It’s Your Turn

⌈It's Just A Four Letter Word⌋


It’s Your Turn
November 26th


EunAh glanced around the faces of those sat at the long table. She instantly regretted it. She wasn’t one for socializing when she had a choice, she was even less of one when she was pressured into it.

“Which do you pick?”

“Truth.” The dancer told quietly and reached into the designated bowl. Unfolding the slip with all eyes on her, she felt her stomach turn when she read the words scrawled on the paper.

“What’s it say?”

“Tell us something you don’t think anyone would guess about yourself.” Scrunching the request up into a ball, EunAh tilted her head a little in thought. “That I have a tattoo, I guess.”

OkCha and KiSe glanced to speaker. Saving herself from drinking whatever cocktail Ria had concocted for her, the art major raised both brows in curiosity. “I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“Where? What is it? The taller redhead weaved her head and pointed around the older female’s body dowsed in a long cable knit sweater. “Something ?” She grinned and JangMi shook her head.

“There’s no chance.”

Pulling the sleeve up, EunAh flashed the inside of her left forearm at her company. “It’s a personal reminder to myself never to lose my way.” Moving her line of sight down to the ink a few inches across, the pad of her index finger ran over the compass embedded into her skin.

“I think that’s a reminder we could all use.”

Feeling the mood begin to drop, KiSe started to sing the offset of the T-Ara song in pun with her fellow redhead’s name. “Ri-Ya-ya-ya~ It’s your turn.”

Immediately sticking her hand in the dare bowl, the shorter redhead pulled out a slip and unfolded it. Reading the words, she broke down laughing. Handing it off the woman beside her, the psychology major read the dare. “You have to take a set of the guy’s underwear,” opening the case, she plucked out a thick roll-up. “Tell them a story as to why you want them, and then get a picture with it. The more humorous it is,” lighting the end, pungent smoke laced the group. “the more points you get.”

“Oh, this is horrible.” JangMi watched on in discomfort. “Who made this?”

“Done.” Rounding her seat, the business major saluted as she exited the main door. “But turn those fire alarms off before we’re all chucked out on our ear.” She gestured up at the little red blinking light on the ceiling.

EunAh snapped around in her seat to see Ria pulling the neckline of her top down, rearranging her s to amplify her cleavage. “Ouhwah, she’s really doing it!

“Of course she’s doing it.” InHyeon sniffled her nose clear as she hung her head over the green herbs she was fixing into roll-ups. “I’m just wondering whose she’ll bring back.”

“Let’s play the next game while we wait.” OkCha offered and the remaining redhead went about pouring out shots in ready.

It hadn’t taken long to find the Male Accommodation Wing through the winding hallways; Ria liked to think it was down to some built-in radar when hunting down . Standing outside of the door of the boys’ dorm room, Ria knocked on the door. When that didn’t work, she sent the same message of ‘open the goddamn door’ to the groupchat they had made during supper. After waiting for five whole minutes, she banged on the wooden plank. Some seconds passed and the barrier opened to reveal a grey t-shirt with a nerdy science pun on it. Looking up, Ria stared at JongDae’s face. “Give me your underwear and then take a picture with me.”

It took a second, but the man tilted his head like a simpleton and the word fell from his mouth. “What?”

“Just because I’m younger than you doesn’t mean you get to use such informal language.”

“I’m sorry, but this is too weird.” He waved upheld hands as he backed away from the barrier.

The gap opened and the woman took advantage of it. “We’re playing truth or dare. My dare is to get your , and a photo with a sign.”

Horrified, JongDae pointed at himself. “And it had to be me?”

“You’re the first to answer the door.”

“Ria Ssi...”

“Don’t make this any harder than is should be.” She held her hands out, wriggling her fingers the same way you would in threat to tickle a child.

“It was hard enough on the bus.” A chuckle cut in from inside of the room at the wording.

Pushing her way inside, Ria stared at the group of men around the table in the same place as the one in her own dorm. ChanYeol had a fluffy polar bear hat on, YiXing with a flashing antler headband, and MinSeok was sporting a French mustache drawn on in marker. Beside the eldest, JongIn and BaeHyun were wearing a bedsheet cape and bowler hat - tied together. Facing her, JunMyeon was wearing his shirt back to front, and was sat slumped to the side.  Ria had been there not even two minutes and she could see him slowly slipping further off the chair. It was like the iconic picture of dogs playing poker, but only if it had been made up of insane asylum patients instead of canines.

