Please don't replace me

Fake relationship


Bora went to your house because she has finally made up her mind. She decided to break up with Jinyoung. "I want to break up with you Jinyoung" she stuttered. Jinyoung's eyes were filling up with tears and he just shoved her away. "Just go" he said as he punched the wall. She was startled and he gave him a hug to console him. "I'm sorry" she said and left the house. Outside, she was leaning on a wall and feeling for her heartbeat. "That was easy" she had an evil smirk on her face.

When she came home, she was shocked to see it empty. It was already late but she decided to wait for Youngmin in the living room. When Youngmin opened the door, he was greeted by a furious Bora. "Where did you go?" she asked him menacingly. "I went out to take a walk" he lied. She raised one of her brows and went to her room.

Youngmin took out your picture that he hid underneath his clothes. He stared at it in awe and hugged it close to him. "I miss you ~~~" he said and rubbed his eyes.

Taemin went to your ward and decided to sleep on the couch in your ward. It was freezing cold that night but he endured it because he wants to be by your side. You woke up from your sleep since you were feeling cold. You saw Taemin shivering. You sacrificed your blanket and you covered him with it.

The next morning, Taemin woke up and found himself wrapped with a piece of thick blanket. He advanced towards you and felt for your forehead. It was burning hot. You were running a temperature.

He sat beside your bed and interlaced his fingers with yours. He rested his head on the edge of the bed and soon fell asleep.

Taemin woke up from the sound of the door squeaking. He quickly shut his eyes and pretended to sleep when he saw L.Joe

L.Joe placed the bouquet of flowers he brought for you and placed it on the table just beside your bed. Then he gave you a kiss on your forehead and left. Taemin cautiously opened his eyes and stared at you in awe.

"Please don't replace me" he begged and kissed the back of your hand. Unfortunately, you were still asleep and you didn't hear him.

He went back to his house to rest. You were dreaming. You were dreaming of the accident that occurred. You remembered the face of the driver but you don't know her name. You woke up from your dream and rubbed the back of your head. "Who is she?" you asked yourself and got up.

You were feeling giddy and it felt like the whole world was spinning. You went back to bed and you stayed there for the whole day. "I'm bored" you said. You reached out for your phone and listened to the phone conversations that were recorded in your phone.

"I think I like you ~~~" you kept on replaying it. "Youngmin do you really mean it?" you thought.

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Chapter 24: Finished reading..c:
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #2
Chapter 14: 3 angelic boyfriends... that was hard..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 9: pfffttf.... plot twist.. ahaha i remember this.. lol
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 8: ahaha.. lol l.joe oppa?? he is the lost twin.. uuuuwwwwww love it.. read it again for 2nd time n now i remember the whole story though i missed out some part.. teheheee
sahl-li #5
i really love it
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 24: awwwww not satisfied wit the ending..bcos i dun want the story to be ended it end too fast :( but i got more of ur fic to satisfied my craving..hehehe .nonetheless as usual it was AWESSSOOOMEEEE like all of ur other fanfic... ^^,
Know subcriber!!!!