
Fake relationship


*Ring* *Ring* your alarm clock sounded. You lazily switched it off and sat up. You rubbed your eyes and protected it from the sunlight that is shining from the window. You hesistantly got up and did your daily routine. You were walking to school when you saw the arrogant kingka, Youngmin. He was busy flirting with his girlfriend, Bora. Bora is older than him but he didn't mind. He is more attracted to hot noonas. The someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and saw L.Joe beaming at you.

L.Joe has been your bestfriend ever since you were young. The two of you work part-time at a cafe together. Although he is rich, you were confused on why he still insisted in earning his own pocket money.

You rubbed your eyes and yawned. "Still sleepy?" he asked you and you nodded and stretched out your arms. Then you heard someone calling out your name. You looked at your right and saw Taemin waving enthusiastically at you. You ran towards him and gave him a big tight hug. L.Joe just looked at you both acting sweet. He clenched his fist and bottled in his jealousy.

The three of you walked to the classroom together. You sat on your seat and you were unfortunately sitting beside Youngmin. He looked at you in disgust. "Poor girl" he hissed. You grinded your teeth and smiled at him sarcastically.

The teacher came in and announced something. "We will have a talent show next month. You will be paired up with someone. I will anounce the pairs now.....And lastly, Youngmin and ~~~" she announced

"WHAT?! Me and Youngmin?! Dancing together?!" you screamed in your head. You were going to go crazy already.

You let out a deep sigh and Youngmin gave you an evil stare. "Let's practice later in my house" he said coolly. You nodded obediently and went back to your books. You study hard since your older brother, Jinyoung works hard to pay the tuition fees. You noticed that L.Joe was staring at you with his jaws wide open. You waved at him and laughed. He scratched the back of his head and blushed.

You were always thankful because you have an awesome bestfriend, a loving boyfriend and a caring older brother. Even though you can't afford all the things you have always dreamt of buying you were contented. The school bell rang and it was finally time for dismissal. You waved goodbye at L.Joe and gave Youngmin an evil smirk. He showed you his fist but you weren't scared.

You were walking home with Taemin while holding hands. You were looking at the beautiful scenery but you were also in a rush.

"Taemin" you cleared your throat. "I need to go now I still have to go to Youngmin's house to practice our dance"

He nodded and waved at you. "Take care" he called out

You ran to your house and changed into a new set of clothes. You looked at your reflection in the mirror. You were kind of ashamed since Youngmin looks down on you because you are financially unstable. You walked to his house and stared in awe at his mansion

He opened the door and he motioned for you to enter. He wrapped his arms around your waist and danced to the slow music. You were feeling uncomfortable and he noticed that you were sweating profusely.

Youngmin: I'm doing this for the show. It's not because I like you. Just stop overreacting

He pulled you close to him and you s your arms around his neck. You looked away and moved to the slow rhythm. Your hairs jumped when someone knocked on the door out of the blue. You tripped and fell on top of Youngmin. Your faces were so close to each other and you could feel him breathing. The person just opened it. It was Bora

She covered with her hand and started screaming. "Yah! It's over now!" she screamed. Youngmin went out to follow her but she just shook his hand away from hers. She slammed the door

Youngmin was very furious and he gave you a death glare. You curled up into a ball since you were frightened. "I'm sorry" you apologised. When you were about to stand up you lost your balance and you hit your head on the table just beside you. The vase sitting on top of it dropped and broke into pieces.

"Yah! Do you know how much that costs!" he scolded you. You shook your head and bowed to him. You apologised continuously but he wasn't listening to you. "I will pay you back as soon as I earn the money" you stammered.

"You can't even afford to buy your own food so how are you going to pay that large sum of money?!" he raised his voice. "You ruined my life today! Now Bora broke up with me because of your clumsiness!". You hung your head low and started sobbing. "I didn't mean to" you said in between your sobs.

Youngmin: You made this mess so now you fix it

You: How?

Youngmin: Well you can pay me back by pretending to be my girlfriend to make Bora jealous so that she will go back to me

"WHAT?!" you shrieked. He gave you an evil grin and you just looked at him in disappointment. "I don't want to but I have to" you sighed

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Chapter 24: Finished reading..c:
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #2
Chapter 14: 3 angelic boyfriends... that was hard..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 9: pfffttf.... plot twist.. ahaha i remember this.. lol
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 8: ahaha.. lol l.joe oppa?? he is the lost twin.. uuuuwwwwww love it.. read it again for 2nd time n now i remember the whole story though i missed out some part.. teheheee
sahl-li #5
i really love it
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 24: awwwww not satisfied wit the ending..bcos i dun want the story to be ended it end too fast :( but i got more of ur fic to satisfied my craving..hehehe .nonetheless as usual it was AWESSSOOOMEEEE like all of ur other fanfic... ^^,
Know subcriber!!!!