Almost forgetting her reason for being there, Ria took a deep breath and shook her head. “If you think the crazy is going to scare me away, then you’re wrong.” Holding her phone up, she placed a cigarette to her lips and flicked a lighter she had nabbed on her way out. “Give in, or deal with water sprinklers.” Sniffing her nose clear, she looked at each face. “And one of you will still lose your undies.”

Terrified by the threat of lighting a cigarette in their common room, JunMyeon shot to his feet. Sadly, he didn’t stay on them for very long. Staggering, but managing to catch ChanYeol’s shoulder in time to save himself, the leader dragged himself into a more respectable stance. “You can’t just go around asking for peoples’ underwear, Hwrang We-Ri-a.”

Waving off the man whom had just butchered her name, the redhead looked to the others. “It’s not like I’m asking you to give me the ones you’re wearing. Jesus Christ.”

“No, Thehun…” The groan from the couch broke the tension.

“So,” hands on her hips, Ria smirked at the abnormal situation. “who’s it going to be?”

“Ther’d rules here, Ri-ah! Diddyu not read bduh back ov yuh dur?”

Watching the usually upstanding man slur and sway from side to side, Ria fiddled with her phone as she put her weapons away. “How much have you drank?”

“I don’t think he remembers.”

“It’s your turn, Unnie.”

The blonde shoved her hand into the bowl and pulled out a slip. Trying to read the the words, InHyeon pulled her chin in to cause fat rolls as she squinted. Blowing a raspberry, she handed it over to EunAh who was sat beside her. “I can’t read that.”

“Are you blind, Unnie?” Her words were more of concern than a dig at the older woman.

“Unless there is a wad of cash, booze, thick thighs, or a jawline for days, I can’t see a damned thing.” Taking a sip of the neon blue concoction which had been mixed in a water pitcher, the sport major flapped her hand.

Sipping her water, JangMi mumbled to herself. “At least she’s honest.”

“Then take my challenge!” KiSe grinned. Standing up abruptly, she pointed at her friend dramatically.

Quirking her left brow, the blonde gave a throaty hum in challenge. “You know the price of it.”

“Ah, I get it.” KiSe knocked back two shots in quick succession. “Are you willing to play?”

“What are you doing?” OkCha glanced between the pair in panic.

“Raising the stakes.”

“I don’t want to play any more” JangMi grunted.

Eyes on the taller redhead, InHyeon slapped her palms on the table and leaned forward. “Come at me, brah.”

“Rules for the game have changed. There are no drinking substitutes; you have to complete you’re truths or dares.”

“Or what?” OkCha asked, her face paling at the sudden escalation of the situation.

“Party foul, girl.” KiSe glanced to the speaker through the dim moonlight. “If you don’t complete your task, you’d better not fall asleep because we will get you.”

“What does that even mean?” EunAh held her hands close to her chest.

“Don’t play and you’ll find out.”

“Your choices are: Truth: Is there a guy you like? Dare: Put on your skimpiest top and go to the guy’s room and ask for a spare glass." EunAh glanced to the eldest female with panic. “Oh my...” She wasn’t ready for it to get so serious so soon.

The blonde tried not to snort a laugh at the words but she couldn't help it. As the statement sunk in, she kicked the redhead opposite her. "That was you, wasn't it?"

Rubbing her shin under the table with her face scrunched, KiSe hissed. "If it was me, the dare would be a striptease."

EunAh's eyes went wide in shock. "Right here?"

The redhead snorted and waved her free hand not so convincingly. "No, in front of the guys."

Stone-faced, the blonde played with a quirked brow. "Are you turning les?"

"Shut up." KiSe flicked a bit of her drink at the eldest.

"I choose..." She smirked as she looked over her dorm mates with a grin. "Truth."

"Holy ." KiSe exclaimed. "I thought you were going to choose dare."

"It's pointless me choosing that," InHyeon shuffled the questions and sat back. "because there's no one who has my attention right now." She answered both the psych major's question and the game’s at once.

