Incurable disease

Fake relationship


You were rushed to the hospital and you were diagnosed with an incurable disease. The doctor spoke to Taemin. "She only has a year left to live" the doctor said in a soft voice. Taemin couldn't keep his mouth close because he was too shocked. He looked at your pale face from the window and started crying. "Why does this have to happen to you?" he thought.

Lots of wires were curled around your bed and you looked really weak. He was given the permission to enter your room and he sat beside your bed, waiting for you to regain your conciousness again. Days has passed, but you were still lying on the bed like a vegetable. Jinyoung and Taemin have been taking turns looking after you. You were still unconcious. The night when Taemin decided to stay by your side. You started having dreams and you kept on sleeptalking. "I love you" you mumbled in your sleep. Taemin woke up to check on you. "I love you" you mumbled again. Tears rolled down his cheek. "I know it's not meant for me" he wiped away his tears and went back to sleep.

You slowly opened your eyes and breathed out Taemin's name. He bolted up quickly and rushed to your side. He was happy that you were finally awake. He took your hand and cautiously brushed it. "Are you feeling pain anywhere?" he asked you. You shook your head and rubbed your eyes. "Why am I here?" you whined. He avoided your eyes and looked elsewhere.

You find it weird. "What's wrong with him" you thought. You leaned over to look at him closely. "What's wrong? Why won't you tell me?" you leaned over closer to him. "B-because" he stuttered.

"Because what?" you were growing curious.

"Because your time is running out. You only have a year left to live" he managed to tell you the truth. "Oh is that so" you hid your sorrow behind the smile that you showed him. "Are you okay?" he asked as he patted your back. You tried your best to hold back your tears and you gave Taemin a reassuring smile. "I'm okay don't worry" you said as you faked a smile.

"I still have a year left right. I want to use it fruitfully" you giggled and clapped enthusiastically. Tears won't stop flowing on Taemin's face. You wiped it away for him and hugged him. "Don't worry about me" you made your voice sound lively and happy although you were very sad.

You looked out the window and the sunlight went inside your room. "Can we go outside it feels very lonely here" you pouted and winked at Taemin. He ruffled your hair and agreed. He helped you up and you held hands with him.

You took baby steps and smelled the flower outside. You felt warm and comfortable. He was satisfied to see you smile once in a while. He squeezed your hand and kissed your cheek. You blushed in return and peck his cheek. "I know I'm not the one you love" he said in his head. You looked around and felt contented. "I don't want to forget this place" you thought as you took in a deep breath.

Taemin brought you in and tucked you into bed. "Go get some rest. I promise I will take you out again tomorrow" he kissed your forehead and left.

Taemin walked outside and called someone. "Come here to the hospital now. ~~~ needs you" Taemin said before hanging up.


Unfortunately, this will end tomorrow TT^TT

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Chapter 24: Finished reading..c:
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #2
Chapter 14: 3 angelic boyfriends... that was hard..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 9: pfffttf.... plot twist.. ahaha i remember this.. lol
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 8: ahaha.. lol l.joe oppa?? he is the lost twin.. uuuuwwwwww love it.. read it again for 2nd time n now i remember the whole story though i missed out some part.. teheheee
sahl-li #5
i really love it
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 24: awwwww not satisfied wit the ending..bcos i dun want the story to be ended it end too fast :( but i got more of ur fic to satisfied my craving..hehehe .nonetheless as usual it was AWESSSOOOMEEEE like all of ur other fanfic... ^^,
Know subcriber!!!!