New Beginnings

It's A Twisted Small World.

Chapter 14
New beginnings


Has it finally come to this? It was a new beginning. Fireworks played in my dreams, and I woke up with an adrenaline rush like I've never felt before. New years eve. I couldn't believe it. Six months in Korea. That's one hundred and eighty two days of my life. And a new Chapter was about to begin.
My life? It was just getting better. G-D had came back and everyone wanted to know why. Though Lauren was to drunk to function right now, her typical new years, where she decides to ‘YOLO’ then regrets it the next day and says “I’m never getting drunk ever again.”
Which led us to the next morning with Lauren’s hangover. “You always say that, we all know you’re going to get drunk again, luckily the next holiday is in like two months.” Lauren widened her eyes. “Valentine’s day?” she replied with a slight hoarse voice but with utter excitement. “Hold your horses, stop thinking with your..” she gestured to her lady part, before she could continue Minho walked into the room. “Your what?” he asked innocently. “Nothing.” they both replied in unison, flashing innocent smiles at him. “Have you seen G-D?” good question, was was he, thought Natasha, chuckling to herself in her mind. “Why are you laughing?” Minho then said. “What? I wasn’t..” it turns out it wasn’t so silent after all.
G-D walked downstairs, he to had a hangover. He grinned and I gave him a look. That reminds me, I should let you know what happened the night before…
New Years Day:
Natasha and G-D were making out in the bathroom when someone knocked. “Uh.. hold on!” she answered. Pulling back before he leaned in again. “We should tell people about this should we? I mean.. it could be our secret..” she said. “Deal done.” he replied before leaning in and kissing her once more.
Present Day: “So, I have a bunch of questions.” Minho added. “I’m gonna stop you right there.” G-D said, putting his hand out in front of Minho. “My life is personal, and I know you want to know all about my glory one-night stands, and I know you don’t know what a circle jerk is.” He said. “I don’t need to kno—” Minho said before G-D carried on; “Don’t even get me started on the rodeo. But you know what’s the sad part?” G-D mentioned. “Did I even ask?” Minho replied. “That if you know what things are, you’re a manwhore, but if you don’t you’re the innocent one. Though you’ll get laughed at either way.” he said laughing, tapping Minho’s shoulder. “The is always more fun.” he said, sighing sarcastically, then walked away. Lauren of course tried not to laugh, during this conversation they were having, but it was too much. “Is he good?” she asked, chuckling uncontrollably with Natasha.
“Yeahhh.. I’m gonna go to work.” Natasha said. “WORK? I mean.. work.. you don’t work..” Lauren said, while being surprised, Natasha could tell she had a hint of jealousy in her tone of voice. “I recently got a job.. it’s not all that fancy, I have two shifts today at the bakery.” she said, which wasn’t necessarily a lie, but what she failed to mention was the extra shift was her and G-D going on a secret date. “You got a job at Kim’s Cakes?!” that’s the one job Lauren had an eye out for. It can’t be, there’s something else.


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