"If you say so~" A few of the usual suspects sung in jest.

"Next;" The blonde spun in her seat and pointed accusingly. "Jay!"


"She doesn't like her name because it's too girly." InHyeon wobbled her head mockingly.

Nodding to herself, EunAh hummed quietly. "I'll keep that in mind."

Taking a slip from the pile, the brunette took a deep breath and unfolded her choice. "Truth: Tell a secret nobody knows, or Dare: Down five shots in under twenty seconds."

"How did I get this one?" The music major looked as though she'd been punched in the gut. "Who wrote it?" She inspected the faces of her peers to find the culprit.

"Yeah, that one was me, too." KiSe confessed with a shrug.

JangMi chewed the corner of her lip and tapped the table top with her fingers in thought. Each of the women waited, wondering what the music major would pick. "Maybe dare..." Said the brunette as she tilted her head and her eyes landed on the bottles of alcohol in front of her.

Pouring herself a cocktail of a bit of everything plus a splash of tonic water, KiSe inclined her glass to JangMi. "'Cause we're kind, you can choose your poison."

"Oh, thanks." JangMi scoffed a bitter laugh, the sarcasm clear in her voice. She wasn't big on drinking and certainly hadn't had the chance to try many types. Thinking of this whole trip as a new experience, the brunette thought she might as well give something new a test. "...The Tequila..."

"Tequila makes her clothes fall off, it is." KiSe sung as she snatched the bottle and started undoing the lid.

JangMi's eyes widened at the mention of drink's nickname. "Wait-what?"

"Come on, Jay Ah." OkCha prodded the table in an attempt to encourage the victim. "You did pick dare."

Lining up the five shots in front of JangMi, KiSe grinned like a maniac. "Bottoms up, Honey." A suppressed cackle slipped past rouged lips.

Wetting her lips, InHyeon sent a wink and tried not to laugh at her friend's misfortune. "It only hurts for a second."

Taking another deep breath, JangMi steeled herself and picked up the first shot. Staring down into the clear liquid, the nineteen year old hesitantly put the drink to her lips. Knocking back the Tequila, the brunette hissed is shock.

The shouts above the countdown blurred into laughter. "Keep going!" Just as the calls resounded, the main door opened and in stepped Ria.
Getting to her final shot, the brunette felt her stomach churn and burn. Huffing for a breath, JangMi gripped the edge of the wooden worktop for moral support. "Ohmahenga-Jesus Christ!"

"No, Thehun." Ria swung a pair of snowflake print briefs around her finger and the room exploded in howling laughter.

Slamming his cards down in a temper tantrum – partly due to the female interruption, partly down to the fact this was the fifth round that he was about to lose - JunMyeon grumbled. "Fold." His forehead hit the platform and the maze puffs crunched under the weight.

Waiting for his turn, BaekHyun turned to the man beside him. "What are you doing for your birthday, Yeol?"

Intently staring between the small heap of Cheesy Puffs and his cards, the tallest hummed, not even paying attention to the question. "There's not much I can do about it here, is there?"

Inclining his cards towards his chest, JongIn peered up with interest. "When's your birthday?"

Again, ChanYeol didn't look up. "Tomorrow." He really wanted those Cheesy Puffs.

"Saturday birthdays are the best." JongDae shook the man beside him from excitement. "Let's ask around if there are any bars. We can meet a couple of girls."

Sneaking a peek at the music major, MinSeok hid his smile behind his cards. "That's if you don't blow it when one of them touches you."

Eyes shooting to the eldest, JongDae spluttered. "Her s were right on me! What was I supposed to do, ignore it?" He slapped the table top, causing the glasses to shake and YiXing's Cheesy Puff pyramid to collapse.

The foreigner stared at JongDae as if he was about to fire his lasers, but the blank faced glower went unnoticed above JunMyeon intervening with a drunken slur. Turning in his seat to face the boy talking about his sister, JunMyeon's eyes narrowed as he forced a smile. "Can we stop talking about that?"

Holding his hands up, and flashing his cards to everyone in the process, JongDae apologized. "Sorry, Hyung."

"They look comfortable." A murmur came from behind the group.

