
Fake relationship



When Jinyoung left, you quickly reached out for your phone and looked for Youngmin's name in your phone. You called it but he wasn't answering. Youngmin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He checked and saw your name on the screen. He just put it back into his pocket and continued moving in his things into their new house.

"Youngmin why aren't you answering" you sobbed. Taemin came in and took your hand and kissed the back of it. Your tears wouldn't stop flowing. "What's wrong?" he asked. You wiped it away and faked a smile but deep inside your heart was breaking into million pieces. "Who are you to me?" you asked him. He was deeply hurt when you asked him but he just brushed it off quickly and replied to your question. "I'm your boyfriend" his voice was soft. "I guess he will be able to help me forget about Youngmin" you said in your head.

You s your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his. His heart started beating madly and he was touched. He pulled away from the kiss and hugged you tightly. You were secretly crying on his shoulder. "Youngmin" his name kept on appearing in your mind. The doctor came in and checked your vital signs. "You can be discharged tomorrow" he announced.

Taemin pulled you close to his chest until you bumped into it and took your hand. "We will be able to go to school together now again" he squealed in joy. He tucked you into bed and you soon drifted into a deep sleep. L.Joe was busy wandering around the street to help pass time. His gaze was on the floor. He bumped into someone. "I'm sorry" he bowed and apologized continuously.

"Are you L.Joe?" Bora pointed at him and observed him from head to toe. He nodded and looked at her weirdly. "Why did you ask?" he said. She gestured for him to come closer to her. She whispered something into his ears. "No! I won't do that!" he stormed off.

Bora rolled her eyes in annoyance and folded her arms. "You will regret it" she hissed and went inside her car.

L.Joe was walking home and he seems distracted by what Bora ordered him to do.


Bora: Do you love ~~~?

L.Joe: Yes

Bora: But she doesn't like you back

L.Joe: I know

Bora: Do you feel angry because she dumped you?

L.Joe: A bit

Bora: You can take revenge on her by stealing her family's money

L.Joe: I will never do that

-End of flashback-

"Her parents has treated me like their own son" he mumbled in his head. But a part of him seems to be tempted to take revenge. "What should I do?!" he was frustrated and started punching the wall with his bare knuckles.

Youngmin was alone at home, he was dying from boredom. "Maybe I should visit ~~~" he stepped out of the house and made his way to your ward. You were asleep and he tiptoed to the edge of your bed and observed you from afar. "I will miss you ~~~" he whispered into your ears and left. When you heard the door squeak, your eyes quickly bolted open and you rubbed your eyes. "Who was that?" you asked yourself

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Chapter 24: Finished reading..c:
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #2
Chapter 14: 3 angelic boyfriends... that was hard..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 9: pfffttf.... plot twist.. ahaha i remember this.. lol
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 8: ahaha.. lol l.joe oppa?? he is the lost twin.. uuuuwwwwww love it.. read it again for 2nd time n now i remember the whole story though i missed out some part.. teheheee
sahl-li #5
i really love it
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 24: awwwww not satisfied wit the ending..bcos i dun want the story to be ended it end too fast :( but i got more of ur fic to satisfied my craving..hehehe .nonetheless as usual it was AWESSSOOOMEEEE like all of ur other fanfic... ^^,
Know subcriber!!!!