe was also doing the same.

Someone spilled some coffee and you slipped. Luckily, L.Joe caught you. You dusted your clothes and pretended to cough. "Thank you"

The two of you went back to work. You were still bothered by the fact that you are now Youngmin's 'girlfriend' you were having a hard time focusing on your job. L.Joe patted your back. "Is something wrong?" he asked you.

You shook your head and half-smiled. You went back to work. Soon it was already dark and it was time to close the cafe. You closed it while L.Joe cleaned up. "Let's go home" he rested his arm on your shoulder. You were already sleepy and your eyelids were drooping. He noticed it and he kneeled down with his back facing you.

"Hop on" he said. "I will piggy-back you home"

You didn't want to but you had no choice since you were already half asleep. You fell asleep on his back and he can here you snoring. At that time, Jinyoung was also on his way home and he spotted L.Joe carrying you. He walked towards him and carried you away from him. "You can go now it's already late" Jinyoung said. L.Joe nodded and and left.

Jinyoung tucked you into bed and ran down when he heard someone knocking on the door. He saw a drenched Bora. They are the best buddies in their class. He let her sit on the couch and asked her why she is soaking wet.

Jinyoung: What happened to you?

"I broke up with Youngmin" she sniffed. Jinyoung let Bora rest her head on his shoulder and she cried her eyes out. "Everything will be okay" he comforted her.

She looked up to him and gazed at his eyes. "Thank you Jinyoung" she managed to speak clearly even though she has a blocked nose

Jinyoung patted her back and continued to comfort her. Then she cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. Jinyoung has been crushing on Bora ever since they became friends but he kept it a secret from her since he was scared that she would avoid him because of that. Soon, he started to kiss her back.

You woke up to drink water and you quickly covered your lips when you saw them sharing a passionate kiss. You managed to keep quiet and you tiptoed to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. Then you tiptoed back to your room. "Why are they kissing?" you asked yourself

You paced back and forth in your room. Then, your phone started beeping. You checked it but it was an unknown number. You answered it

You: Hello?

Youngmin: It's me Youngmin. Is Bora there in your house?

You: Yes and how did you get hold of my number?

Youngmin: I asked your brother. What is she doing there?

You didn't want to tell Youngmin the truth because you were afraid that he might start a fight with Jinyoung.

You: She's just...sitting on the couch

Youngmin: That's a relief then I knew she would go there because her bestfriend is there

You: Right. Bye!

You hung up and you could feel your heart pounding. "That was close" you thought. "What has my brother gotten himself into. Everything's so complicated now"

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Chapter 24: Finished reading..c:
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #2
Chapter 14: 3 angelic boyfriends... that was hard..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 9: pfffttf.... plot twist.. ahaha i remember this.. lol
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 8: ahaha.. lol l.joe oppa?? he is the lost twin.. uuuuwwwwww love it.. read it again for 2nd time n now i remember the whole story though i missed out some part.. teheheee
sahl-li #5
i really love it
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 24: awwwww not satisfied wit the ending..bcos i dun want the story to be ended it end too fast :( but i got more of ur fic to satisfied my craving..hehehe .nonetheless as usual it was AWESSSOOOMEEEE like all of ur other fanfic... ^^,
Know subcriber!!!!