JunMyeon instantly snapped around to scold his junior but couldn't bring himself to actually do it when he noticed the youngest half passed-out on the sofa facing the fire. With one leg dangling over the backrest and his head hanging from the armrest, the bleach blonde stirred with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and dribble running down his face.  

"I win." YiXing told and the others didn't quite believe it.

Brows narrowed in wonder, JongDae asked. "Are you sure you're not confused?"

"You're the one that's confused; you ruined my art and didn't even say sorry." The dancer prodded the table with each word.

"Chill, bro-"

"I WON!" Shooting up out of his seat, YiXing gripped the edge of the table and rage-quit. Flipping the worktop, the dancer panted. "I won..."

BaekHyun lounged back in his chair and swirled the bourbon in the fine cut crystal tumbler. Glancing to the overturned table like it was perfectly acceptable, the short brunet merely went back to looking at the others. "I think he won."


Updated: 4th January 2019 - 18:15



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How did I even get any subscribers for this story? The speller and gramming...jfc OTL


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Did you just rebooting this story..... again?????
How dare you... how dare you giving me hope when I saw this fic is updated! XDDD
Anyway, good luck in re-writing it! ^^ XD
Chapter 23: omg omg omg, how could end this chapter like this... asdfghjkll! I want moarrrrrr!! XDD

Anyway, I've been wondering are you like a clairvoyance? lolol... because I noticed that co-incidentally, every EXO's members from Jeonsang are the ones who are still in EXO. Because I'm pretty sure you write this before Kris, Luhan and Tao leave EXO... and remember even Tao himself said he is a vampire? and you already wrote that in this story? I think you learn how to read people's future XDDD
Chapter 22: oo8 -The scene with Ria and Baekhyun ..... was making totally speechless. Probably would react the same way as Jong In and Jang Mi XDDD

And I just can't with Sehun lisp.... it getting me now.. and I only understand half of what he said XDDD

oo9 - of course, the ovulating comment still lingers in head up until now.... and I feel sorry for Sehun now. And why everyone is such a hoe? XDDD don't hurt that poor baby! and Baekhyun totally deserved that flying text-book!

overall, I just love how they interact with each other. All the witty comments and actions. I see that you now actively updating this again. Hopefully you will continue this until it finish! haha... Fighting Tasha!
Chapter 19: I think at the end of this trip, all of them have to go to AA meeting. They been drinking alcohol as much as they can breath! XDDD
and THANKS FOR INCLUDING THE-YOU-KNOW-WHAT-I-MEAN-SCENE, though it will due to next chapter.
so far, none of your fic that I subscribed are completed. Maybe I should unsubscribed? XDDD
but of course, no pressure though. FIGHTING!! :))))
Chapter 17: MRW when I saw updates on this fic:

Tell us the truth, will we ever going to know how this story's ending? XDD but truthfully i don't blame you though. I'm a master of procrastination as well so I totally understand if you don't update this.. haha but of course it will good if you really can finish writing this. Love the idea of truth or dare. Wondering whose underwear became Ria's victim.. XDD andddd will we got to see hot scene from the bar's toilet stall again?? lolol
Chapter 15: I am so happy with the new update! I really missed this fic and i miss you too big time!!
So, on to the story, supper time reminded me of Hogwarts students eating dinner in the great hall lol and the vice-principal's like Umbridge and the points system's really cool. Have i already mention that i love it? No? Well, i love it so damn much lol
And tbh i wanted more of the girl's truth or dare game, i love stuff like that and i feel like it would be really fun if the boys get to join too but gah seventeen people lol >.<
Oh btw, Ria and tequila. I love you really. I love tequila and that part got me "yas, accurate asf!"
Love the update~ xx
Chapter 15: Can't believe my eyes when I saw this fic updated! XD I thought you already forget about this story. Haha.
I like how detailed you explained the situations... and you elaborate more on the woman principal (?). LOL
Can't wait for the mischief that the student will be doing soon. XDDD
Chapter 14: Looking forward for more updates! Love how you write in detail about JangMi's character having her 'car sick' moments. Happened to me all the time! XD
Chapter 13: I saw this fic is updated.. it must be A DREAM??? Anyway, Happy Un-Birthday to you too... Hahaha... Keep on fighting writing this fic!
Chapter 22: It's official.

Tao is a VAMPIRE.